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Township Council Presents “Certificate of Appreciation” to Peterson and McCarthy

PARSIPPANY — The Township Council presented a “Certificate of Appreciation” to outgoing Council members Janice McCarthy and Emily Peterson.

Peterson and McCarthy did not seek re-election and their term ends on December 31, 2021.

They will be replaced by two Republicans, Justin Musella, and Frank Neglia.

The swearing-in of Negia and Musella along with Mayor-Elect James Barberio will be held on Saturday, January 1 at 12:00 Noon at the Municipal Building, 1001 Parsippany Boulevard.  The event is open to the public. Masks are required.

James Carifi Awarded 1 Million Dollars in Settlement Against Township of Parsippany

PARSIPPANY — In the Parsippany-Troy Hills Council Chambers, on Monday, December 20, 2021, Former Parsippany-Troy Hills Captain James Carifi held a press conference after settling with the Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills for 1 Million Dollars, in a case that was originally filed in 2011.

Christopher Deininger, Esq. congratulates Former Captain James Carifi on the One Million Dollar settlement

The sum of $550,000 was paid out through two Township insurance carriers, Morris County Municipal Joint Insurance Fund and Garden State Municipal Joint Fund. Approximately $368,000 for unused leave balances owed to Carifi, and the remaining (approximately) $82,000 was paid by the Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills.

Current Mayor Michael Soriano and former Mayor (and Mayor-elect) James Barberio did not attend the hearing. Prior to the hearing, in a closed-door meeting, Mayor Michael Soriano presented Carifi with a letter in good standing, a retirement badge, and a retirement ID card. Press was not permitted to attend the meeting.

In a 2011 whistleblower claim, Carifi claimed the Barberio Administration, along with then-Police Chief Michael Peckerman, had conspired against him because he reported improper activities within the department.

As a result, his lawsuit alleged, he was transferred and denied a promotion, resulting in his 2013 retirement.

Parsippany-Troy Hills Township Council unanimously passed a Resolution (R2021-165) on November 23, 2021.

Former Parsippany-Troy Hills Police Captain James Carifi holding a letter in good standing, a retirement badge, and a retirement ID card.

“This is an important day for the township, for Captain James Carifi, and his family,” Soriano wrote. “I want to congratulate Captain Carifi on his career of service to our community. Our township owes him a debt of gratitude, and I’m happy to acknowledge the work he’s done for Parsippany. Thank you, Captain Carifi, and I wish you all the very best.”

Former Parsippany-Troy Hills Captain James Carifi delivered the following speech during the press conference:

Today’s announcement and delayed vindication demonstrate that truth and justice always prevail over corruption and coverups, even if it is nearly nine years later.

My good name has been cleared and my status as a law-abiding, law enforcement official is solidly in place through this settlement. I am relieved to be moving forward and putting an end to this difficult time in my life.

Former Parsippany-Troy Hills Captain James Carifi held a press conference after settling with the Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills for 1 Million Dollars, in a case that was originally filed in 2011.

This settlement should serve as a strong message and stark warning to the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office and the incoming Barberio administration to stop their political witch-hunt campaigns of burying truthful reports of police corruption and punishing the honorable employees who report wrongdoing and do right by the community and taxpayers.

Had the MCPO acted ethically and taken action to investigate the wrongdoing I reported as opposed to burying information to protect political people, the taxpayers could have avoided this costly process.

During my long, arduous cases, the MCPO continuously buried substantiated information and looked the other way to misconduct within a police department. The MCPO buried information when they were made aware of a former Parsippany Police Chief who submitted a false certification to a Superior Court Judge that a Parsippany Police Officer was using the “Ashley Madison-Life is Short Have an Affair” website for political purposes, when in fact there was never an investigation into this website. The documents are here to prove it. (Click here to read related articles.)

But the audacity of the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office doesn’t stop there. Prosecutors then tried to suppress a municipal judge’s probable cause finding against a former Parsippany Police Chief for Official Misconduct for withholding documents that were required to be released to the public. These documents would have shown specific cover-ups. Again, the MCPO went against their sworn duty to abide by the Court’s probable cause finding and looked the other way.

Next, two years after I retired, I was served on Christmas Eve with bogus disciplinary charges from the Parsippany Police Department under the direction of the Barberio administration. The Hearing Officer that was hired by the Township to hear this matter was told informally that he was not going to be paid unless he ruled in the Township’s favor. Thankfully the hearing officer did not succumb to this threat and ruled in my favor, based on the evidence. Several years later, after Barberio was voted out of office, the Hearing Officer wrote to Mayor Soriano asking to be paid for his services, which had been denied payment for almost two years by the Barberio Administration. Not only did the Barberio Administration threaten this Hearing Officer, but they also followed through with the threat by refusing to pay him. Again, when this information was brought to the MCPO they chose to bury it and take no action. (Click here to read document)

Moving forward, incoming and current Parsippany council members must stop tolerating a Mayor who abuses his or her power to wrongly prey upon principled employees who stand up for what is right.

To put into proper context the extent of the Morris County Prosecutors went into suppressing evidence and abandoning their sworn commitment to uphold the law, I have all of the supportive documentation for your review and reference.

With that being said, I am grateful to finally receive vindication for the attempts to smear my reputation, attempts to bring false charges against me, and attempts to prevent receipt of my pension. I want to thank the entire police pension board for unanimously voting in my favor and for their comments to the township attorney that he should be ashamed of himself for playing politics with my pension.

I can’t adequately thank my family enough for supporting me during this entire ordeal, especially my mother who did not live to see this day but now can rest in peace with this settlement outcome. Thanks to my entire legal team and some of the members of the Parsippany Police Department who maintained their integrity in spite of their fear of political retaliation and did not let that dissuade them from providing truthful testimony. I truly appreciate my loyal and dedicated friends who stood by me and encouraged me to continue to fight until justice prevailed.

As painstaking as this ordeal was, I hope my case serves as an inspiration to all dedicated employees elsewhere who stand up to corruption and do not give up no matter how ugly the journey gets. The truth will always prevail – this settlement and this badge prove it.

Carifi’s attorney Christopher Deininger, Esq., attended the press conference and answered questions of reporters


Murphy Signs Important Telehealth Legislation

MORRIS COUNTY — Governor Murphy signed legislation (S-2559) that extends for the next two years the requirement adopted at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic that health benefits plans reimburse health care providers for telehealth and telemedicine services at the same rate as in-person services, with limited exceptions. At the same time, the legislation charges the Department of Health with conducting an in-depth study of the utilization of telehealth and telemedicine and its effects on patient outcomes, quality and satisfaction, and access to care in order to inform future decisions on payment structure for these services.  This legislation will provide critical support to patients and providers while the State continues to address the challenges posed by the pandemic, and while the Department of Health evaluates how to best leverage payment and telemedicine to improve access to affordable care and maintain the highest quality of care possible.

“Telehealth and telemedicine services have been critical during the COVID-19 pandemic and will stay with us long after the pandemic is over,” said Governor Murphy. “New Jerseyans have greater access to the health care they need with the proliferation and expansion of these services, and with this legislation, we are ensuring that this new technology can remain viable as we emerge from the pandemic while also ensuring that New Jersey remains at the forefront of innovative health care policy that serves all New Jerseyans.”
“Throughout this pandemic, telemedicine has been a lifeline to vital health care services for many—especially those in underserved communities,”  said Department of Health Commissioner Judith Persichilli.”The Department will thoroughly assess the impact of pay parity in telehealth and telemedicine services and make thoughtful recommendations for the future.”

“In response to the pandemic, the state put in place measures to increase access to telehealth to ensure patients could visit a doctor or other medical provider remotely to receive care,” said Department of Banking and Insurance Commissioner Marlene Caride. “Telehealth remains a vital access point for health care, and this law continues to provide that access to residents while creating a process for the state to assess how the policy is working and to allow for any needed changes. This is a meaningful change that will assist residents in getting the health care they need, with the flexibility to visit a health care provider remotely from their own homes.”

Morris County Prosecutor’s Office Swears in New Assistant Prosecutor

MORRIS COUNTY —  Morris County Prosecutor Robert J. Carroll and First Assistant Prosecutor Maggie Calderwood announce the hiring of Robert J. Gross, Jr. as Assistant Prosecutor for the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office.

Assistant Prosecutor Gross was officially sworn in by First Assistant Prosecutor Calderwood at the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office on December 20. Assistant Prosecutor Gross will be assigned to the Specialized Services Unit.

Assistant Prosecutor Gross began his legal career as a law clerk in 2019 for Judge Peter F. Bariso, Jr. at the Superior Court of New Jersey, 6th Vicinage in Jersey City. He served as an assistant prosecutor at the Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office Juvenile Unit from 2020 until starting with the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office. He has held internships and externships with the Exxon Mobil Corporation, Centre County Court of Common Pleas in Pennsylvania, Warren County Prosecutor’s Office, New Jersey Office of the Attorney General Division of Criminal Justice-Appellate Bureau, and the New York County District Attorney’s Office-Investigations Division-Rackets Bureau.

He also volunteered with the Penn State Law Veteran’s Clinic. Assistant Prosecutor Gross holds a Bachelor of Science and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Pennsylvania State University, paralegal certification from Georgetown University, and a Juris Doctorate from Penn State Law. Prosecutor Carroll said, “I believe Assistant Prosecutor Gross will make a fine addition to our prosecutorial team.”

Tayfun Selen Selected to Serve as Morris County Commission Director

MORRIS COUNTY — Morris County Republican Chairwoman Laura Marie Ali applauded the Board of Commissioners for its selection of Tayfun Selen (Chatham Township) as Commission Director and John Krickus (Washington Township) as Deputy Director to lead the County in 2022.

“Tayfun Selen and John Krickus will be a dynamic, fiscally conservative leadership team for Morris County government over the next 12 months and will continue to hold the line on taxes, invest in infrastructure, and lead our county’s recovery from the pandemic. They represent the very best of our party,” said Chairwoman Ali. “Tayfun, in particular, has been a part of three straight budgets that avoided property tax increases at the local and county levels.”

Ali said that the 2022 leadership team was unanimously supported at the annual caucus, and Morris County Republican leadership has been integral in making Morris the state’s number one County and the best place to live in all of New Jersey. Last June, major financial rating agencies including Moody’s and S&P Global again awarded their highest-possible “AAA” rating to Morris County, continuing a legacy as one of the best financially-run counties in America.

Tayfun Selen is a proven fiscal conservative, experienced businessman, and American success story. Selen immigrated from Turkey with a degree in architecture in 1996, pumping gas and working entry-level jobs before earning an MBA and his CPA license. He earned his U.S. citizenship in 2008 and managed major corporate real estate operations leading over 100 employees and several hundred million dollar budgets. Today, he is an executive with a major national vocational school group.

Selen previously served as Chatham Township Mayor, and later filled a vacancy on the Morris County Commission and earned a full-term in 2020.

Tayfun is married with one daughter and has lived in Morris County for the past 23 years, including 19 years in the Chathams.

John Krickus will be starting his third three-year term on the board. He is a member of the Budget Committee producing three straight years of no county tax increase and the Strategic Planning Advisory Committee that has been key to maintaining the County’s AAA finance rating during the pandemic. He also is the liaison to the Morris County Improvement Authority, the County College of Morris and Morris County School of Technology, and the Chamber of Commerce/Economic Development.

Commissioner Krickus served as a Marine Corps veteran and a graduate of Drew University with a BA in Economics and Political Science. He received his MBA from Lehigh University and was a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in New Jersey.

Previously, he served on the Washington Township Committee for 12 years, including three years as Mayor. Born and raised in Madison, he now lives in Long Valley with his wife Carolyn.

Morris County Commissioners Present 2022 Capital Spending Plan

MORRIS COUNTY — The Morris County Board of County Commissioners unveiled a $67,242,800 million capital spending plan that expands educational programs at the Morris County School of Technology, while aggressively investing in improvements to county roads, intersections, bridges, and culverts.

The board’s Capital Budget Committee, which includes Commissioner Director Stephen H. Shaw, Commissioner Thomas Mastrangelo, and Commissioner Tayfun Selen, outlined the plan during a work session, additionally pointing to funds earmarked for public safety, public health, parks, and improving information technology.

“This capital plan contains $14 million to resurface 25.6 miles of roads in 15 towns, $2.8 million to improve key intersections and dedicates nearly $7 million so that Morris County will continue to lead the state with its bridge and culvert upgrades,” said Commissioner Director Shaw.

“This plan also makes good on the commitment our board made this past summer for a 30 percent expansion of the Morris County Vocational School with a new Career Technical Education Center, as well as an investment in the continuing expansions and improvements at the County College of Morris,” Shaw added.

The 2022 Capital Spending Highlights Include: 

Improving our County Road Network

  • $2.8 in Intersection Upgrades, including:
  • Flanders Netcong Road and Main Street Intersection with Route 206, Mount Olive
  • Boonton Avenue at Taylortown Road, Montville Township
  • Guide Rail Upgrades and Installations throughout the County
  • $14.0 million for roadway resurfacing, including:
  • 2.2 miles of Fairmount Road in Washington Township
  • 2.2 miles of Green Pond Road in Rockaway and Jefferson Townships
  • 2.5 miles of Park Avenue from Columbia Turnpike to Route 124 in Madison, Florham Park, and Morris Township
  • 2.5 miles of Village Road in Harding Township
  • $6.83 million for bridge and culverts projects, including:
  • Dickson’s Mill Road Bridge in Harding Township
  • Pleasant Hill Road Bridge in Mount Olive

Commitment to Education:

  • $25.3 million for the School of Technology’s construction of its new Career Technical Education Center at the County College of Morris and Science Lab upgrades with $18.8 million coming from a State Grant
  • $5.2 million at the County College for facility accessibility upgrades and Academic Complex roof replacementHurd Street Bridge in Mine Hill Township 

Other 2021 Capital Spending Highlights Include:

  • $1.9 million for Information Technology Upgrades and Improvements
  • $1.7 million for the Morris County Park System
  • $4.1 million for 451 new voting machines to comply with new voting laws
  • $1 million for Public Safety Enhancements
  • $550,000 for County Owned Railroad Upgrades
  • $366,000 for Health Management and Mosquito Control

The slide show presented by the Capital Budget Committee may be viewed by clicking here.

The $67.2 million plan reflects a commitment of $36,875,294 million by the county, which will be offset by an anticipated $30,367,506 million in grants.

Morris County government has a massive and diverse inventory of responsibilities, ranging from the Morris County Administration Building in Morristown to Human Services and Law & Public Safety complexes in Morris Township and Parsippany.  The infrastructure includes:

  • 287 miles of county roads in all 39 Morris County municipalities
  • 1,000 bridges and culverts throughout all Morris County municipalities
  • 3 Freight Railroads
  • 1,185 vehicles and or pieces of equipment used by various county agencies
  • 3.3 million square feet of buildings and structures

The County of Morris also is responsible for:

  • Maintaining all trees within county road rights-of-way
  • Facilities required by the Judiciary, Sheriff, Law and Public Safety
  • Mosquito Control services throughout all Morris County
  • 20,197 acres of Parkland

Melissa Florance-Lynch Announces Candidacy for Morris County Commissioner

MORRIS COUNTY — Melissa Florance-Lynch announced her candidacy for Morris County Commissioner as she will join the ticket with Commissioners Doug Cabana and Tom Mastrangelo.

“I am very excited to both announce my candidacy for Morris County Commissioner and to join the ticket with Commissioners Doug Cabana and Tom Mastrangelo. As a lifelong resident of Pequannock Township and as someone who has taken a very active role in our community, I know there is a lot of work that needs to be done to continue to maintain the high quality of living that Morris County residents have come to expect and enjoy. My promise to Morris County is to continue to fight to keep taxes low, improve our parks, preserve open space, and support our law enforcement community to keep our communities safe. I look forward to speaking with the voters of Morris County to earn your vote to serve as the next Morris County Commissioner,” said Florance-Lynch. Florance-Lynch brings significant experience to the Mastrangelo, Cabana, Florance-Lynch ticket as she has:

• Served 11 years on Pequannock Town Council and two years as Mayor
• Is a successful Broker Associate / Sales Manager of Local Real Estate Firm
• Serves on Multiple Township Committees and Boards as Council Liaison
• A Member of Pequannock Valley Rotary, Pequannock Chamber of Commerce, Suburban Woman’s Club of Pompton Plains

“Morris County is very fortunate to have someone that is of the caliber of Melissa Florance-Lynch seeking the opportunity to serve on the Morris County Board of Commissioners. She has been successful in stabilizing municipal taxes, making improvements to parks, has been instrumental with flood mitigation projects such as FEMA house elevations, and working to significantly advance critical water and sewer projects in Pequannock. Melissa’s love of public service is infectious, and we are very excited to both welcome and work with Melissa as our running mate as we begin our campaign for the Morris County Board of Commissioners,” stated Cabana and Mastrangelo.

DeFillippo Announces She Will Not Seek Re-Election After Her Term Expires

MORRIS COUNTY — Commissioner Kathy DeFillippo, who has served on the Morris County Board of Commissioners since 2014, announced she will not seek re-election alongside her long-time running mates Doug Cabana and Tom Mastrangelo.

“After talking to Doug, Tom, and my family, I have decided to step back from elected office and to devote myself to my growing family and my other personal priorities,” DeFillippo explained. “It was not an easy decision. Serving the people of Morris County on the Board of Commissioners has been a great honor. I know I am leaving the Board in good hands with the exceptional leadership of the current Commissioners, including my running mates Doug Cabana and Tom Mastrangelo, who continue to have my support and warm regard. “I am most proud of leaving a legacy of strengthening the County’s Human Services, especially for seniors, veterans, and women and children in need,” DeFillippo said.

“At the same time, we were also successful in keeping taxes low, preserving open space, and ensuring Morris County remains an exceptional place to live, work, and raise a family.” During her eight years on the County Commission, DeFillippo served as its Director for two years, in 2015 and 2016. She also serves as Chair of the Board of North Jersey Transportation Authority (NJTPA), where she has been a Board Member since 2014, representing Morris County. DeFillippo has also served on the Council and as Mayor of the Township of Roxbury.

“Kathy will be sorely missed. Both as a good friend and as a colleague on the Board. Her leadership, experience, and vision cannot be overstated. Kathy is the gold standard for public service. We thank Kathy for her service and wish her nothing but the very best now and into the future,” stated Commissioners Doug Cabana and Tom Mastrangelo.

Friendship Club Restarted at Temple Beth Am

PARSIPPANY — For a decade, the Friendship Club of Temple Beth Am, a seniors ages 50+ group, ran flawlessly. It met approximately 10 times per year with many different style programs such as in-house lunch/speaker groups, going to Duke Gardens, theater trips, museum visits, movies, going out to restaurants and so many more activities too numerous to mention. It was never difficult to participate because it was a happy, friendly group that enjoyed being together. Then, almost two years ago something unheard of happened – Covid. For almost two years, our biggest activity was trying to remain healthy.

Last June, a hopeful past Friendship Club President arranged a Zoom board meeting. Zoom…it took a few and a bit of time to get connected but a meeting began. Could we figure out a way in this present day and age to get the Friendship Club started again? Would the Friendship Club be able to resume? We all looked at each other on the screen. One of the first Presidents of the Friendship Club from over a decade ago raised her hand and said ” Will everyone on this board remain in office? I’ll take the presidency if you stay on.” The Friendship Club of Temple Beth Am now had a full board, and ideas and thoughts began flying across the computer screen. We knew we needed some advance notice to publicize an event, what could we do in this covid environment? With a strong board, they met the challenge like other businesses, Temples, churches, schools, and stores. The group cut the meetings to only five this year. Then they started the year in September with a lovely luncheon in the garden patio at The Villages Restaurant in Morris Plains. The weather was perfect for an outside lunch, and they had many attendees. They were able to get a meeting during November with a speaker on Zero Mostel followed by lunch. The Friendship Club has three future meetings for January, March, and June.

Morris County Crime Stoppers Celebrated 35th Anniversary

MORRIS COUNTY — Morris County Crime Stoppers celebrated the 35th Anniversary at a dinner at the Birchwood Manor on Monday, December 13.

This Crime Stoppers Program began in 1986 in Morris County and not one person’s identity has ever been compromised. If you feel uncomfortable about reporting a crime, now you have methods where no one will ask your name or want to know who you are. Our new methods of reporting crime or threats include an anonymous phone application and a website submission form. These new methods meet the same privacy criteria that we have been using for over 35 years.

Morris County Crimestopper Commissioner Khaled Madin, Morris County Commissioner Director Stephen Shaw, and Parsippany-Troy Hills Municipal Prosecutor Monica Madin
Morris County Sheriff James Gannon receiving a plaque from Morris County Crime Stoppers Chairman John Sette

Honored for their achievements were the Morristown Police Department and the Morris County Sheriff’s department. Presenting the awards was Chairman of the Crime Stoppers, John Sette.  Sheriff Jim Gannon gave a complimentary rich speech regarding the Morristown Police Department.

and Hanover Township Deputy Mayor Thomas “Ace” Gallagher
Parsippany-Troy Hills Mayor-elect James Barberio with Parsippany-Troy Hills Township Clerk Khaled Madin. Madin is also a Commissioner for Morris County Crime Stoppers
Parsippany-Troy Hills Councilman-elect Justin Musella, Morris County Commissioner Tayfun Selen, and Parsippany Republican Club Chairman Dr. Louis Valori
Par-Troy Little League East President Chris Mazzarella with Parsippany-Troy Hills Councilman Paul Carifi, Jr.
Delores dePierro with Parsippany-Troy Hills Council President Michael dePierro



Hailey Budney was Named to Dean’s List

PARSIPPANY — In recognition of academic performance, the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs at the University of the Cumberlands has announced the students named to the Dean’s List for the fall 2021 semester.

To be eligible for the Dean’s List, students must be enrolled in at least 12 credit hours (a full course load), maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.50, and be in good academic standing.

Hailey Budney of Lake Hiawatha was named to the Dean’s List.

The University of the Cumberlands is one of the largest and most affordable private universities in Kentucky. Located in Williamsburg, Kentucky, Cumberlands is an institution of regional distinction offering quality undergraduate, graduate, doctoral, and online degree programs. Learn more at

State Senator and Police Chief Honored at Morris County’s Annual Holiday Luncheon

MORRIS COUNTY — A capacity crowd of countywide law enforcement officials, elected representatives, family, and friends, assembled at the Park Savoy Estates in Florham Park on December 14 where State Senator for New Jersey’s 25th District, Anthony M. Bucco, was awarded the prestigious, “Honorary Chief of the Morris County Police Chief’s Association” designation and plaque.

Morris County Sheriff James Gannon, Senator Anthony Bucco, and Morris County Prosecutor Robert J. Carroll
Anthony M. Bucco was awarded the prestigious, “Honorary Chief of the Morris County Police Chief’s Association” designation and plaque

The recipient of this annual honor is chosen only after thoughtful consideration, and as Sheriff Gannon stated, “it is not given out lightly.”  Interestingly, the recipient of the Association’s first “Honorary Chief” award was the late Senator Anthony R. Bucco’s, Senator Anthony R. Bucco’s father.

Assemblywoman Aura K. Dunn preceded the presentation with congratulatory comments recognizing the Senator’s achievements, the award was then presented by Morris County Sheriff James M. Gannon; Morris County Prosecutor Robert J. Carroll; Commissioner Stephen H. Shaw; and Chief of Police Jeffrey Almer; currently the President of the Association.

Stephen Beecher with Morris County Commissioner Director Stephen Shaw

Bucco was highly praised for his ongoing commitment to law enforcement throughout his tenure both as an Assemblyman and Senator. The Senator’s acceptance speech was met with a lengthy standing ovation.

Also recognized during the ceremonies was the Association’s 2021 President and Chief of the Mount Olive Police Department, Stephen Beecher. The Chief, whose late father Stephen was also a police officer, was recognized for his continuous efforts towards building positive relationships within his community, as well as for his recognition of the historical problems associated with racial justice, his willingness to listen to innovative ideas, and his recognition of the need for reform and improvement when needed. During his acceptance speech, Beecher also recognized his Mayor and Council members, who were in attendance, and of course, his family, for all their cooperation and support during his tenure as Chief.

The ceremonial portion of the luncheon concluded with the installation of the Association’s new 2022 Executive Board.

  • Mendham Township Chief of Police Ross Johnson – Vice President
  • Mount Arlington Chief of Police Edward LaBruno – Sergeant at Arms
  • Wharton Borough Chief of Police David Young – Treasurer
  • Morris Plains Chief of Police Michael Koroski- Secretary

The Chiefs Association’s mission involves securing and improving unity of action in all public safety matters and elevating the standards of the police profession among its members and the greater law enforcement community. It also attempts to advance the skills, techniques, and training of its members and subordinates, promote greater efficiency and effectiveness in the law enforcement profession and ensure that efforts at preventing crime, detecting crime, and prosecuting crime are improved.

Santa Arrives at District 5 Firehouse

PARSIPPANY — Santa arrived at the Parsippany-Troy Hills Volunteer Fire Department 5 on Sunday, December 12.

Parsippany Focus publisher Frank Cahill, Santa, Ildiko Peluso, and Robert Peluso
Alessandra Umana, Camila Tasso, Rafaella Tasso and Daniel Umana
Brian Ricci, Santa and Nicole Calabrese
Robert Peluso, Santa, Ildiko Peluso, and Robert Peluso
Mayor Elect James Barberio talks to Santa


Scouts BSA Troop 173 Participates in Toys for Tots Toy Drive

PARSIPPANY — Scouts BSA Troop 173 of Parsippany participated in the annual Marine Corps Reserve’s Toys for Tots toy drive.

Troop 173 collected over 120 toys that, along with others collected by Scouts in Patriots Path Council, will be distributed to needy children of all ages during the holiday season.  Troop 173 has served youth in the Parsippany area since 1957, and participates in many community and conservation service projects.

In addition to participating in the Toys for Tots toy drive, the members of Troop 173 have recently held food drives, coat collections, built bat houses, helped clean up Troy Meadows, and served the community in many other activities.

Parsippany Recycling for Next Week

PARSIPPANY — Due to next week’s holiday, the Department of Public Works will observe several schedule changes that residents should be aware of. Please see below for changes to each district:

  • Wednesday, December 22: Garbage Districts 1, 2, 4 | Recycling District 3 | No Cardboard Pickup
  • Thursday, December 23: Garbage Districts 3, 5, 6 | Recycling Districts 4 & 5 | Recycling Center closed
  • Friday, December 24: Recycling Center Closed, | No Garbage or Recycling Pickup
  • Saturday, December 25: Recycling Center closed, | No Garbage or Recycling Pickup

For more information, please contact Township of Parsippany’s Department of Public Works at (973) 263-7273.

SportsMed Physical Therapy Celebrates Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting

PARSIPPANY — SportsMed Physical Therapy is a premier physical therapy company with 24 locations across NJ & CT. Our newest location is now open in Parsippany and we are excited to serve the Morris County area. Our mission is to set the standard in quality patient care, and we focus on serving and supporting our patients on their journeys to feeling & performing their best. In addition to state-of-the-art equipment and highly skilled doctors of physical therapy, many of our locations also offer chiropractic & acupuncture for a truly holistic wellness experience. No prescription is required to get started; simply contact our office and can verify your insurance for you and schedule an appointment at your convenience.

Kevin Bauman, PT, DPT, Parsippany-Troy Hills Economic Development Vice-Chair Frank Cahill, Chair Robert Peluso, and Jessica Simeooglou

Kevin Bauman, PT, DPT is a Physical Therapy and the Clinical Director of SportsMed Physical Therapy Parsippany. Kevin specializes in orthopedics and has extensive education and experience with manual therapy. As a former competitive athlete, he especially enjoys working with the athletic population, from school and professional athletes to weekend warriors.

Kevin says, “One of the most fulfilling things about my profession is seeing patients realize they are improving and starting to go back to their former selves prior to their injury. It is always satisfying to see a patient getting back to things they love to do, whether its sports or just being able to go for a walk or return to favorite hobbies.”

SportsMed Physical Therapy is located at 85 New Road, Parsippany. (973) 841-8437.

Walmart Leases 90,000 Square Feet on Jefferson Road

PARSIPPANY — Walmart Store East has leased 90,000 square feet of warehouse space at 100 Jefferson Road.

According to a recent zoning permit filed with the Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills, the operation will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

The building which is under new ownership and management features approximately 550,000 square feet.  Easy access to I-287, I-80, I-280, and Routes 46, 10, and 24.

100 Jefferson Road

Defendant Accepts 10-Year Plea Deal for Eluding Police in a Stolen Vehicle and Receiving Stolen Property

MORRIS COUNTY — Morris County Prosecutor Robert J. Carroll, Chief of Detectives Christoph Kimker, Morris County Sheriff James Gannon, Hanover Township Police Chief Michael Loock, and Parsippany-Troy Hills Acting Police Chief Richard Pantina announce the guilty pleas of Isaac Zackery-Barnes, 24, Newark.

On September 22, 2020, a Hanover Township Police Officer initiated a pursuit of Zackery-Barnes, after Zackery-Barnes failed to yield to the officer’s commands to stop driving what later turned out to be a stolen motor vehicle from Nutley, Essex County. Zackery-Barnes created a risk of injury or death when he fled the scene, having swerved between lanes of traffic. At times he traveled on the wrong side of the roadway, ran a red light, left the roadway, hit a curb, all before continuing to an on-ramp to Route 287, where two tires were subsequently blown out as a result of his dangerous conduct. The pursuit ultimately terminated in Parsippany-Troy Hills, and the defendant was arrested following a short investigation.

Following the arrest of Zackery-Barnes, members of the Hanover Township Police Department reached out to members of the Morris County Auto Theft Task Force to assist with the investigation, and to coordinate with agencies from neighboring counties, as this investigation involved a stolen motor vehicle.

On November 17, 2021, the Honorable Stephen J. Taylor, P.J.Cr., accepted Zackery-Barnes’ pleas of guilt to second-degree eluding a police officer, and third-degree receiving stolen property, for operating the stolen vehicle during the police pursuit. The State is recommending that Zackery-Barnes be sentenced to ten years in prison on the eluding charge and five years concurrent in prison on the receiving stolen property charge. Barnes also agreed to pay restitution to the victim. Zackery-Barnes is scheduled for sentencing on January 6, 2022.

This resolution was the result of excellent police work by the Hanover Township Police Department, the Parsippany-Troy Hills Police Department, the Morris County Auto Theft Task Force, and the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office Intelligence Unit.

The prosecution of this matter was handled by Assistant Prosecutor Matthew Kelly of the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office Special Operation’s Division and Sgt. Thomas Joiner, who directly supervises the County Auto Theft Task Force. The ATTF was formed in 2019 to combat the growing number of motor vehicle thefts in Morris County.

Parsippany Police Determine Established Business Owner, nor any of its Employees or Relatives are Guilty of any Crime

Editors Note: This opinion was written by Paul G. Argen, NJ Public Advocate / Chief Compliance Officer

PARSIPPANY — The Morris County Prosecutor, the People of Parsippany, and now the Parsippany Police Department, after a one hundred- and four-day investigation, have spoken loud and clear. The People, The Prosecutor, and now the Parsippany Police Department Reject the Mayor’s notion of racism at a local 27-year local company.

On August 18, 2021, the Mayor of Parsippany, Michael Soriano, decided to play the race card into his re-election campaign but just as Jussie Smollett, an American actor and singer was found guilty, the people of Parsippany spoke out loud and clear and voted Soriano out of office last month. Soriano lost his seat on November 3, 2021, by a landslide to Jamie Barberio. In a few weeks, he will walk away from his one-term reign as Mayor in the same shameful manner as Smollett- GUILTY OF INCITING RACISM in Parsippany.

This Summer, August 16, 2021, to be exact, the Morris County Assistant Prosecutor, Alex Bennett, Esq,  had to determine the facts surrounding a “suspicious bias incident at a local Parsippany, NJ company, where the word, “N-word” was used during a verbal altercation. The Chief of Police has an obligation to immediately report the use of the N-word to the prosecutor if it was used during police calls or during any suspicious bias incident. And as required by the Attorney General’s standing order, the prosecutor must decide if the evidence proves the N-word was used by the person, while committing a crime no matter how small. And, if so, it must be labeled as a hate crime. On August 17, 2021, the Prosecutor emphatically determined that the circumstances did not rise to the level of a bias incident. Similar to the Jussie Smollett deceptive scenario, Mayor Soriano fabricated a false press release in his official capacity, amidst his reelection campaign knowing the prosecutor’s findings were determined otherwise.

On December 9, 2021, a thorough investigation was concluded by the Parsippany Police Department. It is clear from the police report that the established business owner, nor any of its employees or relatives are guilty of any crime.  In fact, it was declared that the alleged victim was actually instigating and an argument with the staff. He was mocking employees, provoking the property owner, conducting hand gestures that resembled using a handgun. The Police Report referred to the surveillance video detailing the alleged victim menacing the business for approximately three hours prior to the arrival of Parsippany Police. This company was actually the victim of harassment and invasion of privacy yet treated like the perpetrator. It took over three months respectively to vindicate the business yet their reputation was already tarnished by the Mayor’s self-serving actions.

Mayor Soriano continues to label this established Parsippany business a 27-year-old Company as “racist”. It’s time for him to retract his defaming remarks on the record, in the mainstream media, and in social media prior to him leaving office. He used this altercation to promote his intolerance of hate crimes as an election point yet there was no crime.  This author followed up with the prosecutor’s office. It was determined that a criminal investigation of the matter as it pertains to the Mayor is ongoing.  Mayor Soriano’s actions were an abuse of power. Let’s hope ruthless deception for personal gain, wasted man-hours, and tax dollars are trumped by our authority figures waiting for the facts of a complete investigation and not rushing to judgment.


Miller’s Ale House Coming To Parsippany?

PARSIPPANY — At a recent Township Council meeting, Miller’s Ale House of Parsippany, LLC., received approval for a Person-to-Person Transfer of Plenary Retail Consumption License from Hanover Hospitality, Corp.

There was no actual address listed on the application at this time. The license will be considered a “Pocket License.”

In New Jersey, when you do not have an active “site” for your liquor license, the license becomes a “Pocket License.” A “Pocket License” is a type of inactive license that does not have a site or licensed premises. Therefore, it is said to be “in the licensee’s pocket” until a place-to-place transfer is approved by the issuing authority to the licensed premises.

Miller’s Ale House will be required to pay the annual fee.

Other Miller’s Ale House includes Rockaway, Paramus, Woodbridge, and Mt. Laurel.

Miller’s Ale House received a $1,500 fine issued by the New Jersey Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control for an unidentified incident at the Paramus location on November 5, 2014.

In addition, Miller’s Ale House received a $30,040 fine issued by the New Jersey Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control for an unidentified incident at the Mt. Laurel location on March 21, 2014.

Miller’s Ale House of Parsippany, LLC., is a Delaware Corporation, formed on April 30, 2021.

Hanover Hospitality Corp. transferred the license on January 24, 2017, which was previously issued to Chand Palace. (Click here to read related story). Hanover Hospitality Corp. is a subsidiary of Mack-Cali Realty.

Editors Note: The video is the formation of Miller’s Ale House, Rockaway.


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