Dear Editor:
Thank you for accurately portraying the lack of civility at the Board of Education meeting on Thursday, April 11. As a product of our great school system, a father who sent five children through our school system, and a past 15-year Board of Education member (President for 6), I find the recent tactics employed by certain current Board of Education members unacceptable.
There is no requirement for Board of Education members to be rational, truthful, or productive anymore. BOE member Tim Berrios stated, “Former Board of Ed member Frank Neglia said we would meet to get this resolved, yet that hasn’t happened either.”
Tim Berrios and I do not talk and my last contact with him was when individuals from his riot crowd cursed at me walking into a Special Township Council Meeting on 12/28/23, attempted to block me from entering the building, followed by someone throwing a coffee cup at my head. Further, I am the Liaison to the BOE for the Township Council and as a former BOE member, try to maintain positive relationships with our school leaders.
I met with Board President Andy Choffo on the evening of February 6th and had a nice discussion. In addition, Councilmen McGrath and I met with Board members Alison Cogen and Judy Mayer on February 27th. We spoke about shared services and other ways our governing bodies can help one another or at least co-exist. Berrios knew about these meetings; but, in my opinion, likes to spread lies and false propaganda in an attempt to fool the public for his own self-political gain.
Berrios erroneously put out there “the BOE hasn’t seen one penny from 1515 Route 10 Pilot”. He should know that the 1515 Route 10 PILOT was negotiated under the prior administration, when he was President of the BOE and any PILOT would not begin until after completion which can be up to two years away.
Knowing that the 1515 PILOT was executed years ago, and it still has not started, how is it that Mrs. Golderer is claiming that the absence of PILOT funding is “hurting the schools”? The stakes must be pretty grave with their chase for outside funds years before the projects are built and more before any potential residents move in. Misinforming the public with lies to coerce the Township into bailing them out is not good fiscal policy. Many residents would like to know what is going on with the school board’s budget.
Nastiness has nothing to do with leadership. Civility has been decreasing for a long time at the School Board, and many people seem to be losing patience with their arrogance. Mr. Berrios is a perfect example.
With over 63% of our taxes going to the schools, a better question is why is their operating budget so high? There are fewer students, yet the operating budget is $50 million more than when I left the BOE as President in 2021. That is a significant increase and worth looking into. It seems out of control, and I suggest the BOE seek more opportunities where savings can occur.
Our residents are watching, and they are not interested in half-truths. They are interested in respecting and representing our schools as examples for our kids.
Remember to be kind and leave the politics at the door because we are Parsippany. We do not let ignorant bullies rule on the streets, and we should not tolerate inflammatory political rhetoric from certain School Board Members.
Frank Neglia