Mayor Administers Oath of Office to New Officers at Parsippany Volunteer Ambulance Corps

PARSIPPANY — Parsippany Volunteer Ambulance Squad installed it officers at a recent Installation Dinner held at Birchwood Manor.

Parsippany-Troy Hills Mayor James Barberio read the Oath of Office to Meredith Persson Secretary. Kaitlyn Somers, Trustee, Ann Moorhead, Treasurer, LiYing Wei, President, Russ Prokop, Trustee, Mark Turo, Trustee, Betsy Lowry, Chief, Michael Spillert, Vice President, Sophia Lowery, Trustee. Unfortunately Chris Miller, Deputy Chief and Melinda Ernst, Captain was unable to attend but will be installed at a later date.

Parsippany Volunteer Ambulance Squad

Parsippany Volunteer Ambulance has a very active Junior Squad, who are between the ages of 16 and 17 who work with the members over age 18 to gain experience in the field of Emergency Medical Services. If you ever have any questions about anything pertaining to the squad, its members or the services we provided, please call the business number (973) 887-3003, Monday through Friday 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Leave a message if no one answers on extension 10, with your name, phone number and the reason for your call.

As always dial 9-1-1 for any emergencies.

Among our junior volunteers are Ahil Tomy, Nitya Patel, Sanjay Kesavan, Aadi Gadekar, Kelly Lu, Pearl Wei, Ekta Dhotye, and Abigail Thurkauf

All You Need to Know About Compensation in Nursing Home Abuse Claims

MORRIS COUNTY — If you’ve been the victim of nursing home abuse or neglect, it can be daunting to take legal action. Many steps must be taken to ensure justice is served, but perhaps the most important one involves seeking compensation. The amount of possible financial restitution varies depending on factors like the severity of the injury and how much wrong was done to you; however, familiarizing yourself with what to expect is an essential part of taking care of yourself in such a stressful situation. In this blog post, we’ll break down all aspects concerning compensation for nursing home abuse claims so that if zeroing in on financial gain is your main priority, you’ll know exactly where to turn next and have accurate expectations from start to finish.

What is Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

Nursing home abuse and neglect are serious issues facing the elderly today. Unfortunately, it is estimated that over 10% of nursing home residents are victims of some form of abuse. Abuse can be both physical and emotional, including hitting and verbal threats. In addition to physical abuse, neglect can take forms like inadequate healthcare or nutrition, unsanitary living environments, being left alone for extended periods, or even exploitation for financial purposes. It’s important to recognize these troubling behaviors as signs of mistreatment, so family members and caretakers remain vigilant and can intervene quickly to protect vulnerable loved ones from any harm that may come to them.

Understanding Compensatory Damages and Reimbursement Claims

Compensatory damages and reimbursement claims are financial compensation offered to those who have suffered severe harm or injury due to another entity’s negligence. Nursing home falls resulting in serious injuries, like broken bones and traumatic brain injuries, are considered liable losses that could lead to hundreds of thousands of dollars worth in compensation. If you or someone you know has suffered an injury due to someone else’s carelessness, be sure to understand more about compensatory damages and reimbursement claims so that they can pursue their legal rights and receive the justice they deserve.

Identifying Qualifying Victims of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

Identifying victims of nursing home abuse and neglect can be daunting, particularly when their diminished mental or physical state makes it difficult for them to report the wrongdoing. It is crucial for family members and friends of patients in nursing homes to remain vigilant and observe behavior that could indicate abuse or neglect. Such behaviors could include avoidance of eye contact with staff, frequent changes in attitude towards the facility, unexplained absences from activities, sudden weight loss/gain, depression, anxiety, or other emotional expressions of discomfort. In addition, any bruising or other physical injuries should prompt further inquiry into the patient’s well-being. Early detection of potential issues can help ensure that vulnerable nursing home residents are properly cared for and protected from harm.

Statute of Limitations on Filing a Claim for Compensation in a Nursing Home Abuse Case

Survivors of nursing home abuse may take comfort in knowing that the statute of limitations to bring a compensation claim is typically generous. Depending on the state and jurisdiction, they may have as many as two years or up to four years or more in some cases. Generally speaking; however, serious injuries – such as those due to acts of willful misconduct are usually subject to shorter filing periods and could require filing a claim within one year. Knowing when the statutes of limitation run out is key for survivors attempting to sue for compensation for their losses. It’s important to review applicable federal and state laws to determine the time limit since the statute of limitations can vary from case to case. With diligent scholarship on behalf of survivors, an experienced attorney can ensure that no potential compensation window is overlooked.

Proving Negligence and Liability in Nursing Home Abuse Cases

Proving negligence and liability in nursing home abuse cases is a complex process. Often, witnesses are few, as elderly victims can become disoriented or afraid to speak up for fear of retribution. In some states, the legal system requires that multiple sources of evidence and testimony must be provided to win a case. This can prove challenging when covering up and intimidation tactics are used against victims, making it hard to find and trust other individuals willing to testify. Fortunately, due to the rise in awareness of the severe nature of nursing home abuse, governments have begun imposing strict regulations on these facilities with stiff penalties for those found guilty. With an experienced attorney and thorough examination of records, including financial statements and hiring practices, survivors and their families may finally be able to bring justice against those responsible.

Calculating the Amount of Compensation You Can Receive for Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect

When it comes to calculating the amount of compensation you can receive for nursing home abuse or neglect, there are a few factors that you need to take into account. The severity of the abuse or neglect is one of the first things that need to be assessed, along with any medical expenses you incurred. It’s also helpful to examine whether the abuse or neglect caused long-term physical or emotional suffering. Furthermore, looking into state and federal laws concerning residents’ rights in nursing homes can help determine if punitive damages are available for compensatory rewards. Ultimately, getting legal representation from an experienced attorney in this area can help you get all appropriate legal compensation for your suffering and loss.

Concluding Thoughts

Taking the necessary steps to prevent nursing home abuse and neglect is critical in providing safe and quality care for those most vulnerable. By understanding the specifics of a nursing home abuse and neglect case, victims can seek compensation to cover their damages. Awareness of the types of damages that can be covered and who qualifies as a victim is essential in making informed decisions on filing claims. Proving negligence and liability are vital components when calculating compensation. Finally, it’s important to note that claims must be filed within specific deadlines or statutes of limitations in order to be considered valid. Researching any potential for abuse or neglect before committing to a facility, or even having someone frequently stay with your loved one if admitted into one, will provide optimal protection from such atrocities. It’s our social responsibility to ensure that those who require close watch receive competent care so they can live safe and happy lives.

Murphy Signs Legislation to Support Disabled Veteran-Owned Businesses

MORRIS COUNTY — Governor Phil Murphy signed S2249/A4211, which revises the number of disabled veterans’ businesses required to designate a set-aside contract from three to two. The “Set-Aside Act for Disabled Veterans’ Businesses” had established a goal for contracting agencies to set aside at least three percent of their contracts for disabled veterans’ businesses, but the act required that at least three disabled veterans’ businesses be reasonably likely to bid for a contract for the set-aside to apply to the contract. The legislation signed today underscores Governor Murphy’s commitment to promoting economic opportunity among New Jersey veterans.

“It is our obligation – not just as elected officials, but as fellow Americans – to do everything in our power to dismantle obstacles to opportunity for our state’s veterans,” said Governor Murphy. “In recognition of the extraordinary sacrifices made by our disabled veterans and the considerable challenges they continue to face, this legislation will provide a much-needed boost to veteran-owned businesses striving to secure a foothold in our growing economy.”

“This law reflects our collective commitment to supporting Veteran-owned businesses,” said Brig. Gen. Lisa J. Hou, Commissioner of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs and The Adjutant General of New Jersey. “I encourage all Veteran business owners to register and continue to update their credentials with New Jersey Start.” “The Department of Military and Veteran Affairs stands ready to assist.”

“I applaud the Legislature and Governor as they take additional action to help our state’s disabled veteran-owned businesses. While in Congress, I’ve worked to make sure that, after over two decades of war, our nation invests in our returning veterans, whether they’re looking to start their businesses, get an education with the post-9/11 GI Bill, or buy a home with a VA home loan guarantee. I will continue to fight to make sure our veterans get all the benefits they’ve earned,” said Navy veteran and Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill.

“As a veteran, myself, I know first-hand the difficulties our men and women in uniform face when they return home. The bill signed by Governor Murphy today will be of tremendous value to our veteran community and can help ease the burden so many are forced to carry,” said Congressman Bill Pascrell, Jr. “This new law will help veteran small business owners access the means and resources they need to achieve success in their industry. This will benefit our communities and, most importantly, aid those who have given so much for our country.”

“In recognition of the many sacrifices men and women in the military have made in service to our nation, we must do all that we can to support veteran-owned businesses here at home,” said Senator Troy Singleton.“Providing protection and simplifying the process are concrete ways we can assist these courageous individuals as they seek to build, establish, and grow their civilian livelihoods.”

“New Jersey State government should be doing all it can to be a partner in assisting businesses owned by disabled veterans,” said Senator Steve Oroho, one of the sponsors of the bill whose Senate term ended last week. “By making some small but crucial changes, we can cut government red tape, better serve our community of disabled veterans, and make New Jersey a more competitive place for business and job growth. I’m proud this is one of my final bills signed into law.”

“This legislation will align New Jersey with both federal and neighboring states’ requirements, all of which use the ‘rule of two’ when designating set-aside contracts for disabled veterans businesses,” said former Assemblyman Dan Benson. “This, in turn, will make it easier for these enterprises to successfully bid on state contracts. We owe our veterans a debt of gratitude and this bill signing is the latest in a series of steps New Jersey has taken to support its veteran-owned small business community.”

“With this bill, we reinforce our commitment to supporting our disabled veterans by streamlining the process for designating set-aside contracts,” said Assemblywoman Verlina Reynolds-Jackson. “By reducing the requirement from three to two qualified disabled veterans’ businesses, New Jersey is not only aligning with national standards but also fostering greater opportunities for veterans to participate in public contracts.”

“The NJ State Veterans Chamber of Commerce is incredibly thankful to Governor Murphy and the lawmakers responsible for moving this bill forward and signing it into law,” said Colonel Jeff Cantor, Founder & CEO, of NJ State Veterans Chamber of Commerce. “This is the first time in the history of our state that state agencies can set aside prime contracts to Disabled Veteran owned businesses. Since there are so few disabled veteran-owned businesses, and since the law required three qualified bidders to set aside a contract, it was nearly impossible to set aside a prime contract to a disabled veteran-owned business. Now the Governor is reducing that requirement from three to two qualified businesses, we will likely see a significant number of prime contracts set aside. We sincerely thank the Governor for working with the NJ State Veterans Chamber of Commerce, who has been advocating for this bill, and signing it into law. We appreciate Governor Murphy on his focus on improving the lives of New Jersey’s veterans and the New Jersey veterans business community.”

Murphy Signs Historic Overhaul of NJ Liquor License Laws

MORRIS COUNTY — Governor Phil Murphy signed legislation (S-4265/A-5912) into law today that will substantially boost the number of available liquor licenses statewide and ease a wide range of restrictions that have stifled breweries and distilleries, marking the first substantive overhaul of New Jersey’s antiquated liquor license laws since the aftermath of Prohibition.

“For the first time in nearly a century, New Jersey has shown the fortitude to tackle an age-old problem that has stifled economic growth and hampered the dreams of countless small business owners,” said Governor Murphy. “We knew this wasn’t going to be an easy lift – nothing that has been entrenched for nearly a century ever is. Together with our partners in the Legislature, we are laying new ground rules to help our breweries and distilleries flourish while at the same time creating new opportunities for smaller and more diverse mom-and-pop establishments to set up shop or expand in New Jersey and help transform our downtowns.”

The prime sponsors of the legislation, which contains most of the reforms recommended in the Governor’s conditional veto last month, include Senator Vin Gopal and Assemblyman Clinton Calabrese.

“The New Jersey craft brewing and distilling industry is growing rapidly across New Jersey, becoming a mainstay for tourists and locals alike,” said Senator Gopal. “It only makes sense to give this industry room to grow and prosper. Under this law, craft alcohol manufacturers will flourish and revitalize Main Street business districts across the state.”

“Our outdated laws on liquor licenses are stifling development and our economy,” said Assemblyman Calabrese. “People want to be able to have a glass of wine while out to dinner, and good restaurants can be the cornerstone of development efforts on main streets across New Jersey. Pennsylvania and New York have thriving industries for craft beer and wine, but here in New Jersey, we are blocking that growth. This bill is a step in the right direction to open opportunities for new development in our communities. I look forward to continuing to advocate for common sense reforms that will allow our downtowns to thrive.” 

“This is a smart and responsible way of increasing the number of active liquor licenses at the same time we retain the value for existing businesses that are so important to the economies of local communities,” said Senator Paul Sarlo, the chairman of the Senate Budget Committee. “We are making use of inactive pocket licenses that had gone unused and allowing for a reasonable number of new licenses, including those for shopping malls, which will be a financial boost for malls that are experiencing difficult times. This is good for the economy, for local businesses, and for the customers they serve.”

“Changes to New Jersey’s archaic liquor licensing system are long overdue. For too long individuals have held unused licenses hostage, preventing small businesses from gaining access and ultimately harming our downtowns,” said Senator Gordon Johnson. “This will not only free up those pocket licenses but allow their transfer to bordering municipalities, creating new opportunities for our small towns to revitalize their main streets.”

“In New Jersey, the cobwebs of our archaic liquor license laws have ensnared the potential of economic growth and job creation in the industry,” said Senator Raj Mukherji. “The outdated framework not only throttles the aspirations of restaurateurs and small business owners in license-starved municipalities but also hamstrings the growth of our craft breweries and distilleries through arbitrary regulations. This much-needed modernization harmonizes growth with the interests and substantial investments of our beloved existing watering holes and liquor license holders.”

Inactive/Pocket Licenses

The new law attacks the main cause for the scarcity of liquor licenses for decades now, which consequently has sent the price of licenses through the roof – inactive and pocket licenses. Inactive licenses are those that are associated with a specific location but are not in use, while pocket licenses are those that have been purchased but are not attached to a specific location.

Under the new law, license holders will no longer be able to indefinitely retain a retail consumption license without using it. If a license has remained inactive for two consecutive license terms – a total of two years – the license holder will now be required to either use the license or sell it.  If neither option is exercised, the license can be transferred from one municipality to a contiguous municipality.

Additionally, the governing body of a municipality where an inactive consumption license has lapsed and not been renewed for the last eight years may issue a new consumption license at public sale for use at licensed premises located within the town.

These changes will substantially boost accessibility by injecting as many as 1,356 licenses back into the market, a roughly 15% increase over the 8,905 active retail consumption licenses presently being used, according to the NJ Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC).

Mall Licenses

Additionally, the law establishes a new class of retail consumption liquor licenses that will potentially create upwards of 100 new licenses throughout the state. Specifically, the law will allow municipalities to issue:

  • Up to two new licenses for food and beverage establishments in shopping malls with a minimum of 750,000 square feet; and
  • Up to four new licenses for establishments in shopping malls with a minimum of 1.5 million square feet

With malls in nearly every county, plus qualifying strip malls, New Jersey could potentially see upwards of 100 new licenses created under this provision – bolstering the survival of malls, which have been struggling due to the pandemic and the proliferation of online shopping and boosting economic activity for towns statewide.

Breweries, Cideries, Meaderies, and Distilleries

The new law also permanently eases the existing restrictions that have stifled breweries, distilleries, cideries, and meaderies, hampering their ability to compete against burgeoning industries in neighboring states. The law eliminates the long-standing burden that required these establishments to provide tours of the premises to patrons, while also allowing them to:

  • Offer snacks and other non-alcoholic beverages;
  • Collaborate with outside vendors including food trucks;
  • Host unlimited onsite events and private parties, including birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, and civic and political functions;
  • Host up to 25 off-site special events; and
  • Participate in up to 25 events hosted by the holder of a social affairs permit.

The bill also increases the number of barrels that may be manufactured per year from 10,000 to 300,000 and allows license holders to directly sell and distribute 50 percent of the beer that is produced on premises in each year to retailers, rather than having to rely solely on wholesalers.

The bill also establishes a new farm-brewery license that would permit the licensee to produce malt alcoholic beverages for retail sale to consumers for consumption off the licensed premises.

“Clarifying the rights and privileges afforded to craft breweries in our state will give our industry a stronger foundation to operate on moving forward. The legislation allows all state craft beverage manufacturers more opportunities to deliver both the unique products and experiences our customers deserve in our tasting rooms and throughout our communities,” said Eric Orlando, Executive Director Brewers Guild of New Jersey. “Governor Murphy’s approval will most certainly set New Jersey’s craft beer industry on a positive trajectory for years to come and shows the state’s commitment towards embracing the ingenuity and local pride which are at the core of every craft brewery which calls the Garden State home.”

Driver Arrested for DUI Following Collision with Utility Pole on Route 46

PARSIPPANY — On Saturday, January 13, at around 5:00 p.m., a collision involving a 2023 Black Ford Transit Connect Van occurred on Route 46 West, just in front of 50 Route 46, (Old Bloomfield Avenue and New Road). The driver, identified as Mr. Marek Hudela, 33, from Elmwood Park, collided with a utility pole in this incident.

Upon the arrival of Parsippany-Troy Hills Police Officer Lampros Nicos at the scene, he detected the odor of alcohol on Mr. Hudela’s breath. Officer Nicos questioned Mr. Hudela about his alcohol consumption, initially receiving a denial. However, Mr. Hudela later admitted to having consumed two beers approximately two hours before the accident.

Subsequently, Officer Nicos conducted several field sobriety tests, which Mr. Hudela failed. Consequently, Mr. Marek Hudela was placed under arrest on suspicion of driving while intoxicated.

Following his arrest, Mr. Hudela was taken to Parsippany Police headquarters, where he refused to provide breath samples for testing. He now faces charges including Driving Under the Influence (39:4-50), Reckless Driving (39:4-96), and Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test (39:4-50A). All three charges necessitate a court appearance, scheduled for February 20.

Corigliano Towing was called to the scene to remove Mr. Hudela’s vehicle, and he was later released into the custody of a responsible adult, who signed the John’s Law Form, a procedure facilitated by Patrolman David Ribaudo.

Editors Note: A criminal complaint is merely an accusation. Despite this accusation, the individual(s) are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

Lake Hiawatha’s Hailey Budney Receives Dean’s List Recognition at Trine University

PARSIPPANY — Trine University proudly announces that Hailey Budney, a dedicated student from Lake Hiawatha, has achieved the prestigious honor of being named to the Dean’s List for the Fall 2023 semester.

Hailey Budney is pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering, showcasing her commitment to academic excellence. To earn a place on Trine University’s Dean’s List, students must complete a minimum of 12 credit hours while maintaining a grade point average within the range of 3.500 to 3.749.

Trine University, recognized on an international scale, stands as a private, co-educational, and residential institution offering a wide array of educational opportunities. The university encompasses various schools and colleges, including the Allen School of Engineering & Computing, Ketner School of Business, College of Graduate and Professional Studies, Brooks College of Health Professions, Franks School of Education, Jannen School of Arts & Sciences, and Rinker-Ross School of Health Sciences.

Trine University’s commitment to excellence is further reflected in its membership in the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association, offering a robust lineup of 37 intercollegiate sports, with 27 of them competing in NCAA Division III. Additionally, the university boasts the ownership of the acclaimed 18-hole championship Zollner Golf Course. Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, Trine University’s presence extends across a 450-acre campus in Angola, Indiana, and the College of Health Professions in Fort Wayne.

Furthermore, Trine offers education centers in Detroit, Michigan, Phoenix, Arizona, and Reston, Virginia, with its programs accessible globally through TrineOnline. Join the conversation and explore the academic excellence at Trine University by using the hashtag #TrineU.

Pastor Aaron Oliver of St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church: A Guiding Light among Deployed Soldiers

PARSIPPANY — Among the more than 1,500 members of the 44th Infantry Brigade Combat Team embarking on a deployment to the Middle East as part of Operation Inherent Resolve, there is one individual who stands out as both a spiritual leader and a dedicated soldier. Pastor Aaron Oliver, a Major in the United States Army, holds a pivotal role as the Battalion Chaplain for the 250th Brigade Support Battalion within the 44th Infantry Brigade Combat Team. In addition to his military service, Pastor Aaron is an integral part of the community as he serves as a Pastor at St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church in Parsippany.

The New Jersey National Guard orchestrated a poignant farewell ceremony this past Sunday at the CURE Insurance Arena in Trenton to honor these brave soldiers, including Pastor Aaron Oliver. The event drew notable figures such as State Senator Anthony Bucco, alongside Assemblywoman Aura Dunn and Morris County Commissioner Christine Myers, all of whom came to show their unwavering support for Aaron and the troops.

This deployment marks a significant moment in the history of the New Jersey Army National Guard, as it constitutes the largest deployment of soldiers in over 15 years, dating back to 2008. Governor Phil Murphy, who participated in Sunday’s deployment ceremony, expressed profound gratitude, acknowledging the immeasurable service and sacrifice made by these brave men and women and their families.

As Pastor Aaron Oliver joins his fellow soldiers on this crucial mission, his dual role as a spiritual guide and a dedicated serviceman shines brightly, embodying the spirit of selflessness and community that exemplifies those who serve our nation.

Magician John Stessel to Mesmerize Audience with “The Magic” at Dover Little Theatre

MORRIS COUNTY — Prepare to be spellbound as the renowned magician, John Stessel, takes center stage at Dover Little Theatre for a one-night-only performance of his show, “The Magic.” This enchanting evening is set to dazzle on Saturday, January 20th at 8:00 p.m.

Tickets for this extraordinary event are available now at the price of $30.00.

John Stessel, a celebrity magician, has cultivated a distinctive fusion of mind-bending magic, mesmerizing cardistry, and a strong presence on social media. His impressive roster of previous spectators includes A-listers such as Neil Patrick Harris, 50 Cent, John Travolta, Jon Bon Jovi, MGK, along with esteemed corporate clients like Google and SoHo House.

Stessel’s magical prowess has graced screens on The Syfy Channel, ABC, and Bravo’s Million Dollar Listing NYC, adding a touch of enchantment to one of Ryan Serhant’s open houses. Notably, John has also crafted astounding magic tricks, some exclusive to his performances and others becoming best-sellers in the magic industry. He produced a viral magic video for TBS, seen by millions, which contributed to finding homes for a shelter full of dogs during the holiday season.

His captivating Instagram Reels series, “Life Lessons with John The Magician,” has garnered over 25 million views and earned recognition from media outlets like Buzzfeed and Yahoo.

John Stessel’s magic is a modern, refreshing, and, above all, fun experience. Even Elvis Duran from Z100, the nation’s top radio station, couldn’t contain his admiration, exclaiming on air: “John Stessel’s show is so amazing… he is such a great magician… he is so full of life… if John Stessel is ever performing near you, GO SEE HIM!”

Join the ranks of celebrities like 50 Cent, Future, Jon Bon Jovi, Madison Beer, Meek Mill, John Travolta, and countless others who have been left awestruck by John Stessel’s magical talents.

Don’t miss this chance to witness “The Magic” up close and personal. Secure your tickets now for an unforgettable evening of enchantment at Dover Little Theatre.

Dover Little Theatre is located at 69 Elliott Street, Dover.

Click here to reserve tickets.

Council Meeting Canceled

PARSIPPANY — The Parsippany-Troy Hills Township Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 16 has been canceled due to the inclement weather.

Rear-End Collision on Route 46 in Parsippany Results in No Injuries

PARSIPPANY — On Monday, January 15, around 1:30 p.m., a vehicle operated by Mr. Isidoro DiMaio was traveling westbound on Route 46, nearing Baldwin Road. As the traffic signal turned red, Mr. DiMaio came to a stop. However, a vehicle driven by Mr. Terrence Sweeny from Mountain Lakes collided with the rear of Mr. DiMaio’s vehicle.

According to Mr. Sweeny’s statement to Parsippany Police Officer Pasquale Parisi, he was driving but became distracted, momentarily turning his head to the left and taking his eyes off the road, resulting in the collision with Mr. DiMaio.

Mr. DiMaio was behind the wheel of a 2022 Mercedes White Sprinter Cargo Van, while Mr. Sweeney was driving a 2016 Lexus RX2.

Fortunately, there were no reported injuries, and Mr. Sweeney’s vehicle had to be towed from the scene.

No traffic citations were issued in this incident.

Mr. Isidor DiMaio was traveling westbound on Route 46, nearing Baldwin Road. As the traffic signal turned red, Mr. DiMaio came to a stop. However, a vehicle driven by Mr. Terrnce Sweeny from Mountain Lakes collided with the rear of Mr. DiMaio’s vehicle
Mr. DiMaio was behind the wheel of a 2022 Mercedes White Sprinter Cargo Van, while Mr. Sweeney was driving a 2016 Lexus RX2.

Eight NJSFWC Clubs Unite for 2024 Day of Service Supporting Domestic Violence Victims

PARSIPPANY — On January 15, 2024, which marked Martin Luther King Day, eight clubs affiliated with the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs (NJSFWC) came together for a noble cause. They actively participated in the 2024 NJSFWC Day of Service held at the Parsippany PAL Building.

This year’s Day of Service was dedicated to aiding victims of domestic violence, highlighting the importance of addressing this pressing issue in society. Several prominent agencies joined hands to support this initiative, including Domestic Abuse & Sexual Assault Intervention Services (DASI) from Sussex County, Domestic Abuse & Sexual Assault Crisis Center (DASAAC) from Warren County, JBWS, and Homeless Solutions Morristown Family Shelter, all located in Morris County.

To facilitate their charitable efforts, each agency provided lists of essential items that the club members could donate. These generous contributions were brought to the Day of Service event, where forty-one dedicated members from various clubs worked diligently to sort and package over 875 items. These items were subsequently handed over to the respective agencies for distribution among their clients in need.

The event saw the presence of Diane Williams, CEO of JBWS, who expressed her gratitude to the participants for their invaluable support in assisting victims of domestic abuse. She reminded everyone of the significance of their efforts, emphasizing that each one of us may know someone in need of help in such challenging situations.

Jayne Murphy-Morris, JBWS Volunteer Coordinator, also attended the event, bringing additional personal hygiene items. These items were diligently packed by the ladies along with some of the donated items to create kits for new arrivals, who often come with nothing but the clothes on their backs.

In addition to their support for domestic violence victims, some of the ladies took the time to fill out greeting cards for the families of children suffering from cancer. These heartfelt cards will be given to the Emmanuel Cancer Foundation (ECF) for distribution to these families, spreading comfort and support.

The Woman’s Club of Parsippany-Troy Hills, a part of both the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) and the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs (NJSFWC), continues to play an active role in community service. These organizations are among the largest volunteer women’s service organizations in the country and the state. They provide opportunities for education, leadership training, and community service. The club holds its General Meetings on the fourth Monday of each month from September through April at 7:00 p.m.

If you are interested in learning more about the Woman’s Club of Parsippany-Troy Hills and its community involvement, you can contact Ginny at (973) 887-0336. You can also find more information on their official website by clicking here, or reach out to them via email at Additionally, you can follow their activities and updates on Facebook and Instagram.

About the New Jersey State Federations of Women’s Clubs: The New Jersey State Federations of Women’s Clubs (NJSFWC), a volunteer community service organization, was established in 1894 and is headquartered on the Douglass College campus in New Brunswick, NJ. The NJSFWC played a pivotal role in founding the New Jersey College for Women, now known as Douglass College (Rutgers), in 1918. In the year 2020, the organization, with a membership exceeding 5800, reported almost 16,963 community service projects involving over 320,119 volunteer hours and $2.3 million in cash and in-kind donations. The NJSFWC is an esteemed member of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC), headquartered in Washington, DC, which stands as the world’s largest and oldest women’s volunteer community service organization.

For further information regarding the NJSFWC and details about joining a local club, please call (732) 249-5474 or visit their official website by clicking here.

Carly Gladstone Earns Dean’s List Recognition at Miami University for Academic Excellence

PARSIPPANY — Miami University has bestowed the honor of Dean’s List recognition upon those students who achieved academic excellence in the Fall semester of 2023 by ranking in the top twenty percent of their respective divisions. Among these accomplished scholars is Carly Gladstone.

Miami University, a publicly acclaimed institution, is situated in Oxford, Ohio. Boasting a robust student body of nearly 19,000 individuals, Miami University uniquely blends a diverse array of robust academic programs with a dedicated faculty renowned for their passion for teaching, delivering the kind of personalized attention typically associated with smaller educational institutions.

Morris County Under Winter Weather Advisory: Snowfall Expected with Slippery Road Conditions

MORRIS COUNTY — The National Weather Service has released a Winter Weather Advisory for the surrounding region, which will be in effect from 7:00 p.m. on January 15 until 4:00 p.m. on January 16. The forecast anticipates the onset of snowfall after 2:00 a.m. with a potential accumulation of 1-2 inches. Snowfall is expected to persist through Tuesday, with the possibility of new snow accumulating between 1 to 3 inches, according to the weather experts.

Please be prepared for potentially slippery road conditions, as these hazardous weather conditions could impact both the morning and evening commutes.

Shoplifting Suspect Dennis Lake: From Walmart Aisles to Police Custody

PARSIPPANY — Hanover Township Police Officer Brian Morrisroe apprehended two individuals, Dennis Lake, 48, Lake Hiawatha, and Adele Todd, 41, residing at the Red Carpet Inn in Cedar Knolls, on charges related to assault.

Officer Morrisroe received a call regarding a shoplifting incident in progress at Walmart on Thursday, December 21.

Upon arriving at the scene, he discovered the suspected shoplifters in the process of loading merchandise into their vehicle. He issued orders for them to cease their activities and place their hands on the vehicle. However, they refused to comply and began resisting arrest. Given the active resistance and assault on the officers, additional law enforcement personnel were called in for assistance.

After a brief altercation, both Lake and Todd were apprehended and subsequently taken to the Hanover Township Police Headquarters for processing. They were formally charged with shoplifting goods exceeding $1,800 in value, conspiracy, obstruction, harassment, and resisting arrest. Dennis Lake faced additional charges, including disorderly conduct, and received motor vehicle summonses for various violations such as expired inspection, obstructed view, cracked windshield, and operating an unsafe vehicle.

Adele Todd was also charged with aggravated assault, being under the influence, and hindering law enforcement. During her time in custody, she intentionally obstructed the toilet in the holding cell, leading to an additional charge of criminal mischief. Dennis Lake was released, pending his court date, while Adele Todd was transported to Morris County Correctional Facility, where she will await her court date.

Editors Note: A criminal complaint is merely an accusation. Despite this accusation, the individual(s) are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

Jack Haren Named Grand Marshal of the 2024 Morris County St. Patrick’s Day Parade

MORRIS COUNTY — The Morris County St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee is thrilled to announce that Jack Haren, a distinguished resident of Morris Plains, has been chosen as the Grand Marshal for the 2024 St. Patrick’s Day Parade.

Haren, a first-generation Irish American, grew up in upper Manhattan, with his roots tracing back to County Kerry and County Clare through his parents. He graduated from Fordham University in 1969 and served two years on active duty as a Signal Corps Lieutenant in the United States Army. His commitment to supporting veterans is evident through his membership in the American Legion Post 59 in Morristown. Additionally, he serves as the site coordinator for Wreaths Across America, a program that honors veterans by placing wreaths on their graves in over 2,200 cemeteries across the United States.

Jack Haren

“We’re very excited to have Jack lead us down South Street this year,” exclaimed Publicity Director Michael Leavy. “His profound passion for Irish history and culture makes him an outstanding representative of the Irish-American experience.”

For six decades, Skellig Michael, a remote Irish island once inhabited by medieval monks, has held a special place in the imagination of Grand Marshal Jack Haren.

Haren’s fascination with Skellig Michael began at the age of 16 when he first glimpsed the island’s rugged outline, located roughly seven miles off the coast of County Kerry. Once home to reclusive monks living in beehive huts, Skellig Michael has now attained the status of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was during an adult visit to the island that Haren had a profound experience that has remained with him throughout his life.

Skellig Michael now finds its place on Haren’s Grand Marshal Pin, a design collaboration between him and the Morris County St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee. This pin has complemented the official St. Patrick’s Day Parade Pin for over two decades, serving as a symbol to promote this beloved annual event. The formal unveiling of Haren’s pin took place on December 7 at Grasshopper Off the Green in Morristown, attracting more than 100 parade enthusiasts. The event featured captivating performances by the Coffin Ships, Heritage Irish Dance Company, and Rory O’Moore Pipes and Drums. However, the highlight of the evening was Haren’s poignant talk about the significance of Skellig Michael.

More than one hundred people attended the formal unveiling of Haren’s pin

Drawing upon his profound knowledge of Irish history and culture, Haren shared his journey as a 16-year-old to his mother’s family farm in Waterville, County Kerry. In those days, rural Ireland had yet to be connected by power lines, leading Haren to spend his days fishing and his evenings gathered around the fireplace, listening to stories.

He recounted, “On my daily bicycle ride into the village—because the only way to get there was on a bicycle—I would look out into the Atlantic Ocean. Way out in the Atlantic, I would see two jagged isles that were about six or seven miles out. I’m talking about Skellig Michael and its companion, Little Skellig. They were the focus of my Uncle Paddy, who would tell and retell stories about those two isles almost every evening as we sat around the fireplace.”

Parade Committee members Tom and Liz Hand were among the event organizers.

Uncle Paddy’s stories painted vivid pictures of the monks who inhabited the islands, their solitary existence due to the rocky terrain’s limitations, Viking raids, and the practices of the Irish Church before the influence of the Church of Rome.

This childhood experience left an indelible mark on Haren, although he wouldn’t have the chance to visit Skellig Michael until a family trip in 1995 when he was 48 years old. Haren and his brother chartered a fishing trawler captain to brave the rough seas and land them on the island, which lacked proper piers and docks.

During this visit, Haren took a photograph that would become the basis for his Grand Marshal Pin.

He vividly recalled the experience, saying, “We hiked 656 steps to the top, which is about 750 feet. That’s about 60 percent of the height of the Empire State Building. The winds up there were really howling, which is what you’d expect, and of course there were no guardrails. From that view, you could see Antiquity.”

The view included six stone beehive huts where monks had lived for centuries in search of solitude and a connection with God. For Haren, this moment on Skellig Michael was a profound fusion of his Irish heritage and his spirituality, set against the backdrop of County Kerry, his mother’s homeland.

“It has stayed with me in my forever consciousness,” he said. Now, this special moment is available to everyone through Haren’s Grand Marshal Pin.

The 2024 St. Patrick’s Day Parade of Morris County is set to kick off on South Street at noon on Saturday, March 9, at 12:00 Noon. Those interested in supporting the parade are encouraged to become Parade Patrons.

Community Rallying Together to Support Homeless Population in Morris County

MORRIS COUNTY — In an inspiring display of unity and compassion, Mutual Morris, a community organization dedicated to making a positive impact, has announced a heartfelt call to action. They are rallying the Morris County community to support their efforts in aiding the annual Point in Time survey of homelessness. With a strong desire to bring warmth and relief to those in need, Mutual Morris is actively seeking donations and volunteers to join their cause.

Mutual Morris is requesting donations of essential items that can make a significant difference in the lives of those experiencing homelessness. Warm blankets, clothing, non-perishable food, and hygiene products are among the items needed to provide comfort and support during the survey.

Items in need:
•Phone chargers
•Large Ziploc bags
•Snacks that are easy to carry and eat
•Reusable water bottles
•Small packages of toiletries like deodorant, moisturizer, lip balm, baby wipes, facial tissues, feminine hygiene

Additionally, Mutual Morris is extending an invitation to the community, urging all to come together on January 16 and 22 at the Morris County Library. On these dates, volunteers are encouraged to join the organization in sorting and packing the collected items into individual bags. It’s an opportunity not only to contribute to a meaningful cause but also to connect with fellow community members.

The event promises a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose, fostering a strong sense of community spirit. An event page has been set up on Facebook, where interested individuals can find more details and RSVP: Event Page Link.

Mutual Morris, through its dedicated members and supporters, aims to make a positive impact on the lives of those experiencing homelessness in Morris County. Their call to action reflects the power of community unity and the collective goodwill of individuals coming together to support a cause that transcends boundaries.

Drop off at 37 Beverly Road, Madison, or 104 Fox Hill Road, Parsippany.

For more information

Make Money While Supporting Democracy: Poll Workers Needed

PARSIPPANY — Your community needs you! By staffing a polling location, you will:

  • Earn $300 for working on Election Day and $21.44 per hour on in-person Early Voting days.
  • See our great democracy in action, firsthand, and enjoy the feeling that comes with contributing to your local community, your state, and your country.

Be a part of your democracy – become a Poll Worker! Poll Workers are trained to aid voters on Election Day, guide them through the voting process, and answer any questions voters have. They are a vital part of every election!

Residents of all ages, including college and High School students, are encouraged to apply.


  • Must be a registered voter in Morris County
  • Must be able to read and speak the English language
  • Must be able to work a full day. No half-day schedules

Training Requirements

  • New Poll Workers must attend training provided by the Board of Elections
  • All Poll Workers must attend training classes at least once every two years
  • When new Laws are introduced, mandatory training may be required for all
  • Training Classes are hands-on and approximately three and a half hours long. They are held 3 – 4 weeks before the Primary and General Elections.

Application Procedure

  1. Complete this Poll Worker Application
  2. You will be contacted eight weeks before the next election with the training class schedule.

Click here to apply.

All Saints Academy Annual Tricky Tray Seeking Donations

PARSIPPANY — All Saints Academy is excited to announce its Annual Tricky Tray event, which will take place on Friday, February 9, at 189 Baldwin Road. Tickets are still available but selling quickly. To secure your tickets, please reach out to the school directly at (973) 334-4704.

All Saints Academy is extending an invitation to businesses in the surrounding areas to consider participating by contributing items, services, gift certificates, or by becoming a sponsor. The school serves students not only from Parsippany but also from Montville, Boonton, Denville, and beyond. In appreciation of your support, the names of donors will be acknowledged in the event program and featured on the event’s Facebook page, “All Saints Academy Annual Tricky Tray,” as space allows.

This event serves as the school’s largest fundraiser, and the funds raised play a pivotal role in providing current and future students with the necessary academic resources to excel. If you or your business would like to contribute, please contact Laura Febbi at or call (973) 214-7520 for additional information.

All Saints Academy is a dynamic and diverse school community rooted in Catholic faith and tradition. The school offers a comprehensive education spanning from Preschool to Grade 8. Their mission is to foster the holistic development of each child and prepare students to evolve into self-assured, resourceful learners who embody responsibility, faith, and global citizenship. For more details or to schedule a tour, please call (973) 334-4704 or click here.

Woman’s Club of Parsippany-Troy Hills Scholarships Available

PARSIPPANY — Parsippany High and Parsippany Hills seniors are encouraged to apply for multiple $1,000 scholarships open to ALL graduating seniors.

Scholarships will be awarded to students pursuing further education in a College, Trade/Technical school, or Nursing Program. Parsippany residents attending the Morris County School of Technology are eligible to apply for the Technical/Trade Scholarship. Apply through your school counselor and follow their timeline and procedures.

Scholarships have been awarded to hundreds of students over 65 years thanks to the club’s many successful fundraisers.

The Woman’s Club of Parsippany-Troy Hills is a member of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) and the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs (NJSFWC), which are the largest volunteer women’s service organizations in the country/state, providing opportunities for education, leadership training, and community service. General Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of each month September through April at 7:00 p.m.

To learn more about our upcoming General Meeting and our organization’s activities, you can get in touch with Ginny at (973) 887-0336, visit our website by clicking here, reach out via email at, or connect with us on Facebook and Instagram.

Parsippany-Troy Hills Mayor and Community Leaders Welcome Greenspan Family Eyecare to New Location

PARSIPPANY — On Wednesday, January 3, Parsippany-Troy Hills Mayor James Barberio, along with Senator Joe Pennacchio, Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce, Frank Cahill, Chairman of Parsippany Economic Development Committee, Vice Chair Dr. Maheta, Member Scott Donnelly, Jigar Shah, former Council President Loretta Gragnani, former Council Vice President Michael dePierro and Councilmember Judy Hernandez gathered to extend a warm welcome to Dr. Sheldon Greenspan, Dr. Lizzi, Dr. Smithgall-Brown, and their staff at the new location of Greenspan Family Eyecare.

When it comes to choosing eyeglass frames, there are indeed hundreds of options available to suit various preferences, face shapes, and style preferences. Eyeglass frames come in different materials, shapes, sizes, and colors.

The new facility, situated at 1055 Parsippany Boulevard, Suite 104, represents a state-of-the-art establishment that upholds the Greenspan Family Eyecare legacy of delivering high-quality eye care services to Parsippany and its surrounding areas.

During the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Mayor Barberio expressed his appreciation, saying, “You have served this community for over 40 years and can count multiple generations of families as your patients. We appreciate you being a member of our community and look forward to many more years of your attentive care.”

While presenting a plaque to Dr. Greenspan, Chairman Frank Cahill expressed his gratitude, stating, “We highly value your decision to maintain Greenspan Family Eye Care within Parsippany.

While presenting a plaque to Dr. Greenspan, Chairman Frank Cahill expressed his gratitude, stating, “We highly value your decision to maintain Greenspan Family Eye Care within Parsippany. With a remarkable four decades of dedicated service in our community, your commitment to fulfilling eyecare needs has remained unwavering. Your extensive range of services encompasses the treatment and management of eye diseases and disorders, comprehensive eye examinations, as well as the provision of eyeglasses and contact lenses. Notably, Dr. Greenspan holds the esteemed position of being a member of the State Board of Optometry, appointed by the Governor of New Jersey. #PRIDEINPARSIPPANY. We sincerely thank you for your continued presence in our community!”

Frank Cahill expresses gratitude to Dr. Greenspan for his ongoing service to the Parsippany community.
Greenspan Eye Care boasts state-of-the-art equipment, a crucial component in delivering top-notch eye examinations and treatments. Employing cutting-edge technology not only elevates the precision of diagnoses but also enhances patient comfort, resulting in the provision of optimal eye care services.

Reprinted from Parsippany Focus Magazine, February 2024. Click here to view the magazine.