Sunday, October 20, 2024
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Girls on the Run Spring Registration Now Open

PARSIPPANY — Registration is now open for the spring season of Girls on the Run in Parsippany.

Girls in third through eighth grade are welcome to join this empowering youth program that uses running to inspire and motivate girls, encourage lifelong health and fitness, and build confidence.

Girls meet twice weekly for ten weeks with trained, volunteer coaches who provide engaging lessons on teamwork and joyful movement, leading up to a celebratory 5K in June.

GOTR is a nonprofit organization with locations across Union County. Please visit Girls on the Run NJ by clicking here to register. Interested in coaching? Contact program director Anne Klein at

Celebrating 20 years of inspiring girls to be joyful, healthy and confident!

Meet Lily … She is ready for her Forever Home

PARSIPPANY — Meet Lily! This gorgeous cowgirl is ready to find her forever home after birthing and weaning her pups!

Lily was rescued from a local, municipal shelter where she came in in very, very bad shape. Lily was part of a neglect case and they soon realized she was pregnant and reached out to us.

While Lily clearly had a hard life before coming to us, she could not be sweeter or friendlier with her family if she tried! Lily loves to cuddle, lay on your lap, and be a couch potato!

Lily definitely enjoys a walk and a romp in the yard, but she is not a high energy pup despite her being so young. Lily is potty-trained and walks well on leash. She would prefer a home with someone who is home more often than not because she loves being with people.

Due to her past, Lily has a hard time trusting strangers. She absolutely loves her family but will need people to understand her limitations with strangers. Lily can live with other dogs and children 16+!

If you’re looking for a dog who wants to give you all the love in the world and more, apply to adopt Lily today!

If you are interested in adopting, please fill out an application by clicking here.

Follow Wise Animal Rescue on Instagram by clicking here.
Follow Wise Animal Rescue on Facebook by clicking here.

Surrogate’s Office Moving Operation On-Line to Protect Public From Potential Virus Germs

MORRIS COUNTY — In an effort to be proactive in managing concerns about Coronavirus, the Morris County Surrogate’s Office is moving to technology based service effective immediately.  In order to protect members of the public and county employees from exposure to the virus, Morris County Surrogate Heather Darling is requesting that those needing to use our online forms and services do so electronically, not in person.

Thus,  if you seek to probate a Will, seeking administration or seeking guardianship contact the Surrogate’s Office at (973) 285-6500 with regard to the use of the forms by clicking here.

“I made a campaign promise to employ technology in order to avoid trips to the Surrogate’s Court for those who may have difficulty accessing the office in person. Although this is not exactly what I had envisioned, it is a way to promote safety now while moving my office toward significant online operations in the future,” said Morris County Surrogate Heather Darling.

Many Surrogates employ ‘satellite offices’,  such as libraries or municipal buildings, around their counties on a scheduled basis. This does not solve the problems of individuals that have great physical difficulty getting out of their homes, no matter how close the facility may be to their place of residence.

With the functionality built into smartphones, laptops and tablets, many attorneys now eschew formal office space in favor of meeting clients in the client’s residence, coffee shops, or office shares they use on only an as-needed basis.  This also creates a more client-centered practice as schedules and value shopping no longer favor visits to law firms past with grandiose conference rooms with rich tomes at the end of granite hallways.

Darling said “The time has come for my office to catch up to the way business is done today and this public safety issue is as much a signal as a catalyst.”

PHS Key Club Prepares Sandwiches for St. John’s Soup Kitchen

PARSIPPANY — Members of Parsippany High School Key Club made over 300 bagged lunches for St. John’s Soup Kitchen in Newark.
Members of Parsippany High School Key Club with Mayor Michael Soriano

Each lunch included a bologna and cheese sandwich and a note of encouragement. They also provided water and snacks to go with the lunches.

Over 100 Key Club members came together to make the sandwiches and were joined by Mayor Michael Soriano.
The project was funded through club fundraising efforts and a generous donation from ShopRite of Parsippany.
Key club members bagging lunches for St. John’s Soup Kitchen
Key club members bagging lunches for St. John’s Soup Kitchen
Key club members bagging lunches for St. John’s Soup Kitchen
Key club members bagging lunches for St. John’s Soup Kitchen
Tyler Wyka bagging lunches for St. John’s Soup Kitchen
Key club members bagging lunches for St. John’s Soup Kitchen

Law Enforcement asks for the Public’s Help to Combat Car Theft and Car Burglaries

MORRIS COUNTY — An Auto Theft Task Force has been created to stop a persistent trend in car thefts and car burglaries in Morris County, as experienced by other counties in northern New Jersey. Vehicle owners, too, can reduce the thefts and protect their property by following a few simple steps.

In a recent three-day period alone in Morris County, six vehicles were stolen – in Madison, Mountain Lakes, Montville, Mount Olive and Roxbury – including two that were taken in afternoon daylight.

In 2019 in Morris County, 215 vehicles were stolen and another 233 vehicles were burglarized.

In 2018, 227 vehicles were stolen in Morris County and another 231 vehicles were burglarized, with valuables removed, but the vehicles were not removed from the premises. In the majority of these cases, stolen vehicles have been left unlocked by the owner with a key fob left in the car allowing a thief to immediately drive it away. Alarmingly, in some incidents in Morris County, suspects have entered victims’ homes by using garage door openers found in unlocked vehicles.

Once inside the homes, thieves have been able to locate key fobs and steal cars. Unlocked vehicles that do not have a key fob inside are also being searched for valuables. In some cases, car burglars have resorted to smashing windows of vehicles parked at gyms, parks, and day care centers and grabbing purses, wallets and other valuables left inside. Bank and credit cards stolen from inside these vehicles are being used in multiple locations, compromising victims’ finances. Of critical concern to law enforcement is that some vehicles stolen in Morris County have been used to commit violent crimes in other areas, such as shootings, armed robberies and homicide.

One incident involved a vehicle stolen from Parsippany that was used in a shooting involving three firearms in Essex County. High-end makes and models – Mercedes Benz, Lexus, Range Rover, Porsche, Audi and Ford pick-up trucks – are most commonly targeted. But when they are locked, and no key fob is available, other models are targeted. Communities targeted by thieves are generally close to highways, including Routes 80, 287, 46 and 24. Most of the vehicles have been recovered – 75 percent – but typically are damaged. The stolen vehicles have predominantly been disposed of in Essex County. Community members are asked to be the first line of defense in preventing car thefts and car burglaries. Law enforcement asks you to take simple, proactive steps to discourage thieves who roam residential neighborhoods in the dark of night, checking parked vehicles on streets and in driveways to determine whether they are locked.

 Vehicles should never be left unlocked.
 Never leave a key fob in a vehicle.
 Neighbors should watch out for neighbors. Call your neighbor if you see that their car is unlocked or valuables are visible inside the vehicle.
 Report any suspicious activity or person.
 Call 911 to report crimes in progress.

To further combat this and other issues affecting our community, a multi-agency auto theft/anti-crime task force has been launched to enhance patrols and further investigations of auto theft and other pattern-type crimes. This initiative, first conceptualized by Chief Andrew Caggiano of the Montville Police Department, has come about through a partnership between the Morris County Sheriff’s Office, the Morris County Police Chiefs’ Association, the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office and the New Jersey State Police Auto Theft Task Force, in coordination with various law enforcement agencies.

“This vital task force will help us identify thieves and stop a stream of offenders from entering Morris County to steal from people when they’re asleep, visiting a gym or store, or when they are out of their home at work. The task force will enable us to conduct immediate investigations, across county lines, in an effort to locate vehicles and hold suspects accountable more quickly,” Morris County Sheriff James Gannon.

Montville Township Police Chief Andrew Caggiano said of his call for an Auto Theft Task Force: “In Montville, we are a geographically and economically convenient location. As such, we are experiencing a scourge of vehicle thefts and burglaries. I realized that there is strength in the combining of our forces, and proposed the Auto Theft Task Force.”

Morris County Prosecutor Fredric M. Knapp lauded this initiative, saying, “Chief Caggiano has taken the lead on this effort. However, we need our residents to be vigilant to prevent these crimes.”

Law enforcement is also tapping into technology to communicate with neighborhoods where car thefts or burglaries occur and ask residents to check for surveillance footage that may prove helpful in identifying suspects and other vehicles that may have been involved. Several apps that use home Wi-Fi to alert homeowners to the presence of someone at their door or within range of a security camera can provide a high-density video stream of activity on the exterior of their property.

The critical aspect of this initiative is to partner with members of the community, who are asked to be alert and provide information to law enforcement so that they can target suspects committing crimes in the county. “If you see something, say something.” Not just near your home but anywhere you observe something suspicious.

The Morris County Auto Theft Task Force can be contacted at (973) 285-6300 or after hours at (973) 285-2900.

St. Paddy’s Day Parade Cancelled: Mayor and Parade Committee Cite Virus Concerns

MORRIS COUNTY — The Morris County Parade Committee, in a joint statement with the Town of Morristown Council and Mayor Timothy Dougherty, have announced the cancellation of the Morris County St. Patrick’s Day Parade, scheduled for Saturday, March 14.

The announcement comes amid heightened con­cern of community spread due to the coronavirus, COVID-19. The Parade Committee and Town view the cancellation as a necessary precaution to minimize the spread of the virus and protect the health of our residents and visitors.

“We are disappointed by the decision, but it was entirely necessary,” said the Committee in a joint sta­tement. “We’ve been cautiously optimistic that the parade could still go forward, but as other towns and cities across the country take the difficult but neces­sary step to cancel their events, we must as well in Morris County.”

The decision was made in a joint effort with the Morris County Parade Committee, Mayor & Administration Office, Town Council, and County Health Department.

The Committee and Town are announcing, however, that a separate parade is in the works for late summer. The September event will be the halfway point to the 2021 parade festivities. More details on the event will come soon. “We also remind all residents and visitors in Morristown that even young people can be exposed to the virus and carry it home,” said the Mayor.

“We join Parade Committee and the Town Council in asking people to take precautions and heed the advice of the CDC as they celebrate this weekend.” The public should be particularly mindful of the CDC’s recent guidance for older adults and other high­ risk individuals to avoid large crowds or gatherings. “I am obviously upset by the decision to cancel the parade,” said Mayor Dougherty.

“But the most important thing we have to consider is safety. Above anything else, we must take the necessary steps to keep our residents and visitors safe. There will always be more parades.”

The Committee and Town would like to thank Stephanie L. Gorman, Assistant Health Officer and Dr. Carlos Perez, of the County of Morris Office of Health Management for their analysis, recommenda­tions, and guidance; and Trish O’Keefe, President of Morristown Medical Center, and her staff who have been in constant contact with the Mayor’s Office and provided vital information and leadership regarding the virus.

Relative of Employee at Troy Hills Elementary Exposed to Coronavirus

PARSIPPANY — “After the close of school on March 10, 2020, the Administration learned that a relative of an employee at Troy Hills Elementary School has come into contact with individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19, also known as coronavirus. The entire family has self-isolated and information regarding the employee or their family will not be released. Presently, neither the relative nor the employee have reported any symptoms and we ask that our school community respect these individuals’ privacy during this time,” said Superintendent of Schools Dr. Barbara Sargent in a memo to parents.

Troy-Hills School is being cleaned thoroughly and in accordance with the guidelines from the CDC and our state and local health agencies. We have consulted with the local Department of Health and have been advised that this situation represents a LOW risk to the remainder of our school community and, therefore, it is not necessary for us to close schools at this time.

There may be families who, due to particular circumstances, determine to keep their student(s) home until this situation is clarified.Parents should exercise their best judgement in considering the risk and benefits that come with any potential disruption to a student’s education. Regular protocols should be followed for reporting any absence to your child’s school.

Understandably families will have questions. For any health-related questions, please call the State’s hotline at (800) 222-1222. At this time, the Department of Health is not recommending families, students and/or staff quarantine or seek medical help unless they experience symptoms. Of course, if a student or family does experience symptoms, we ask that you contact the school as soon as possible so that we may ensure that remedial measures are taken to both disinfect our district schools and mitigate any educational impact to your child.

Woman’s Club of Parsippany-Troy Hills Learns about Parsippany History

PARSIPPANY — After the General Business meeting on Monday, February 24, club members and guests were fascinated by the speaker of the evening. Randy Tortorello from the Parsippany Historical and Preservation Society provided a very interesting talk about the history of our town, the families and historic houses in the area.

He shared relics that have been excavated in the town – one was an arrowhead from a local Indian tribe. He was extremely knowledgeable and very entertaining.

Club members asked lots of questions and would love to invite Randy back again. In appreciation, the club made a generous donation to the Parsippany Historical and Preservation Society.

Click here to learn more about our town’s history and/or the Parsippany Historical Society.

The Woman’s Club of Parsippany-Troy Hills is a member of NJSFWC, which is the largest volunteer women’s service organization in the state, providing opportunities for education, leadership training, and community service.  General Meetings are held the fourth Monday of each month from September to April at 7:00 p.m. at the Lake Parsippany Rescue & Recovery, 100 Centerton Drive.

For more information call Marilyn at (973) 539-3703, e-mail the club at, click here or follow the club on FACEBOOK.

Littleton School Teacher Pleads Guilty to Invasion of Privacy

PARSIPPANY — A former Littleton School teacher pleaded guilty Monday to invasion of privacy for placing a video camera inside the faculty bathroom while working there as a teacher, according to reports in Daily Record.

Christopher Esnes, 42, admitted to recording 12 adults for nearly six months in 2016 and 2017 as they used the toilet at Littleton Elementary School. He was initially charged with capturing intimate pictures of 19 unnamed adults.

Esnes would serve probation time and 90 days of community service under a sentence recommended by prosecutors at Monday’s hearing in Morristown. He has relinquished his teaching certificates and will forfeit his teaching licenses at sentencing on April 17.

On Thursday, April 20, 2017, a recording device was located inside an adult designated faculty bathroom at Littleton School by a school employee. The device was removed and the Parsippany Police Department was immediately contacted.

After a brief investigation by Detective Marcin Czajka, it was determined that the recording device was capturing footage of the toilet area and was placed there for an undetermined amount of time. Detective Czajka was able to determine that the recording device was placed there by Christopher Esnes who is employed as a teacher in the school.

A Parsippany-Troy Hills School district spokesperson said Esnes was suspended and has been barred from Littleton and all district properties. Esnes was receiving a salary of $77,914 at the time of his suspension, according to public records.


Sherrill Statement on COVID-19 State of Emergency

PARSIPPANY — Following New Jersey’s declaration of a state of emergency in response to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Representative Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11) issued the statement below:

“The announcement of New Jersey’s state of emergency declaration reflects the serious public health risk that coronavirus presents to our communities,” said Representative Sherrill. “It’s critical that we listen to medical and public health officials for the most accurate and up-to-date information. My office remains in close contact with local officials and healthcare providers, as well as the Governor’s Office and Centers for Disease Control. I am working closely with the New Jersey delegation in Congress to ensure that our state is able to secure any additional resources needed. We have some of the best medical centers and life science professionals in the country, and I will continue to support their efforts in every way I can.”

Last week, Representative Sherrill helped pass the bipartisan emergency supplemental funding package to respond to COVID-19. She convened a call with leaders from major hospital systems and primary care providers in the 11th Congressional District and a call with public health and office of emergency management officials from Essex, Morris, Passaic, and Sussex counties to hear from them on COVID-19 preparations.

In addition, Representative Sherrill is hosting information from the Centers for Disease Control on her website for residents to get the most up-to-date information.

Residents who have questions or concerns should call New Jersey’s COVID-19 hotline at 1-800-222-1222 or 1-800-962-1253 if using an out-of-state phone line.

Additional resources are below:

The Centers for Disease Control provides updates on the virus and safety information for the public and healthcare professionals.

The New Jersey Department of Health provides updates on the disease’s spread within the state, as well as frequently asked questions available here.

The U.S. State Department provides a list of travel advisories for those who are planning to fly outside of the United States.

CCM and Stockton University Sign Dual Admission Transfer Agreement

MORRIS COUNTY — The presidents of County College (CCM) of Morris and Stockton University today signed a dual admission and transfer partnership agreement that will help students make a smooth transition from the two-year college to Stockton’s bachelor’s degree program.

The Transfer Pathways agreement strengthens the relationship between Stockton and CCM by offering multiple opportunities for students to affordably pursue associate and bachelor’s degrees at the two institutions of higher education.

“We’re pleased to be offering this first-of-a-kind transfer agreement for our students to continue their higher education at Stockton University,” said Dr. Anthony J. Iacono, president of CCM. “Under this agreement, students from their first semester at CCM will be simultaneously enrolled at Stockton to provide a seamless pathway for earning their bachelor’s degree. The agreement further includes a dedicated scholarship program for CCM graduates to continue their education at Stockton. We’re proud to be further enhancing our relationship with such a great institution for the benefit of our students.”

Stockton President Harvey Kesselman said he is excited to provide Morris County students a new opportunity to earn a bachelor’s degree and take advantage of Stockton resources while at the community college.

“This agreement will help support students as they begin their degree at County College of Morris, and also provides the assurance that they can have a smooth pathway to a bachelor’s degree at Stockton,” Kesselman said. “We look forward to participating in their success.”

The terms of the agreement include:

  • Students who are denied direct admission to Stockton as a freshman applicant can receive conditional dual admission in partnership with CCM.
  • Students will attend classes at CCM but will also have access to campus activities and student groups at Stockton using a special Stockton Identification Card from Stockton’s Transfer Pathways program. Students are also eligible to apply for housing on Stockton’s campus, space permitting.
  • Students already enrolled at CCM can apply for conditional acceptance to Stockton while working towards their associate degree, and be assured of acceptance prior to the term in which they are ready to transfer.
  • Students who successfully complete their associate degree at CCM can automatically transfer to Stockton with junior standing. Application fees to Stockton will be waived for eligible students.
  • Students who complete at least 36 credits at CCM and a total of 64 credits between the county college and the four-year institution are eligible to receive a retroactive associate degree from CCM. Stockton and CCM will co-host “reverse transfer” information sessions for students.
  • Stockton and CCM will develop specific program-to-program articulation agreements for high-demand majors to facilitate the quality and ease of transfer.
  • Students will receive joint advising from Stockton and CCM and a Stockton advisor will have office space and a regular schedule at CCM.
  • Students will be eligible for financial aid from whichever institution they are attending.
  • Stockton will provide five one-year scholarships of $2,000 per year to CCM graduates whose admission to Stockton is covered by the agreement.
  • Stockton and CCM will establish an advisory committee to ensure best practices in recruitment, enrollment management, academic and student services, information technology, marketing and facilities use.

With this agreement, half of the 18 community colleges in the state are participating in the Transfer Pathways program. Other participating community colleges are Atlantic Cape Community College, Brookdale Community College, Camden County College, Rowan College of South Jersey, Mercer County Community College, Ocean County College, Rowan College at Burlington County and Salem Community College and is pursuing additional partnerships with other community colleges in the state.

To view photos of the ceremony click here.

Bucco: Glad Legislative Leaders, NJEA Working Together on Reforms to Lower Costs for Taxpayers

MORRIS COUNTY — Senator Anthony M. Bucco responded to a new proposal by legislative leaders and the New Jersey Education Association (NJEA) that could lower healthcare premiums for the union’s members and reduce costs for taxpayers.

“I’m glad that legislative leaders and the NJEA are finally working together to negotiate cost-saving reforms that are acceptable to both parties,” said Bucco (R-25). “The announcement is a reflection that everyone agrees the cost of healthcare is too high and more must be done to lower costs for both teachers and taxpayers.”

The Senate President announced that new legislation to effectuate the proposed health plan changes would be advanced alongside a pair of bills supported by the NJEA, including S-1928, which is sponsored by Bucco.

S-1928 prohibits an employer from entering into a subcontracting agreement which may affect the employment of any employees in a collective bargaining unit under any circumstances during the term of an existing collective bargaining agreement covering the employees.

“My legislation will prevent the jobs of our cafeteria and janitorial workers and others who are important members of our school communities from being outsourced to vendors during the term of a contract,” said Bucco. “I think the news today that we’re working to lower healthcare costs for teachers and protect school worker jobs, all while lowering tax bills, is extremely positive.”

Law Enforcement Night at Mennen Arena was huge success

MORRIS COUNTY — Over 400 Morris County residents attended the Law Enforcement Night at Mennen Arena on Friday, February 28 sponsored by the New Jersey Coalition 4 Education and Positive Choices.

Children and teenagers in attendance had the opportunity to meet with the officers and discuss the various methods utilized throughout Morris County to maintain a safe community. There were also multiple types of law enforcement equipment and vehicles that were on display for the public.

Morris County

“The NJC4EPC truly reminds me of the New York Yankees from the mid to late nineties, coalition founder ands Township Committeeman Thomas “Ace “ Gallagher said. This is great group of extremely talented, hard working people that are working together toward a specific goal and the goal is very clear. There are no heroes in this crew just wonderful, dedicated people that want to be part of a real solution to make things better for all of our families.”

Morris County Sheriff Officer Corp. Laura Bertelli and “Eddie”

Prosecutor Knapp said, “Fostering relationships with members of the Morris County community is a priority for the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office. We want our residents to feel comfortable with the dedicated law enforcement professionals working here. The younger residents who attended Law Enforcement Night have the potential to be our county’s next great leaders and this event was an opportunity for them to meet our law enforcement professionals.”

Morris County Prosecutor’s Office Detective Supervisor Spence Osaigbovo and Detective Muhammad Thomas
Enjoying Law Enforcement Night at Mennen Arena. East Hanover Police Chief Christopher Cannizzo and Hanover Township Committeeman Thomas “Ace” Gallagher
Enjoying Law Enforcement Night at Mennen Arena. Hanover Township Chief Mark Roddy, Patrolman James Grawher, Det. Peter Hermans, Thomas Burke and Patrolman Emmanuel Malasig
Officer Kayla Santos, Morris County Sheriff Office
Morgan Park and Melanie Cole, Kidz World
East Hanover Councilman Brian Brokaw, Sr., East Hanover Patrolman Dan McClure, Patrolman Matt Cerrato, Chief Christopher Cannizzo, Thomas “Ace” Gallagher, Council President Michael Martorelli

Former Morris Catholic Teacher Arrested on Sex Crimes Charges

MORRIS COUNTY — Morris County Prosecutor Fredric M. Knapp, Acting Chief of Investigations Chris Kimker, and Denville Police Chief Frank Perna announce that Carlos A. Franco-Leon, 42, Rockaway Township, has been charged with six counts of Aggravated Sexual Assault in violation of N.J.S.A. 2C:14-2a(2)(b), a crime of the first degree; two counts of second degree Sexual Assault in violation of N.J.S.A. 2C:14-2c(3)(b); and two counts of Endangering the Welfare of a Child in violation of N.J.S.A. 2C:24-4a(1), a crime of the second degree.

This 42-year-old defendant is alleged to have committed sexual acts upon two minor female students known to him while he was working as a teacher and volleyball coach at Morris Catholic High School, located in Denville.

The acts were alleged to have occurred on various occasions between 2015 and 2019. The defendant’s employment with Morris Catholic High School ended in 2018.

The defendant has been charged by warrant-complaint and is currently lodged at the Morris County Correctional Facility pending a court appearance.

Anyone with information relating to this incident is encouraged to call the Sex Crimes/Child Endangerment Unit of the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office at (973) 285-6200 or the Denville Police Department at (973) 627-4900.

Editor’s Note: An arrest or the signing of a criminal complaint is merely an accusation.  Despite this accusation, the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until he or she has been proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

Loud Party and CDS at Hyatt House leads to Arrest of Parsippany Resident

HANOVER TOWNSHIP — Hanover Township Police Officer Ed Zakrzewski arrested Mr. Matthew Bryant, 19, Parsippany, for possession with intent to distribute CDS on Sunday, March 1.

Officer Zakrzewski was called to the Hyatt House on Ridgedale Avenue to assist management in removing individuals from a room due to noise and the smell of CDS coming from the room.

Officer Zakrzewski made contact with the guests and advised them to vacate the premises per management. While the guests were leaving a clear baggie of suspected marijuana was located.

Mr. Bryant was determined to be the owner and was subsequently arrested and charged with possession of CDS with the intent to distribute, possession of CDS and drug paraphernalia, maintaining a nuisance and consumption of alcohol by persons under 21.

He was released pending his court date.

Editor’s Note: An arrest or the signing of a criminal complaint is merely an accusation.  Despite this accusation, the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until he or she has been proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

Two Parsippany Residents Charged in Hanover for CDS

HANOVER TOWNSHIP — Hanover Township Detective Dominic Kaiser arrested Mr. Robert Barthelus, 29, Parsippany, and Mr. Mark Aromin, 39, Parsippany, for possession of CDS on Friday, February 21.

Mr. Aromin was originally stopped for a motor vehicle violation when CDS was located in his vehicle. He was charged with possession with intent to distribute, conspiracy and possession of CDS.

Mr. Barthelus, a passenger in the car, was also charged with possession with intent to distribute, conspiracy, possession of CDS and drug paraphernalia.

Mr. Aromin was released pending his court date while Mr. Barthelus was transported to the Morris County Correctional Center pending his court date.

Editor’s Note: An arrest or the signing of a criminal complaint is merely an accusation.  Despite this accusation, the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until he or she has been proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

Girl Scout Troops 96713 and 96253 were selling cookies

PARSIPPANY — Girl Scout Troops 96713 and 96253 were selling cookies at Foodtown on Saturday, March 7 and at ShopRite on Sunday, March 8.  If anyone is looking for some great salespeople, they are fantastic.  They sold out of cookies before 11:00 a.m. at ShopRite.

What’s inside the box is super tasty, but it’s the amazing experiences that happen outside the cookie box that make Girl Scout Cookies® extra special.

When you make a Girl Scout Cookie purchase, you’re helping the next generation of young female entrepreneurs get an important taste of what it takes to be successful—teamwork, planning, and a positive outlook (and that’s just the beginning).

Because proceeds from your purchase stay local, you help the awesome entrepreneurs who sell Girl Scout Cookies in our community power new experiences for themselves and their troop.

When you support her success through the Girl Scout Cookie Program®, you’re narrowing the entrepreneurship gap between women and men by nurturing that go-getter spirit early on and equipping her with the confidence and know-how to dream big and do bigger.

Your cookie purchase is an investment in the world-changing business leaders of tomorrow!

Mary Waller: 2020 Grand Marshal – St. Patrick’s Day Parade

MORRIS COUNTY — Mary Waller has been named the 2020 Grand Marshal of the Morris County St. Patrick’s Day Parade to be held in Morristown on Saturday, March 14.

The trustees of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade of Morris County selected their Grand Marshal, Mary Waller. Mary is a member of the Irish American Association of Northwest Jersey, the Parade Committee Secretary and is on the Board of Trustees. Mary has been a loyal volunteer on various parade committees over the years and her contributions are endless. Everyone please congratulate Mary and wish her well for her big day leading New Jersey’s best St. Patrick’s Day Parade. The parade will be held in Morristown on Saturday, March 14, stepping off at noon.

Mary Waller was born in 1938 in Jersey City, the daughter of Mary and Maurice O’Connell and the oldest of four girls: Mary, Eileen, Sheila and Patricia. Her father is a first generation and her mother is a third generation Irish American. Her paternal grandparents were born in Tullig, Dingle, Ireland and Macroon, Cork, Ireland and her maternal grandparents family is from Drumcliffe, Sligo, Ireland.

She attended A. Harry Moore School and St. Aloysius High School. She married Kenneth Waller in 1958 and traveled to Berkeley, California, while Kenneth served in the U.S. Army at the Nike Ajax Site.

When Kenneth was discharged from the U.S. Army, they returned to Hudson County and had five children: Kenneth, Elizabeth Halbach, Jeffrey, Terence and Mary Anna Waller Strid and she has been blessed with twelve grandchildren: Erin, Jack, Molly, Donald, Kylie, Ceili, Matthew, Michaela, Fiona, Zoe, Declan and Elin. Kenneth was diagnosed with atherosclerosis at an early age and a role reversal was required.

Mary found employment at the Secaucus Town Hall with the help of the Secaucus Fire Department where her husband had volunteered. She furthered her education in Public Administration by attending Hudson County Community College and Jersey City State College. Mary married John Zaremba in 1996. She retired as Chief Legislative Aide for the State of New Jersey in 2001 and relocated to Lake Mohawk. After the death of her second husband, she became a more active volunteer and in 2017 moved to Long Valley.

Mary’s Irish heritage and upbringing have provided her with the strength, perseverance, humor and understanding that we are all a product of our life’s experiences. She had been fortunate to receive help and guidance from family and others throughout her life and upon retiring had the opportunity to give back to others.

Through the years Mary has volunteered her services to many causes:

Immaculate Conception School in Secaucus
Hudson County Assoc. for Retarded Citizens’ Board Member
Secaucus Housing Authority Chairman
Atlantic Health System Newton Medical Center 2009 to present
President of Auxiliary, Advisory Board Member, Sparta Cancer Center Volunteer, former Foundation Board Member
Irish American Assoc. NW NJ – Served as Second Vice President, Feis General Manager and Publicity
Morris County Saint Patrick’s Day Parade – 2009 to Present – Parade Committee Secretary, Pre-Parade Entertainment Committee
Mary enjoyed the Céilithe and being part of other events.
She immersed herself in her Irish Heritage by taking lesson in Irish Dance, Music and Language.

Pennacchio: Bag Ban Bad Policy

MORRIS COUNTY — Senator Joe Pennacchio said a ban on single-use bags approved by the New Jersey Senate is bad public policy that will inconvenience consumers and put their health at risk.

“The bag ban is bad policy,” said Pennacchio (R-26). “It creates a major inconvenience for consumers, raises costs, has dubious environmental benefits, and raises serious health concerns.”

The legislation, S-864, prohibits the provision or sale of single-use plastic carryout bags, single-use paper carryout bags, and polystyrene foam food service products, and limits the provision of single-use plastic straws.

A recent article posted by NPR highlighted some of the environmental concerns, including that people who often reuse plastic grocery bags for garbage or pet waste still have to buy plastic trash bags, which are often thicker and use even more plastic.

Similarly, an opinion piece posted by the Wall Street Journal last month effectively countered the oft-repeated claim that plastic bags from the United States end up in the world’s oceans.

Regarding health concerns, a study conducted by the University of Arizona that tested reusable grocery bags carried by shoppers found that more than half of the bags had high levels of dangerous bacteria, including E. Coli. Further, the study found that 97% of those interviewed never washed, bleached, or sanitized their reusable bags.

“The ban on plastic and paper bags is a feel-good measure that might not have New Jersey families feeling so good when their reusable bags make them sick,” added Pennacchio. “The simple fact is that an increasing number of studies are pointing out the many ways that these ill-conceived bag bans cause more harm than they prevent.”

EWMA Announces Relocation to new Parsippany Headquarters

PARSIPPANY — EWMA announced plans for its new corporate headquarters in Parsippany. After more than 20 years in the Lanidex Plaza, the environmental remediation company said its new facility will be ready for occupancy in the fall of 2020.

“This brand new facility, now under construction, will help improve productivity, which will allow us to better serve our clients, plus create even more job opportunities,” said Michael Sylvester, Executive Vice President of EWMA. “Our modernized design supports enhanced workforce collaboration and teamwork, on all levels and across all departments.”

For the past 20 years, EWMA has also been a proud partner of the Parsippany community.

“As the company begins its next chapter of expansion, we are looking forward to investing in the tremendously talented employees within the area. It is an exciting time for EWMA and our new facility will be a great place to work,” Sylvester said.  “Our new space will allow our shared services and operating teams to better serve our employees, vendors, and customers, and will help facilitate our next wave of growth.”

“The goal of this new workspace is to support what employees want and need from a work environment, and for many of them, that’s tech to make their jobs simpler,” Sylvester added. “We took that to heart when selecting and designing a new headquarters.

According to Don Richardson, president of EWMA, the company chose to stay in the Parsippany area to continue their support of the greater Morris County business community.

“We’ve made a 20-plus year commitment to Morris County’s economy, and to Parsippany in particular,” Richardson said, noting that EWMA is a longtime member of the Morris County Chamber of Commerce and regularly participates in fundraisers for local charities. “We are committed to the economic vitality of this area.”

There is a practical element, too: Richardson said that Parsippany’s access to major highways, excellent schools, and shopping make the community an ideal one for those looking to live, work, and play within their new chosen communities. Being so close to amenities and recreation opportunities alike makes it easy for employees to access what they need, when they need it.

“We liked Parsippany for a long time because of its ease of access to other parts of the state, but as we grew, we began to see how much our employees appreciated being so close to practical amenities,” adds Richardson. “The entire area continues to draw a diverse and talented workforce; it’s truly a gem of Morris County, and we are excited to continue growing our roots here for years to come.”

EWMA will move into its new headquarters by Fall 2020. For more information about the company, or to learn about opportunities at EWMA click here.

As a fully employee-owned firm, EWMA has provided innovative, transparent, and cost-effective environmental solutions and consulting throughout the tri-state area since 1987. EWMA brings a wealth of experience to the real estate industry, including due diligence for property transactions, environmental site assessments, site investigations, data analysis, brownfield redevelopments, and post-remediation care. Consulting and remediation services are available for private and public entities, as well as public-private partnerships. To learn more about EWMA real estate compliance, and remediation services, including the SECUR-IT® guaranteed fixed-price remediation program click here.


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