Dear Editor:
If a traffic stop from 2023 has no statute of limitations on its ability to be prosecuted, then neither should the Waterview No Rezone fiasco or the open-space scandal.

The depths of Inglesino corruption at Waterview and the Open Space betrayal of the grassroots accomplishment No Rezone have been ignored.
May, 2015. Open Space was promised in October 2013.
In Court to Witness this strange judicial estoppel. That the Judge should have thrown out.
The RD developer’s frivolous lawsuit against the Waterview Mall was then dismissed without prejudice by Inglesino in Morristown Court, allowing the setup he needed to allow RD to return. So, while in the service of Parsippany taxpayers, Inglesino, by dismissing without prejudice, allowed the RD developer to return again to threaten and betray the No Rezone Vote!
The use of Public Housing, as a fear tactic, which Parsippany was also sued for during this time period.
June 2014 R2014-102
Inglesino ended Highlands Regional Conformance process in 2014, which he had suspended, also in favor of his developer buddies, and for false reasons that did not apply to Highlands Conformance Criteria. PTH officials performed no due diligence at the time. (Mayor Soriano restored us and completed Highlands Conformance, which helps check large developers)
February 2015.
On Tuesday, a Morris County Superior Court judge dismissed a lawsuit filed by RD Realty against Parsippany-Troy Hills seeking to overturn a decision by the township council blocking the construction of a retail development project at Waterview Plaza. (However, the developer was dismissed by Inglesino, while in the pay of Parsippany taxpayers “without prejudice”)
NJDEP Green Acres explains
As background, Parsippany Township applied for a Planning Incentive grant in 1999, which was awarded in 2000. This project allowed them to purchase properties that align with the Township’s Open Space and Recreation Plan, but they were not required to identify specific properties in the application. Once a property becomes a priority acquisition, the township identifies it and sends Green Acres a project reference map.
Please note that the township did not apply for funding for this property in 2013. The township identified Block 421 Lot 29 as a priority acquisition in February 2017. The project reference map submitted to our office in November 2017 identified Lot 29 as 26.64 acres, however, a line was placed on the map delineating the area that would be held for open space as 9.26 acres. It was understood by Green Acres that our participation would be for the 9.26 acres, and not the entire 26.64 acres
As you know, the township ultimately withdrew this parcel from the project.
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Green Acres Program. the Highlands Regional Conformance process in 2014, which he had suspended in favor of his developer buddies
So from October 2013, after Barberio’s promise in front of hundreds of people after the No Rezone, no actions occurred for this to come to tuition. Inglesino had another plan.
After the No Rezone Vote, Grassroots Accomplishment, October 2013.
Mayor James Barberio said he would recommend that the township Open Space Committee buy the land to prevent a future developer from trying to force a low-income housing development into Waterview. Note: Affordable Housing by its environmental policies, does not take land in a status of open space or pending open space, nor will it take sensitive landscapes if identified by the municipality.
The theft of the local open space funding for the 300′ buffer called open space, that could of been zoned at no costs. The steep slope protection and tree removal alleged one-time allowance for waterfront, only to be implemented again at 700 Mountain Way. Both sensitive landscapes are important for water protection, Forge Pond was used as a quid pro quo, an already promised wetland that could not be developed was already promised to Parsippany by developer Mosberg
How did officials ignore this, and why did Parsippany pay $3.7 million for a Buffer?
Any land area used as a non-structural stormwater management measure to meet the performance standards in N.J.A.C. 7:8-5.4 and 5.5 shall be dedicated to a government agency, subjected to a conservation restriction filed with the appropriate County Clerk’s office, or subject to Department approved or equivalent restriction that ensures that measure or an equivalent stormwater management measure approved by the reviewing agency is maintained in perpetuity.
During Waterview fiasco the COAH Affordable Housing was suspended, due to Governor Christie’s lack of leadership, and the eventual developer remedy threats for No compliance. RD-Developer issue was against Parsippany’s refusal of another shopping mall, Housing was used a threat.
RD Developer lost to a massive grassroots movement to defend neighborhood character, and preserve a sensitive remaining landscape, steep sloped, forested, and grade A soils the best for groundwater recharge. A Rutgers Troy Brook Study on Stormwater sited this very landscape (Block 421 Lot 29) as a candidate for preservation; it was ignored.,
Finally, what is a traffic warning in 2023, compared to how Parsippany Residents were betrayed by their Town Attorney at the time of his money-machine operating here? There is much more to the story of Inglesino while Town Attorney. Was the local open space funding taken for the buffer a kickback to RD developer for all the inconvenience Parsippany Citizens gave to defend their community?
Honest services fraud occurs when someone violates their fiduciary duty to provide honest services and, in exchange, receives a bribe or kickback. No Rezone means No Rezone. Open Space Promise means Open Space on all 26.+ acres.
Nicholas Homyak