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February MPAC Music Students of the Month

MORRIS COUNTY — Students from Parsippany, Randolph, Budd Lake, Chatham and Morristown schools were honored as Mayo Performing Arts Center’s February 2023 Music Students of the Month – Outstanding Orchestra members — prior to the Thursday, February 16 performance by Lviv National Philharmonic Orchestra of Ukraine.

Students were nominated by their teachers and were chosen by the Theatre’s Education Department based on their commitment to and excellence in the performing arts. The students were honored on stage prior to the concert. The Theatre will honor a group of students every month throughout the season and invites area teachers to nominate students for this honor.

The 2022-2023 Music Student of the Month program is supported by The Walter F. and Alice Gorham Foundation, Inc.

About the February Music Students of the Month (bio supplied by their instructors) 

Sanjihana Bharanidharan – Grade 7, Brooklawn Middle School; Parsippany; Nominated by Adam Austerlitz

Sanjhana is not only an excellent musician but a dedicated and passionate learner as well as a natural leader. She has been taking private lessons for several years and is currently working on the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto. Sanjhana spends much of her free time practicing or creating music with others.  Outside of school, Sanjhana participates with the Lakeland Youth Symphony orchestra. Sanjhana has also proven a highly effective leader during ensemble rehearsals. She takes her role as concert mistress seriously and does everything she can to get the best sound out of the orchestra.

Phillip Byrne –Grade 12, Morristown High School; Morristown; Nominated by Norma Davis

Phillip Byrne has been an outstanding member of the Morristown High School Orchestra and select Chamber Orchestra for the past four years.  He is incredibly dedicated and is an extraordinary musician.  Phil serves as section leader for the double basses and can always be relied upon to give one hundred percent in every rehearsal and performance.  He loves learning, is fully engaged, and is an outstanding collaborator.  A natural role model, Phil enthusiastically encourages his peers to reach for and achieve the highest level of musicianship possible.  He thrives on challenges and performs with passion.  He expertly leads bass sectionals and lessons and is committed to the success of the Orchestra.  Phil gladly takes advantage of every music opportunity, performing on the bass with the jazz band, wind ensemble, small ensembles, choir, and pit orchestra for the musicals.  He excelled in AP Music Theory, enjoyed delving into music analysis at a deep level, and used his ear-training skills to write and transcribe bass parts that he performed with the concert choir.  Phil always goes above and beyond with a great attitude and works hard to accomplish his musical goals.  He has high standards, an eye for detail, and performs with a powerful, rich sound.  Although tremendously talented and accomplished in his chosen art, Phil is humble and always ready to pitch in as needed with a positive attitude and a smile.  It is no wonder that whenever any music faculty member at MHS needs a bass player, they ask Phil.  His convivial personality, impeccable integrity, determination, and self-motivation make him a gem among his peers.  Phil has a bright future ahead and will surely make a difference to those he meets in life, his future studies and career.

Brandon Liu – Grade 12, Chatham High School; Chatham; Nominated by Liam Keller

Brandon is a Senior violinist who has been a part of the orchestra program in Chatham for his entire time in the district. I worked with Brandon for four years as the Director of Orchestras, Chamber Ensemble Advisor, and Music Theory teacher. Brandon is a highly organized and motivated musician, constantly striving to achieve his personal high standard for performance in everything he does. Brandon is a strong student leader and his peers and faculty respected his academic work and character. As a member of the orchestra program, chamber orchestra ensemble, and Musical Pit, Brandon was confident during rehearsals and consistently demonstrated excellence during many professional performances. My assessment of Brandon is extremely positive. Brandon has been a constant positive force of energy motivating his peers to excellence. Always interested in the concerns of others, he was available to help students requesting assistance by becoming a tutor for his peers. Brandon is a team player and understands the process of moving from the model of good to great. It is with great pleasure that I recommend Brandon be granted consideration for this award. I assure you Brandon’s record of strong intellectual and academic achievement, performance ability, integrity, character, leadership, respect for others, and his unfailing energy to use his talents to their fullest, merit your consideration. 

Laurily Merzatta – Grade 7, Brooklawn Middle School; Parsippany; Nominated by Adam Austerlitz

Laurily is an exceptional violist and overall musician. She recently placed 6th chair in the North Jersey Intermediate Region Orchestra. Along with her viola studies, Laurily is a very talented arranger. Recently, she arranged a unique and inspiring rendition of “Happy Birthday” for strings for my birthday. Outside of school, Laurily also performs with both the New Jersey Youth Symphony and Lakeland Youth Symphony, where she recently won the concerto competition with the Telemann Viola Concerto. Laurily’s musical abilities are not only restricted to viola. She is also a highly capable trumpet player, performing with the Brooklawn Middle School band, and vocalist, performing with the Brooklawn choir and having recently been cast as the Stepmother in our school’s production of Cinderella.

Elizabeth Morgievich – Grade 11, Randolph High School; Randolph; Nominated by Eric Schaberg

Elizabeth Morgievich is one, if not the most talented student, I have had the privilege of teaching over my 30+ year career.  She was Accepted last spring into All-State Orchestra and performed with that ensemble this past November of 2022, Elizabeth has just been given the rare Honor of being a member of All-Eastern Orchestra which has a process to select only a very few students from the Eastern United States.  The All-Eastern Orchestra will perform later this spring at the famous Eastman School of Music.  Elizabeth has just recently successfully auditioned for Region 1 Sr. Orchestra and has been a member every year in her High School and Middle School Years.  This is an orchestra in which string players audition/compete from the Northern part of NJ to become a member of the Region 1 Orchestra.  Elizabeth was given the fourth chair in the 1st violins and 6th chair overall out of the 48 violins who made it into the orchestra.  To top off an incredible year for Elizabeth, she will be playing “Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso” by Camille Saint Saens with the Randolph High School Orchestra, as the violin soloist.  She is also part of the upcoming Randolph Musical, “Fiddler on the Roof” in the spring.  With all of these wonderful accolades, Elizabeth is very kind, humble, and a true pleasure to work with as her Director and for her colleagues in the High School as well.  She is the student that every Director wishes they had the opportunity to teach in their career and I am lucky to have had the privilege! 

 Ahana Mukherjee – Grade 8, Mount Olive Middle School; Budd Lake; Nominated by Aimee Jimenez

Ahana is a wonderful student. She is always asking for more – music recommendations, additional help, videos to watch, and giving me suggestions for orchestra repertoire for the class. Not only that, she is eager to help others learn and will often jump in to help a fellow student before I can. She is confident in her abilities, but not arrogantly so, and responds well to critiques and makes the same adjustments across repertoire often without prompting. I truly believe she will go far with music.

Mayo Performing Arts Center, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, presents a wide range of programs that entertain, enrich, and educate the diverse population of the region and enhance the economic vitality of Northern New Jersey. The 2022-2023 season is made possible, in part, by a grant the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a Partner Agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, as well as support received from the F.M. Kirby Foundation, The Blanche and Irving Laurie Foundation and numerous corporations, foundations and individuals. Mayo Performing Arts Center was named 2016 Outstanding Historic Theatre by the League of Historic American Theatres, and is ranked in the top 50 mid-sized performing arts centers by Pollstar Magazine.

Parsippany Lions Club announces the “Spring Food Festival” to support First Responders

PARSIPPANY — Parsippany Lions Club is affiliated with Lions Clubs International, the world’s largest service club organization with 1.4 million members in 50,000 clubs across 200 countries.

The club is hosting its first-ever Spring Food Festival on Saturday, March 25, at the Central Middle School, 1620 Route 46, from 12.00 Noon to 3.00 p.m. The Honorable Mayor James Barberio and the Chiefs of Parsippany First Responders will inaugurate the festival.

The event has been organized as a fundraiser for the brave men and women who serve as First Responders – EMS, Firefighters, and Police.

“We are thrilled to bring the community together for this exciting food fest and to support our First Responders,” said Pratap Jayakar, President of the Parsippany Lions Club. “We hope to see everyone there, having a great time while making a difference in the lives of those who serve our community.”

The Parsippany Lions Club invites everyone to attend to show their love and support for our real-life heroes. This event promises a wonderful afternoon full of mouth-watering delicacies, exciting games, and fun activities while garnering support for a worthy cause. Making this event a success will motivate the volunteers to organize other programs for causes, including Childhood Cancer, Diabetes, Vision, and much more.

For more information on Parsippany Lions Club, click here. The Parsippany Lions Club is a local group of service-minded men and women doing local volunteer work to support your community.

Car Jetting Through Parking Stalls in Shopping Center Hits Two Vehicles; Driver Sent to Hospital with Injuries

PARSIPPANY — A Sunday afternoon stroll through Troy-Hills Shopping Center caused a multi-vehicle accident and sent one driver to Morristown Medical Center.

The incident on Sunday, February 19, at approximately 12:30 p.m., occurred when Ms. Gwendolyn Jackson, 75, East Orange, was jetting through the Troy Hills Shopping Center, improperly crossing through parking stalls. She struck a vehicle parked (owned by Mr. Michael Iradi) and then struck a vehicle driven by Mr. Lubos Vencalek, 58, from Verona, head-on.

Ms. Gwendolyn Jackson was driving a 2008 Grey Toyota Camry.

Ms. Jackson was transported to Morristown Medical Center by Parsippany Volunteer Ambulance, while Mr. Vencalek was treated at the scene by Rockaway Neck Volunteer Ambulance.

Both vehicles were towed from the scene by Eagle Towing. The third vehicle sustained minor damage and was driven from the scene.

A witness at the scene stated Ms. Jackson was traveling at a high rate of speed through the parking lot, striking both vehicles.

Parsippany-Troy Hills Officer Paul Christal was the investigating officer.

At the time of this article, there was no summons issued.

Parsippany-Troy Hills Township Regular Council Meeting – February 21, 2023

PARSIPPANY — Parsippany-Troy Hills Township Regular Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 21.

Regular Township Council Meetings will commence at 7:00 p.m. All meetings will be held on Tuesday evenings. Council meetings are held at Parsippany Municipal Building, 1001 Parsippany Boulevard. Formal action may or may not be taken at all scheduled meetings.

Click here to download the agenda.

Any individual who is a qualified disabled person under the Americans with Disabilities Act may request auxiliary aids such as a sign interpreter or a tape recorder to be used for a meeting. Auxiliary aids must be requested at least 72 hours before the meeting date. Please call (973) 263-4351 to request auxiliary aid.

Click here to download the 2023 agenda schedule.

Mayor and Council

Mayor James R Barberio
Council President Loretta Gragnani
Council Vice-President Michael J. dePierro
Councilman Paul Carifi Jr.
Councilman Frank Neglia
Councilman Justin Musella

DeCroce: Gov Murphy’s Energy Plan is Fantasy ‘I Would Not Vote For It’

PARSIPPANY — BettyLou DeCroce said she will oppose any legislation the Governor puts forth on his revised clean energy plan that he introduced Thursday, calling the plan a “fantasy.”

DeCroce, who served nine years in the assembly and is running this year to return to the state legislature, said the Governor’s Clean Energy II edict will saddle businesses and homeowners with enormous costs while providing little environmental benefit. The Governor said he will need legislation to enact some of the dictates of his plan.

“The governor’s Green Energy II plan is a “no energy plan,” said DeCroce. “It is the stuff that liberal dreams are made of. New Jersey needs a realistic energy plan – not one that the left is trying to push down the throats of hard-working people.”

DeCroce said if she returns to the Assembly, she will oppose most, if not all, of the governor’s proposed legislation that sets arbitrary goals, such as outlawing gasoline-powered cars by 2035 and forcing the retrofitting of heating and cooling systems for hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses.

“My job as a legislator is to do what is best for the people in District 26, not to help the governor polish his liberal credentials so he can run for president in 2024,” said DeCroce.

DeCroce said the governor’s “fantasy energy plan” has no cost projections. “What is the governor’s blueprint going cost residents? The governor isn’t saying. Where’s the BPU (Board of Public Utilities)? Where is their estimate of the financial burden the plan will force on homeowners, business owners, and car owners?” asked DeCroce. “The Governor is asking for a blind emotional buy-in to his plan. Where are the costs estimates; what is the real environmental benefit, and what are the risks associated with this plan?”

“I care about climate change as much as anyone. I want my grandchildren to inherit a healthy environment. But I also want them to live in a state with reliable, full-time energy for a reasonable cost. I want them to have heat in the winter and air conditioning in the summer. I want them to have transportation that works when they need it. The Governor’s plan will not provide them with any of those things,” added DeCroce.

Ash Wednesday Service at St. Gregory’s Church

PARSIPPANY — St. Gregory’s will hold an Ash Wednesday Service on Wednesday, February 22, at Noon and 7:00 p.m.

The noon service will be about a half hour, and the evening service will be full of hymns.

St Gregory’s Episcopal Church is located at 480 South Beverwyck Road.

Ash Wednesday is a holy day of prayer and fasting in many Western Christian denominations. It is preceded by Shrove Tuesday and falls on the first day of Lent. Catholics observe it in the Roman Rite, Lutherans, Moravians, Anglicans, Methodists, and Nazarenes, as well as by some churches in the Reformed tradition.

Lent will be observed from February 22 to April 8 this year. It is a period of religious observance in the Christian liturgical calendar, marking the 40 days that Jesus spent fasting in the desert, enduring temptation by Satan.

Dog In Lap Causes Crash; Car Flipped Over

PARSIPPANY — Mr. Stephen Flynn, 67, Hackettstown,  was traveling west on Route 46 near Baldwin Road on Sunday, February 5 at 8:57 p.m. behind a 2005 Minni, towed by the Mobile Home driven by Mr. Kenneth Sawyer, Vermont.

Flynn told Parsippany Police Officer Pasquale Parisi that his dog was sitting on his lap, and the dog began to move, causing him to look down at the dog. When the driver looked down at the dog, he crashed into the Minni, pushing the vehicle into the Mobile Home, which was stopped at the red traffic signal.

Flynn’s vehicle crashed into the Minni, which the Mobile Home was towing.
Damage to the Mobile Home
Damage to the Mobile Home

After crashing into the 2005 Minni, Mr. Flynn’s 2020 Nissan Rogue vehicle lost control and flipped onto the driver’s side.

Mr. Flynn was charged with (39:4-97) Careless Driving.

The 2020 Nissan and the 2005 Minni were towed from the scene by C&L Towing.

Ash Stone Honored During New Jersey Region III Competition

PARSIPPANY — Parsippany Hills High School Academic Decathlon (AcDec) Team participated in the New Jersey Region III Competition on Saturday, January 28, at Woodrow Wilson Middle School in Clifton.

The six team members who participated were Haroon Afzal, Ram Gupta, Nishanth Makkithaya, Chaitanya Matrubai, Ash Stone, and Danial Tanveer. Chaitanya Matrubai earned an individual Honorable Mention, and Ash Stone took ten medals and awards, including one for being the Highest Scoring Varsity competitor for the regional competition. As a result, Ash has been invited to compete at the state level as an individual on Saturday, March 4.

Academic Decathlon is a 10-event scholastic competition for high school students. The events include math, science, social science, literature, economics, art, music, speech, essay, and interview. This year’s theme is the American Revolution. Team coaches are Jaclyn Bevacqua, Italian teacher, and Jacqueline Forte, Spanish teacher.

EnVogue Salon Celebrates Grand Opening of it’s new location

PARSIPPANY — EnVogue Salon opened its door for the first time in July 1994. From the moment it opened, it made a reputation for itself as a salon that creates beautiful looks, confidence, peace, and a caring environment for all its clients. From the very start, the salon had a creative team who put their best foot forward and made the salon a place for everyone to enjoy themselves.

Ratnesh Khandelwal, Uncle Om Khandelwal, Aunt Madhu Khandelwal, Bharti Khandelwal. Photo by Keshav Khandelwal.

One of its creative team is Bharti Khandelwal. Bharti is an immigrant who first came to the USA in 2003, dreaming of making a better living for herself, her husband, and her future family. She enrolled in an Artistic academy to gain her cosmetology license in 2004.

From 9-5 every day, she studied as a student at the academy and worked a retail job at night. Her hard work and passion paid off in 2005 when she received her cosmetology license and got her first job at EnVogue Salon.

There she worked as an assistant for six months, gaining and learning more and more, and finally became an official hairstylist. Thus, she worked as a hairstylist for 11 years at EnVogue, creating beautiful results and even more beautiful smiles.

For 11 years, she put forward hard work, dedication, and commitment, showing only her best to the world and, more importantly, her clients.

Parsippany-Troy Hills Economic Development Committee Chairman Frank Cahill presents Bharti Khandelwal with a plaque congratulating her on the new location of EnVogue and thanking her for her continued support in Parsippany.

In 2017, all her hard work paid off, and she got the opportunity to take over the salon as its new boss and purchased the salon.

Once she took over the salon, she worked even harder, creating social media accounts, new clientele, and a new name and identity for the salon.

She was soon joined by Paul, a stylist who has supported her through thick and thin and is still with her in the salon today! While EnVogue was already an amazing salon, she took it to a new level by not only sticking with traditional hairstyles but also letting her creativity and passion for colors and arts flow through the beautiful hair of her clients.

Longtime and satisfied customer Carol Tiesi with Bharti Khandelwal

On some days, it’s a rainbow hair dying; on another, it’s a bride’s special day that she had the opportunity to make even more special. From haircuts, colors, blowouts, and makeup, she created a name for herself and her salon with high standards and established herself as one of the best and most professional salons in the area.

In 2022, it was time for her salon to move locations; thus, she geared herself for an entirely new journey and shift to a new location. It was a daunting task, but she was up to it and purchased a location that was originally a salon that was opened more than 30 years ago, the Vincent Ghetto salon.

The interior of EnVogue Salon

The Vincent Ghetto Salon has a history of its own, passed down from generation to generation, but it had fallen into disrepair. Bharti, seeing the beauty of the location, purchased it and started the journey to build a new salon, one that was a reflection of both the history of the original Ghetto salon, but also the EnVogue Salon that she spent years making a name for.

For months the salon was worked on and had its own issues. But the salon and hope for happy clients surpassed all problems, and the salon was built and ready in January of 2023.

On her birthday, Bharti resumed her work. The salon’s story, her story, and its ups and downs make her and this salon so beautiful.

Passion, inspiration, love, and care were and still are the foundations of this salon, no matter the location. And thus, the salon lives on as a testament to the dedication and commitment of the salon and its creative team to its clients.

The beauty of the story of EnVogue is only surpassed by the beauty of the smiles of the clients who walk out of the salon at the end of their appointment. The salon lives on, not based on how it looks or where it is, but on the hair and stories of its stunning clients. Join us in making a new story for this new salon, and visit EnVogue today to add to this beautiful legacy!

On Saturday, February 18, Parsippany-Troy Hills Mayor James Barberio; Parsippany-Troy Hills Economic Development Chairman Frank Cahill; Council President Loretta Gragnani and Councilmen Frank Neglia and Justin Musella; Robert Peluso, President Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce, Nicolas Limanov and Ildiko Peluso, Board Members; as well as Nick Rafanello and Scott Donnelly, Parsippany-Troy Hills Economic Development; and Morris County Commissioner Director John Krickus, Commissioner Stephen Shaw; and longtime customer Carol Tiesi joined in the ribbon cutting celebration of EnVogue’s new location. The new location is located at 54 North Beverwyck Road, Lake Hiawatha. Hours at Tuesday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Please call to schedule your complimentary consultation at (973) 402-5454 or visit their website by clicking here.

The Khandelwal family: Ratnesh, Bharti, Keshav and Kashvi
Parsippany-Troy Hills Economic Development Committee presented EnVogue with a plaque.

“It’s Almost Spring” Parsippany Green Fair

PARSIPPANY — The Spring Green Fair will be held at the Parsippany-Troy Hills Main Library on Saturday, March 4, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  The event is free and open to the public and will take place indoors on the first and second floors.

The Parsippany Green Fair will feature live presentations and discussions, local organizations’ informational tables, and much more. Presentations will feature the Parsippany Green Team, Parsippany Environmental Advisory Committee, Good Bottle Refill Shop, Parsippany Climate Action, Parsippany Bat Protection Project/Rutgers Wildlife Management and Conservation Program, Friends of the Drew University Forest, and Parsippany Robotics Club.

Table vendors include Passaic River Coalition, Wildlife Preserves, Morris County 4-H, and the Association of NJ Environmental Commissions.

“This event will educate and create awareness for residents about what they can do and what they can do better regarding local environmental initiatives,” states Lisa Plevin, Parsippany Environmental Advisory Committee. “We have an excellent slate of speakers and informational tables.”

The Parsippany-Troy Hills Main Library is located at 449 Halsey Road, Parsippany. The Parsippany Green Team and the Parsippany Environmental Advisory Committee present the Spring Green Fair.

For more information, please e-mail or click here.

Laila Tatis Representing in NJSIAA and National Girls and Women in Sports Day

PARSIPPANY — Senior Laila Tatis was selected to represent Parsippany Hills High School for the NJSIAA and National Girls and Women in Sports Day for all her accomplishments on and off the field.

Laila Tatis

Parsippany Fire Inspector Charged with Distribution and Possession of Child Pornography

PARSIPPANY — Bergen County Prosecutor Mark Musella confirmed the arrest of Juan P. Bonilla-Correa, 44, of Rutherford, on charges of distribution and possession of child sexual abuse material. The arrest results from an investigation conducted by the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office under the direction of Chief Jason Love. Bonilla-Correa is a fire inspector in Parsippany-Troy Hills.

On Thursday, February 16, Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office Cyber Crimes Unit members executed a search warrant at the residence of Juan P. Bonilla-Correa during an Internet child pornography investigation. The investigation revealed that Bonilla-Correa used the Internet to view, download, possess, and distribute files depicting nude and/or sexually explicit prepubescent children.

As a result of the investigation, Bonilla-Correa was arrested on Thursday, February 16, in Paramus and charged with second-degree distribution of child pornography, N.J.S.A 2C:24-4b(5)(a)(i); and third-degree possession of child pornography, N.J.S.A. 2C:24-4b(5)(b)(iii). He was remanded to the Bergen County Jail pending a first appearance in Central Judicial Processing Court in Hackensack.

Prosecutor Musella thanks the Rutherford Police Department for their assistance and the Lyndhurst Police Department, which participates in the Bergen County Cyber Crimes Task Force.

Editor’s Note: An arrest or signing of a criminal complaint is merely an accusation.  Despite this accusation, the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until he or she has been proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

Sherrill’s Office Distributes 6,000 Valentines for Seniors

PARSIPPANY — Rep. Mikie Sherrill, D-11, and her Parsippany office collected and delivered 6,000 Valentine’s Day cards to District 11 seniors written by residents of the 11th District.

To kick off Valentine’s Day, the Congresswoman delivered cards and spoke with residents from the Crane’s Mill retirement community in West Caldwell.

“The outpouring of support for our seniors so heartens me. Valentine’s Day is a great time to support each other, and I know that these cards have brightened so many seniors’ day,” said Rep. Sherrill.

“Special thanks to everyone who participated in this year’s Valentines for Seniors program. Everyone got in the spirit from schools to public libraries to local businesses, and we spread Valentine’s Day love to thousands of seniors throughout North Jersey.”

This program is part of a series of community appreciation initiatives by Congresswoman Sherrill and her team, such as “Thanksgiving Thank-Yous for Veterans,” which resulted in over 6,800 thank-you notes delivered to veterans in the community last year, and “2022 Heroes,” celebrating the everyday heroes in the district that inspire.

Towns Join Together in Forming the Whippany and Passaic Rivers Flood Mitigation Task Force

PARSIPPANY — Flood waters from the Whippany and Passaic Rivers and their tributaries have caused humanitarian and economic losses to the thousands of inhabitants who live or operate businesses in Hanover, East Hanover, Parsippany, Florham Park, Morris Plains, and Morristown. Stormwater runoff from countless storms, including a lack of maintenance in keeping the river channels free and clear of debris, reached a critical point last year when Hanover Township Mayor Thomas “Ace” Gallagher,  Florham Park Mayor Mark Taylor, and East Hanover Township Mayor Joseph Pannullo decided that it was time to join forces and take action.

On February 18, 2022, the Mayors and their professional engineers met with Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill to enlist her support in developing a  plan, including the need for federal funds.

Parsippany-Troy Hills Mayor Jamie Barberio

The outgrowth of the meeting was the creation of the Whippany and Passaic Rivers Flood Mitigation Task Force. Working with the staff of Congresswoman Sherrill, the Task Force submitted a $1.5 million dollar Fiscal Year 2023 Community Project grant under the sponsorship of Ms. Sherrill. In December 2022, the Task Force was informed that the funding application was included in the Federal Fiscal Year 2023 Omnibus Spending Bill approved by the United States Congress.

The allocation of these funds will be used for the first phase of a multi-year, multi-phase project in the de-snagging of the Whippany River with the removal of dangerous obstructions and debris. Stabilizing streambanks, sediment removal, and re-establishing and replanting vegetation along the streambanks to minimize erosion and improve stormwater flow will require significant additional grant funds in the coming years.

At a meeting on January 25, the Mayors of the  Townships of Hanover, East Hanover, and Parsippany and the Boroughs of Florham Park and Morris Plains agreed to enter into a Shared Services Agreement to move the project further without delay. The Township of Hanover will serve as the Lead Agency.

The Town of Morristown will soon join this collaborative undertaking. In addition, the County of Morris is also working with the Task Force, with County Commissioner Stephen Shaw attending meetings and serving as a liaison.

On February 15, 2023, the Task Force again met with Congresswoman. Sherrill to thank her for “shepherding” the grant and to strategize in moving the project forward.  Mayor Thomas “Ace” Gallagher noted that….” while we are in a good place to take the first step, we have a lot of hard work ahead of us in the coming years.”  Mayor Gallagher pointed out that the Task Force is a regional partnership looking to remediate a long-standing problem that seriously jeopardizes the health, safety, and welfare of those towns along the Whippany and Passaic Rivers. “Government has to be about collaborating and solving problems together to improve the quality of life for our residents.

In summing up the meeting, Gallagher asserted that….”In cooperation with Congresswoman Sherrill’s office, we are working extremely hard to mitigate flooding in our area. This approach can serve as a good model or template for municipalities to follow in resolving other common, regional issues.”

After the meeting, Congresswoman Sherrill and all the participating Mayors posed for a photograph with an imitation poster board check in the amount of $1.5 million dollars representing the actual award.

Morris County Celebrates Success of Small Business Grant Program at Valentine’s Day Anniversary Event

MORRIS COUNTY — With Valentine’s Day 2023 marking one year since the Morris County Small Business Grant Program launched, the Board of County Commissioners presented one of the program’s final grant approvals to the Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce (PACC) at its headquarters as local dignitaries and business owners gathered this morning for a celebration.

Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce President Robert Peluso

“On behalf of our Board of Directors and myself, we are honored to receive the Morris County Small Business Grant and to be recognized as a leading organization that supports our community.  We would also like to thank our Morris County Commissioners and the supporters of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021,” said Robert Peluso, President of the Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce.

The Morris County Board of County Commissioners launched the Small Business Grant Program exactly one year ago, on Valentine’s Day 2022, with the slogan, “We Love Small Businesses.” It was a unique use of federal ARPA funding to aid local small companies, entrepreneurs, and non-profits impacted by the pandemic.

Morris County Commissioner Director John Krickus

“Morris County was not approved for the first round of COVID funding provided by the U.S. Government. We (the Commissioners) decided to make unique use of the ARPA funds by giving back to our small businesses and non-profits. When a last-minute rush of applications came through, we allocated an additional $1.3 million. The Small Business Grant Program was a huge success thanks to everyone involved,” stated Morris County Commissioner Director John Krickus.

At a press conference hosted by the PACC, the County Commissioners extended a heartfelt thank you to the county staff whose hard work made the program successful. They also thanked the Morris County Chamber of Commerce and the Morris County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC), who were partners in helping businesses to apply for the grants. The board also thanked consulting firms Solix, Inc. and Tetra Tech, who have assisted in processing the grants and the ARPA funding, and Valley National Bank, which volunteered staff and laptops to aid small business owners in filing applications.

Representatives of the companies, the MCEDC, and the Morris County Chamber of Commerce attended the press conference.

The PACC, a membership-driven, nonprofit organization, also helped distribute grant applications last year to businesses throughout the Parsippany Township region and link them to other programs designed to keep local businesses going through difficult times.

“Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, and our Chamber recognizes the effects of shut-downs, supply chain disruptions, employee retention, and inflated pricing.  Although we are a membership-driven organization, we waived our membership dues and our event fees during the pandemic, and we continue to offer free events,” Peluso added.

Since its initial launch exactly one year ago, businesses and nonprofits throughout Morris County have benefited from the Small Business Grant Program. When the application portal officially closed on Friday, September 30, 2022, $11.3 million had been allocated to the program. Some of the last remaining applications are still being processed, with approximately 850 applications expected to clear overall.

Parsippany-Troy Hills Mayor James Barberio speaks at the Press Conference.

Parsippany-Troy Hills  Mayor James Barberio and Council President Loretta Gragnani also attended the event and praised the Small Business Grant Program.

Parsippany-Troy Hills Council Vice President Michael dePierro

“This was a fantastic program that supported local businesses that needed help,” stated Parsippany-Troy Hills Council Vice President Michael dePierro.

The program is winding down, and the last few grants are being delivered by mail. Today marked the last public, in-person delivery of a grant by the Commissioners.

PHHS Project Graduation had Fundraiser at Applebee’s

PARSIPPANY — The Parsippany Hills High School Project Graduation committee held a “Flapjack” fundraiser at Applebee’s, 1057 Route 46.

Alyssa Stringham serving breakfast to the many guests

The members served up piping hot coffee, orange juice,  pancakes, sausage, and scrambled eggs to over 150 guests who supported Project Graduation.

Many volunteers came out to help serve the guests.
Avery Thieleman and Kieth Nguyen were serving the delicious breakfast at Applebee’s.
Eric Fernandes brought piping hot coffee to the guests.

Project Graduation is a program offered to Parsippany Hills High School students in which organized, adult-supervised, and alcohol-free activities are offered as part of a post-graduation party as an alternative to student-run events involving alcoholic beverages or other drugs.


Ann Grossi’s Annual Super Bowl Warm-Up was a Blast!

MORRIS COUNTY — Morris County Clerk Ann Grossi hosted her annual Super Bowl Warm-Up Party on Sunday, February 5, at the Lake Hopatcong Elks. There were plenty of hot dogs, chili, sauerkraut, and ice-cold beer for everyone in attendance.

Ann also celebrated her birthday with a surprise cake.
Morris County Commissioner Stephen Shaw, Mt. Arlington Volunteer Fireman Matt Kincaid, and Congressman Thomas Kean, Jr.,
Morris County Clerk Ann Grossi with Jack Ciattarelli
Parsippany-Troy Hils Council Candidates Adam Kandil, Paul Carifi, Jr., and Matthew McGrath
Morris Plains Councilwoman Cathie Kelly and her husband, Bill.
Rockaway Brough Mayor Thomas Mulligan and Morris County Commissioner Stephen Shaw
Parsippany-Troy Hills Councilman Justin Musella, Assemblyman Brian Bergen, Morris County Clerk Ann Grossi, Rockaway Brough Mayor Thomas Mulligan and Morris County Commissioner Stephen Shaw
Former Assemblywoman BettyLou DeCroce and Senator Anthony Bucco
Parsippany-Troy Hills Council President Loretta Gragnani, Patrick Minutillo, Parsippany-Troy Hills Councilman Justin Musella, and Former Assemblywoman BettyLou DeCroce
The crowd enjoying the delicious hot dogs, potato salad, and beer
Congressman Thomas Kean, Jr., Morris County Clerk Ann Grossi, and Senator Anthony Bucco
Former Assemblywoman BettyLou DeCroce, Parsippany-Troy Hills Republican Committee Chair Delores dePierro, and Parsippany-Troy Hills Council Vice President Michael dePierro
Ann Marie Ferraro and Angela Stanton
Congressman Thomas Kean, Jr., Morris County Clerk Ann Grossi, and Parsippany Focus Publisher Frank Cahill
Mario Lou Fornini, Congressman Thomas Kean, Jr., Parsippany-Troy Hills Council President Loretta Gragnani, Parsippany-Troy Hills Councilmember Paul Carifi, Jr.,

Rainbow Lakes Volunteer Fire Company Held Awards Dinner

PARSIPPANY — The Rainbow Lakes Volunteer Fire Company (Parsippany-Troy Hills Fire District Two) held its annual awards dinner at the Mansion in Mountain Lakes on Saturday evening, February 11.  Following the opening ceremonies, Parsippany Mayor James Barberio thanked all the department’s volunteer members for their service and stressed the importance of all volunteers in making “Parsippany a great place to live.”
Joining Mayor Barberio in attendance was Parsippany Town Council Vice-President Michael dePierro and representatives from the Lake Parsippany Volunteer Fire Company, Lake Hiawatha Fire Department, Parsippany Fire District 5, and Denville Fire Department as well as Parsippany Volunteer Ambulance Squad, Rockaway Neck Volunteer First Aid Squad, and Parsippany Fire Prevention Bureau.
The highlight of the evening was RLVFC Chief Russ Greueter presenting the “Firefighter of the Year” honors to Capt. Josh Lefferts of Rainbow Lakes. From the podium, Chief Greueter discussed the outstanding dedication, motivation, and service Josh demonstrated over the past year.
RLVFC President Frank DeRienzo recognized firefighters Capt. Joe Reeber for 20 years of service; Lt. Keith Lefferts for 35 years of service; and Life Member George Robinson for 55 years of service.  President DeRienzo also recognized Treasurer Mark Rabson for five years of service.
Chief Grueter also recognized his 2023 officers Deputy Chief Jeff Pikor, Captains Joe Reeber and Josh Lefferts, and Lieutenants Nolan Keena, Keith Lefferts, and Corey Martin.
Chairman of the District Two Board of Fire Commissioners, Donald Denise, thanked all the members of the fire company for the extraordinary service they perform around the clock providing fire protection to the residents and business taxpayers of the fire district.  He also thanked the spouses and families for their support and for allowing the members to serve.  Commissioner Denise also acknowledged fellow commissioners Pete Deegan, Matt Miller, Jim  Murphy, and  Chuck Iantosca, who were in attendance.
The Rainbow Lakes Volunteer Fire Company actively seeks new members to join their ranks. All training and equipment are provided free of charge. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a firefighter, email, or find them on Facebook and Instagram @rlvfc.

Hannah Ververs Named to Dean’s List

PARSIPPANY — Over 650 students were named to Alvernia University’s Dean’s List for the fall 2022 semester, including Hannah Ververs majoring in Occupational Therapy major

“Congratulations to Hannah, a dedicated and hard-working student, for getting the most out of the classroom and experiential learning experiences at Alvernia. Their hard work and academic achievement on top of their other personal, academic, and professional responsibilities are to be applauded,” said Alvernia University President John R. Loyack. “I cannot wait to see the academic achievements they continue to accomplish in the 2023 spring semester.”

To be eligible for the Dean’s List, students must carry a semester GPA of 3.5 or better and take a minimum of 12 credits. A full list of students is available at

“Each and everyone one of the students on this list should be commended for their commitment to their academic excellence and themselves as they continue to grow personally and professionally while following their passions,” said Alvernia University Senior Vice President and Provost Glynis Fitzgerald.

Alvernia University is a Catholic comprehensive university with a liberal arts foundation founded by the Bernardine Franciscan Sisters in 1958. The university serves over 3,000 students in Reading, Pottsville, and Philadelphia with a unique blend of rigorous liberal arts education, strong technical training in many high-demand majors, ever-expanding experiential learning opportunities through study abroad and internship experiences, and community engagement through its Franciscan-based community service model.

PHHS Key Club Visits Parsippany Kiwanis

PARSIPPANY — Parsippany Hills High School Key Club members visited and had breakfast with the Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany. The Key Club members could discuss all of their accomplishments so far and what upcoming events they had planned.  The Key Club has been instrumental in helping the Club during the food distributions and collecting food at ShopRite for the Parsippany Food Pantry.

Key Club is an international, student-led organization that provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership. Key Club is dedicated to bettering our home, school, and community through service projects, fundraising, and community service. Some requirements must be completed at the beginning of the school year to be eligible for membership in Key Club.

Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany sponsors the Parsippany Hills High School Key Club.

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