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Memorial Day 2020 – Like No Other


PARSIPPANY — This year’s Memorial Day is unlike most of us have ever known, and hopefully unlike any of us will see again.

We are commemorating this solemn day dedicated to the people who gave their lives for American liberty at a time when our nation is facing the most destructive economic and social dislocation since the Great Depression of the 1930’s.

Like the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, the coronavirus blindsided America with the psychological and economic impact of a military invasion We were caught off guard…all of us. But we did not crumble. We are fighting back, and we are winning.

Like the young soldiers who throughout our nation’s history went off to war to defend freedom, we have embraced sacrifice and suffered casualties during the pandemic. Today our front-line soldiers are nurses and doctors in hospitals and people working nursing homes. Our troops today include the people who keep our supermarkets open, maintain our food supply train, produce medicines, and educate our children.  They answered the call to duty, as we all have.

This response is no accident. The civic DNA of America stems from generations of soldiers, sailors, pilots, and nurses who put their lives on the line to fight tranny around the world. They believed their duty was not to themselves, but to their country and their countrymen. That DNA, that heroism that we commemorate on Memorial Day has been passed down to us today – and we all the better for it.

The spirit of Memorial Day lives with us this year, even if the traditional ceremonies are absent. There will be no parades, fewer ceremonies, and limited celebrations this year. Social distancing is the order of the day now. But no amount of distancing and precautions should cause us to forget to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. We can honor them this Memorial Day by working together to defeat the viral enemy that has taken so many lives, destroyed businesses, and disrupted families.

And let us remember too that wars and sacrifice are not eternal. Just a few scant months ago the U.S. economy was booming; unemployment was at an all-time high; people were prospering, companies were hiring, wages were increasing and dreams were being realized.

We can get there again. We will get there again. Because the American Spirit cannot be defeated!

Enjoy Your Memorial Day
BettyLou DeCroce

Memorial Day Ceremony Streaming Online at 10:00 a.m.


PARSIPPANY — The Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills hopes that everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather this Memorial Day Weekend. Be sure to join at 10:00 a.m. (May 25) as we share our Memorial Day Celebration & Commemoration.

You can view the live stream here or you can also tune in to Public Access Channel 21, Facebook, or YouTube to be part of this important tradition. Live streams will begin at 10:00 a.m. and will run every hour on the hour on public access television.

Here in Parsippany, we are proud to continue the tradition of honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation.

Front Line Morris Has Meals Available To Anyone In Need


PARSIPPANY — Front Line Morris has available 200 dinners available and over 250 lunches to be given out to anyone that needs lunch or hot dinner for Memorial Day. The meals were donated by Randy Grieco from Sterling Affairs Catering and Events.

The meals are available on Monday, May 25 (Memorial Day), from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon on a first-come, first-served basis.

Pick up the meals at Par-Troy Little League East, located at 10 Eileen Court (Off Vail Road)  Proceed behind Northvail School and up the hill, to the parking lot at the Little League. You can either park in the lot or drive down the hill to the concession stand for pickup.

Drew University Hosts Virtual Commencement


MADISON — Drew University held a virtual Commencement ceremony full of Drew pride to send off the Class of 2020.

More than 1,000 people checked in throughout the event, watching the live stream or viewing in one of several watch parties, and filled the live chat with congratulations, emojis, and plenty of exclamation points.

President MaryAnn Baenninger began the festivities via Zoom before giving way to recorded greetings and speeches from Javier Viera, vice provost and dean of the Theological School, William W. Landis III C’85, chair of the Board of Trustees and Debra Liebowitz, Provost & Dean of the College of Liberal Arts & the Caspersen School of Graduate Studies.

Student speakers Pooja Manhas C’20, Jessica Brandt G’20, and Ama Aidoo T’20—representing each of Drew’s three schools—delivered spirited addresses to their classmates.

Provost Liebowitz encouraged virtual cheers. The Forest heard, and responded. President Baenninger honored the 2020 Teachers of the Year, Brianne Barker (CLA), Kathie Brown (Theological School), and Kristen Turner (Caspersen).

Following a symbolic conferral of degrees, a full roster of graduating students scrolled up the screen as faculty and staff offered shoutouts and words of congratulations, inspiration, and gratitude.

Speeches from Madison Mayor Robert Conley, Board of Trustees member Michelle Hampton C’85 and Bishop John R. Schol gave way to a celebratory tossing of confetti and playing of the alma mater to close out the ceremony.

Sunrise Movement Morris County Endorses Charlie Baranski

Charlie Baranski

MORRIS COUNTY — The Morris County hub of the national Sunrise Movement has thrown its support behind Charlie Baranski’s campaign for Morris County Freeholder. “We know first hand that Charlie is ready to fight for all of us in Morris County on the freeholder board. Charlie understands that climate change is affecting and will continue to affect every aspect of society. He is committed to bringing bold progressive change to our county and always puts people over profits.” said its members in a statement endorsing Baranski.

“Morris County and Northern New Jersey is an epicenter of the climate crisis,” said Baranski in accepting the endorsement and outlining his environmental priorities. “Our waters and natural resources are suffering, and warmer summers have poisoned Lake Hopatcong, driven up our flood and fire insurance costs, and made it more expensive just to live as we always have. As we prepare for more extreme heat this summer, we need to vote for a genuine climate champion who can stand up for Morris County residents and resources against those who seek to develop or sell off our county parks, or discount the destructive effect the climate crisis has on our residents.”

Sunrise’s endorsement is their first in a county-level race in Morris County and the first of any environmental group in the July 7th Democratic primary for Freeholder. You can learn more about Mr. Baranski’s campaign by clicking here.

Mr. Baranski helped to found the Morris County hub last year and remains a member. He fully recused himself from the whole of the endorsement process, as did hub coordinator Ms. Samantha DiFalco, who holds a position on Mr. Baranski’s campaign.

Front Line Morris and Bednar Landscaping Cleans Pool at St. Peters

The pool hasn't been used in a few years and needs major cleaning

MORRIS COUNTY — Rob Zwigard and Teddy Stanziale, volunteers from Front Line Morris, along with Bednar Landscape Services, Inc. worked very diligently in cleaning up the pool and tuning the filter at St. Peters Orphanage.

The pool hasn’t been open for the adolescent boys for the past few years due to a lack of maintenance of the pool and surrounding area.

Front Line Morris is looking for additional volunteers to help in the final steps of getting the area in shape for the summer months. If you are interested in participating in this or other Front Line Morris volunteer opportunities please email Stanziale01@gmail.com.

To donate to Front Line Morris GoFundMe fundraiser, click here.

St. Peter’s Orphanage is located at 170 Diamond Spring Rd, Denville.  (973) 627-0212.

St. Peter’s Orphanage is a residential treatment facility for adolescent boys, whose parents, for a variety of reasons are unable to care for them. Their boys have mild to moderate emotional, behavioral or social problems Although St. Peters is a residential facility, they work very hard to assure our residents an atmosphere that is truly non-institutional, and more like a large family.

St. Peter’s Orphanage is always looking for donations. Donation Line proudly accepts vehicle donations for St Peter’s Orphanage. We have towing agents in all areas of the United States ready to pickup your car donation ASAP. Non-Running, junk, and salvage cars are also accepted. In addition to auto donations we accept donations of boats, trucks, RVs, motorcycles, jet skis, snowmobiles, planes, and real estate. Click here for more information.

There are many volunteer opportunities for schools, businesses, community organizations, and individuals at St. Peter’s Orphanage. The residence is set on nine acres and houses more than sixteen young men so they can always use landscaping assistance and contracting type maintenance/upgrades in the plumbing, painting, electrical, heating/cooling, and carpentry areas. Community organizations/groups and schools can volunteer time with grounds clean up, smaller-scale on-site projects, fundraising for specific needs related to the residents (e.g., camping/sporting equipment, clothing or furniture, etc.). Corporate sponsorship is another way local, state, and national/international business can improve both the quality of life for these young men and the facility they live in.

St. Peter’s Orphanage also has a wish list that can be ordered directly from Amazon. Click here for more details.

Parsippany Introduces 2020 Budget


PARSIPPANY — The Parsippany-Troy Hills Township Council voted to introduce the 2020 Township Budget, on Tuesday, May 19. The final budget will be voted during the June 16, 2020 (rescheduled) Township Council meeting.

Due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic Council Meetings will be held via a web conferencing program named ZoHo.  This program will allow the public to listen to the meeting and to participate during the public portion session only.

Please be advised that in order for a member of the public to participate they must fill out the registration information using their real name and address, anyone not using their real name and address will not be allowed to speak during the public portion.  (Note: Parsippany Focus will update this article with the link to access the meeting)

Click here to download a copy of the 2020 Introduced Budget.

Senate Accepts Pennacchio Call for Special Committee to Investigate COVID-19 Crisis

Senator Pennacchio, who has been calling for a Senate committee to investigate the state’s pandemic response, thanked Senate President Sweeney and Senate Republican Leader Kean for their leadership after they announced the formation of a special panel.

MORRIS COUNTY — State Senator Joe Pennacchio thanked Senate President Steve Sweeney and Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean, Jr. for allowing the formation of a special committee to investigate the state’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.

Pennacchio released the following statement:

“I echoed the same concerns and desires articulated by the Senate President and Republican Leader Kean in today’s announcement. The focus of our committee must be a factual review of what has happened to date, what should not have happened, and how we can make it better going into the future.

“I would hope the Senate would vote to form this committee, with subpoena powers, as soon as possible. I would also hope the committee, like Governor Murphy, will hold its meetings in Trenton, in the People’s House, for all to see.

“The special committee must be able to work in real-time to share its concerns and determine how we can open up our economy and return to normalcy. It must determine how we can better safeguard the lives of our most vulnerable citizens living in long term nursing facilities.

“To that end, I stand prepared to begin work and I challenge the Senate to construct and enable this committee as soon as possible.

“On behalf of the citizens of New Jersey who want answers, I thank the Senators Sweeney and Kean for their leadership.”

CCM to Conduct Online Commencement Ceremony to Honor the Class of 2020

County College of Morris

MORRIS COUNTY — Since County College of Morris (CCM) is not able to hold an in-person commencement ceremony this year, the college will provide the Class of 2020 with a virtual celebration Friday, June 12, at 7:00 p.m. on YouTube.

This year’s commencement was originally scheduled for Friday, May 22, but with the college’s move to a remote teaching and learning environment and the extension of the Spring Semester, the date has been moved to June. More than 1,200 students will receive degrees or certificates this year.

The video will be available on the CCM Class of 2020 website by clicking here.

Rev. Dr. Sidney S. Williams, Jr., an impact investor and practical theologian with more than 30+ years of experience in corporate and community development, will serve as the keynote speaker. Prior to becoming a minister, he worked on Wall Street where he developed a successful track record for managing the research, analysis, and development of sustainable business models for new products and services; participated in over $10 billion in public equity and debt offerings, acquisitions, mergers, joint ventures, and intellectual property licensing; and worked for first-tier investment banks.

Williams has pastored churches in Cape Town, South Africa, and trained pastors and served as a missionary on three continents. He currently serves as the senior pastor of Bethel Church of Morristown and has guided the development of the Spring Street Community Development Corporation to improve the quality of life for Morris County families. Programs operated through the community development corporation include Table of Hope, which serves meals five days a week, offers a food pantry and operates a mobile food delivery service, all at no cost; the SOAR program to provide middle and high school students with a pathway to college; and the New Life Recovery & Reentry Program to support those suffering from addictions. He is the author of two books, Morning Meditations: 100 Days to Believing You’re Successful and Fishing Differently: Ministry Formation in the Marketplace.

After obtaining a Bachelor of Business Administration from Howard University, Williams earned an MBA from the Wharton School of Business and then a Masters of Divinity from the Wesley Theological Seminary. In 2018, he earned a Doctor of Ministry Degree from Payne Theological Seminary. Like many CCM students, he was the first in his family to graduate from college.

The commencement ceremony will be led by Faculty Grand Marshal Laura Gabrielsen and will feature remarks from President Anthony J. Iacono, who will highlight several outstanding graduates from the Class of 2020. Also providing remarks will be Morris County Freeholder Director Deborah Smith and a member of the CCM Board of Trustees. Serving as the speaker from the Class of 2020 will be Emma Mendoza, president of the Student Government Association during Academic Year 2019-20, who was named to the 2020 Phi Theta Kappa New Jersey All-State Academic Team for her academic excellence. In addition, the 2020 Peace Prize (www.ccm.edu/peace-prize/) will be presented by Professor Laura Driver. A listing of the names of graduates also will be provided, along with the conferral of degrees and certificates and video tributes for each of the academic schools.

To mark the celebration, CCM has developed a lawn sign families can have printed to recognize the accomplishments of their graduate, noting that the Class of 2020 is “Virtually the Greatest Class of All Time.” That can be downloaded by clicking here. Also housed on the website are Zoom backgrounds of the campus that graduates, their families, and friends can use for virtual celebrations. In addition, the college is asking graduates to post photos on its Instagram account,www.instagram.com/ccm_nj, using the hashtag #CCMGrad2020.

The YouTube Class of 2020 video will remain available for viewing following the premiere airing on June 12.

Recreation Summer Playground Programs Canceled


PARSIPPANY — Parsippany-Troy Hills Parks and Recreation has announced that all summer playground programs – Tot Time, Half Day Playground and All Day Playground are cancelled this summer.

This decision was not easy to make, but ultimately had to be because the safety of the children, staff and their families must be paramount.

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 public health guidelines and restrictions issued by the CDC prevent us from operating these programs in the way that our children deserve – a fun, engaging, social and interactive experience.

For those of you that already registered and pre-paid, refunds will start being issued as soon as possible. Please be patient with us as we work to get everyone refunded.

Parsippany Community Update May 22, 2020


PARSIPPANY — Nearly 50,000 COVID-19 related scams have been reported to the Federal Trade Commission’s Consumer Sentinel Network, and almost 1,400 in New Jersey alone.

• Don’t respond to texts, emails or calls about checks from the government.
• Ignore online offers for vaccinations. There are no products proven to treat or prevent COVID-19 at this time.
• Be wary of ads for test kits. The FDA recently announced approval for one home test kit, which requires a doctor’s order. But most test kits being advertised have not been approved by the FDA, and aren’t necessarily accurate.
• Hang up on robocalls. Scammers are using illegal robocalls to pitch everything from low-priced health insurance to work-at-home schemes.
• Watch for emails claiming to be from the CDC or WHO. Use sites like coronavirus.gov and usa.gov/coronavirus to get the latest information. And don’t click on links from sources you don’t know.
• Do your homework when it comes to donations. Never donate in cash, by gift card, or by wiring money. For more information click here.

Touchless Digital Menu System For Restaurants Launched


PARSIPPANY — The Interactive Firm, a premier provider of full-service social media marketing and guest reputation management services announced the launch of MyMenusOnline, its new touchless digital restaurant menu system.

With MyMenusOnline restaurant guests simply scan a tableside QR code or NFC tag to view the restaurant’s menu on their own mobile device. The system is meant to replace traditional printed menus and eliminates concerns in potentially passing germs between in-house dining guests handling the same menus.

“The new normal has us all concerned with the cleanliness of everything we interact with and touch, especially when it comes to restaurant dining,” said DJ Vallauri Founder and CEO of The Interactive Firm. “Our research indicates that consumers prefer the ability to view restaurant menus on their own mobile devices over the handling of physical menus which may not have been properly sanitized between dinners,” added Vallauri.

MyMenusOnline is managed and updated by the restaurant via any mobile device, tablet or desktop PC. All changes are pushed out to consumers in real-time, ensuring “daily specials” are always up to date.

MyMenusOnline is 100% web-based and mobile optimized and there is no need for any app download. Guests scan a unique QR code or NFC tag and ‘automagically’ the restaurant menus appear on their devices. Guests can also save restaurant menus to their mobile device home screens for future access.

“According to a recent COVID-19 report published by the National Restaurant Association, restaurant operators that are getting ready to reopen will need to consider how they operate under much stricter sanitary guidelines,” said Vallauri. “Some industry experts are calling for one-time-use disposable menus, which is sure to increase the operating costs for restaurant owners. With MyMenusOnline, we take that cost out of the equation.”

For more information and a demonstration of MyMenusOnline click here or call (800) 609-7657 extension 700.

The Interactive Firm (TIF) is a full-service digital marketing agency supporting companies across multiple business verticals, including travel & hospitality, food services and veterinary healthcare. Founded in 2001 and located at 900 Lanidex Plaza, Suite 242, TIF has established itself as an award-winning digital marketing, social media engagement and reputation management company.

Parsippany Salon Set Reopen June 1 Regardless of Murphy’s Orders

Brick and Mirror Beauty Bar

PARSIPPANY — Partners Nick Mirabella and George Verdis, of Brick and Mirror Beauty Bar, say they will reopen their salon despite Governor Phil Murphy’s executive order that prohibits it.

Their salon located at 750 Route 46 in the Arlington Plaza Shopping Center will open up June 1 with or without permission. Murphy’s Executive Order 107, issued March 21, closed nonessential businesses due to the coronavirus pandemic. It specifically listed personal-care services, which, by their very nature, result in noncompliance with social distancing guidelines.

Nicholas Mirabella washing a customers hair. File Photo

In an interview with CNN, “What it comes down to is we have families to feed and our employees have families to feed,” George Verdis said. “At the end of the day we were told by Gov. Murphy we were going to be 15 days, this was in March, then it went to 15 more days and then 30. There obviously isn’t a plan from his end to open up.”

George Verdis cutting and styling a customers hair. File Photo.

In a prepared statement from Parsippany-Troy Hills Police Department “In response to Brick and Mirror Beauty Bar’s announcement that they plan to open their business on June 1, 2020, in direct violation of NJ Governor Murphy’s Executive Order #107, they were formally advised by Parsippany-Troy Hills Police Department (PTHPD) that if that opening were to occur, the violation would be reported to the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office, who would review the matter to determine applicable charges.”

“While Parsippany-Troy Hills Police Department understands the social and economic difficulties with the COVID-19 Health Emergency and applicable NJ Executive Orders, we are duty-bound and will continue to enforce NJ Executive Orders. Whether being made aware of planned violations or observed on-view, PTHPD will similarly respond to NJ Executive Order violations. As we all continue to safely, although painstakingly, emerge from this health crisis, PTHPD and all Emergency Service personnel respectfully ask for your understanding and patience,” said Parsippany Police Chief Andrew Miller.

Another local business, Puff City and its owner Sadik Kocaoglu, 40, of Lafayette, was charged on April 23 by Parsippany-Troy Hills Police for operating in violation of the emergency orders. Puff City is located at 1220 Route 46. (Click here for article)

Parsippany resident Rita A. Lacis, 61, was charged with violating the Governor’s executive emergency orders on Saturday, April 4, by the Rockaway Borough Police Department. Police had given Lacis a warning after they learned that she was continuing to operate her dog grooming service.  Then she was charged when officer saw two customers drop off a dog a short time later.

Although humans may not be able to get a haircut, their pets can. Pet grooming services along with pet day care and pet boarding businesses are able to operate in line with social distancing guidelines in a wave of clarifications to Murphy’s executive order, which went in effect May 4.

In another developing story, a South Jersey gym that reopened on Monday in defiance of Governor Murphy’s stay-at-home executive order has been shut down by the state and county, officials announced Thursday, May 21.

The New Jersey Department of Health signed an order shutting down Atilis Gym in Bellmawr on Wednesday night, Camden County Spokesman Dan Keashen said Thursday morning. The order was then posted outside the gym by county officials.

“Atilis Gym has continued to operate in non-compliance with Executive Order No. 107, thus posing a threat to the public health by failing to adhere to the measures taken to mitigate the spread of COVID-19,” the order signed by New Jersey Health Commissioner Judith Persichilli reads, in part.

On Friday, May 22, the gym once again reopened in defiance of Governor Phil Murphy’s stay-at-home executive order after it was shut down by the state and county.

Lakeland Hills YMCA Announces Two Ways To Receive Fresh Food For Those In Need


MOUNTAIN LAKES — In conjunction with the New Jersey YMCA State Alliance, the Lakeland Hills Family YMCA will supply free boxes of fresh produce from Seashore Fruit and Produce Co. on Tuesday, May 26 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

If you or someone you know is facing financial hardship due to the ongoing crisis, please come by the Lakeland Hills Family YMCA to pick up a box containing apples, potatoes, onions, lettuce and other fresh produce.  Drive up to the front of the building and the box(es) will be placed into your car for you so there is no contact.

Free Prepared Food Trays

The Mansion at Mountain Lakes is providing prepared food trays for those in need. Their chefs are using foods donated from U.S. Foods, and will prepare trays for individuals, couples, or families. If you or someone you know needs this type of assistance please contact Jim at The Mansion at Mountain Lakes by email at Jim@themansionML.com or phone at (973) 794-3900. The Mansion is located at 90 Route 46 East, Mountain Lakes.

Council Meeting Schedule for June Revised; Residents Can Join Virtually

Council Vice President Loretta Gragnani, Council President Michael dePierro, Councilwoman Emily Peterson, Councilman Paul Carifi, Jr., Councilwoman Janice McCarthy

PARSIPPANY — Please be advised, the Township Council of the Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills is rescheduling its regularly scheduled Township Council Meeting that is to be held on Tuesday, June 23.

The meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 16 at 7:00 p.m. Formal action may or not be taken, and any other action reasonably related thereto may also be taken.

There will also be the regularly scheduled Agenda meeting on Tuesday, June 9 at 7:00 p.m. Formal action may or not be taken, and any other action reasonably related thereto may also be taken.

Due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic Council Meetings will be held via a web conferencing program named ZoHo.  This program will allow the public to listen to the meeting and to participate during the public portion session only.

Please be advised that in order for a member of the public to participate they must fill out the registration information using their real name and address, anyone not using their real name and address will not be allowed to speak during the public portion.  Click here to access the meeting.

Parsippany Community Update May 21, 2020


PARSIPPANY — Tomorrow, Friday, May 22, we will once again be joined by the Table of Hope for our 8th weekly mobile food delivery here in Parsippany. Since this program began on April 3rd, we have distributed thousands of meals to Parsippany families. All residents are welcome to come pick up fresh food for you and your family from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Liquid Church, located at 299 Webro Road.

Junior Police Academy Canceled


MORRIS COUNTY — The 2020 Morris County Park Junior Police Academy has been canceled for this summer, announced the park police department.

“It’s with great disappointment and regret that we announce the cancellation of this year’s Junior Police Academy. Besides the obvious reason of the COVID-19 pandemic, the facilities of the Morris County Public Safety Training Academy may not be open, and if they are, will most likely be used to train much-needed new first responders and provide in-service training for current first responders,” the statement said.

The Junior Police Academy was scheduled for July 6 to July 10.

Anyone with questions, can email cdigiralomo@morrisparks.net or cpetrocy@morrisparks.net or call (973) 326-7654, extension 1.

Parsippany Community Update May 20, 2020


PARSIPPANY — May is Mental Health Awareness Month. With COVID-19 cases still rising, and stay-at-home procedures still in effect, it is as important to monitor your mental health as it is your physical health.

A great resource for learning more about signs, symptoms, conditions, treatments, research, and statistics is the National Alliance on Mental Illness. You can visit their website at NAMI.org. NAMI also has a hotline available to answer questions, provide support, and explore next steps if you or someone you care for is or may be experiencing a mental illness.

Please call the Help Line Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., at 1-800-950-NAMI (6264), or email info@nami.org.

Parsippany’s Open Space Meeting Announced


PARSIPPANY — Please be advised the Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills will hold a Special Meeting on Friday, May 22, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.

The purpose of this meeting is to allow the Open Space Committee to discuss the purchase of Open Space Property, specifically the Kosut Property.

Given the COVID-19 Pandemic this meeting will not be held in person but through the use of a virtual media platform. Click here to access the meeting. Formal action may or may not be taken.

Members of the Open Space Committee includes Mayor Michael A. Soriano, Chairman; Jennifer Vealey, Administrative Officer; Michael DePierro, Council Liaison; Gabe Yaccorino, Grant Administrator; Dr. Jean Montecuollo; Len Cipkins; Jean Montecuollo; Ruth Palmeri and Dr. Joseph Weisberg.

Sherrill Outlines Recommendations to Treasury, SBA to Help New Jersey Small Businesses

Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill

PARSIPPANY — Representative Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11) sent recommendations to the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) outlining key steps the agencies can take to help New Jersey small businesses and to fix the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) programs.

On April 29, 2020, Representative Sherrill released a small business survey for the 11th Congressional District to gather data on small business programs. More than 340 small business owners responded to the survey and shared their experiences with the PPP and EIDL programs, including: status of their applications, unanswered questions, recommended changes, and challenges they face in preparing to reopen. Representative Sherrill’s letter to Treasury and the SBA is built upon the concerns and recommendations from New Jersey small business owners.

“In the effort to get relief out to our small businesses, it is critical that we respond to the concerns of our small business owners by addressing the gaps and inefficiencies they have identified in the PPP and EIDL programs,” wrote Representative Sherrill. “These programs need to be fixed to better support New Jersey businesses that are struggling through no fault of their own. The perspectives of small business owners have been invaluable as we work to better manage the economic recovery.”

The full text of the letter can be found by clicking here.

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