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Parsippany to Celebrate Hanukkah

PARSIPPANY — Parsippany-Troy Hills will celebrate Hanukkah and hold a menorah lighting at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 1 at Parsippany Town Hall, 1001 Parsippany Boulevard.

The event will feature songs and spoken word as residents and civic and spiritual leaders pay tribute to the Festival of Lights.

For more information, call (973) 539-8549 or (973) 828-3125.

Councilman-Elect Musella to set Office Hours

PARSIPPANY — Councilman-elect Justin Musella announced that once sworn in, he will be instituting regular office hours to assist residents to navigate issues in cooperation with Town Hall.

“I believe that representing hard-working taxpayers begins from the ground up. By making time for residents to voice their concerns or even just make suggestions, we can ensure that Town Hall is more responsive to problems that otherwise would go unnoticed” said Musella, adding “While I have strong confidence in Mayor Barberio and his plans to revitalize our local government, I want to ensure that the mistakes of the past four years are not repeated, namely those of ignorance toward issues that everyday residents face.”

Information on location and times for office hours will be announced after the inauguration day.

Veterans Day: In Honor of All Who Served

PARSIPPANY — Mother nature must love our Veterans as she provided a perfect day for Parsippany to honor those veterans with a proud, moving, and respectful celebration, always held on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month to note the armistice between the U.S. led Allied nations and Germany at the end of World War I.

A great crowd of approximately 150 veterans, families and friends came out to participate in the observances

A great crowd of approximately 150 veterans, families, and friends came out to participate in the observances. Also in attendance were County Clerk Ann F. Grossi, Mayor-elect James R. Barberio, Councilwomen Loretta Gragnani, Councilman Paul Carifi, Councilman-elect Justin Musella.

Council President Michael J. dePierro, a veteran, did a great job officiating over the ceremony, proudly wearing his service cap and a VFW jacket. Presentation of Colors by the Color Guards of both the American Legion Post 249 and VFW Post 10184 was an impressive start, followed by an invocation by Pastor Jeff Edwards of the United Methodist Church of Parsippany, the National Anthem, beautifully sung by Parsippany resident, Aimee Beth Wolosin. The pledge of allegiance, led by Parsippany Councilman Paul Carifi followed, Councilman DePierro made his introductory remarks and introduced Parsippany Mayor Michael A. Soriano.

The mayor’s welcoming address was warm and sincere and truly captured the moment. Most notable was his genuine pride and admiration as he recounted some of his 94-year-old grandfather’s experiences as a veteran of the Korean War, and as a man whose life was shaped by those experiences and hardships. It was evident that his grandfather, Pablo Melendez, who the mayor described as a tough but kind man, was certainly a great influence on our mayor. The speech was received with an appreciative ovation by the assembled crowd.

After some brief remarks by Navy Veteran and Military Veteran Liaison Willy Tolba, who was representing Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill, the Parsippany High School Choir provided a rousing rendition of “God Bless America.”

The solemn but beautiful, Laying of the Wreaths”, came next following a “Prayer of Remembrance” by Rabbi Moshe Rudin of the Congregation Adath Shalom. Parsippany resident Jeff Dickerson fired off one Canon Salute and Emily Young, a Parsippany High School student, played Taps, followed with our High School Choir performing the Coast Guard Hymn: Semper Paratus.

As he does every Veterans Day, Councilman DePierro read a poem that perfectly fits this occasion; “Just a Common Soldier,” a touching and moving tribute to all our veterans.

As the ceremony approached its conclusion, the crowd was treated to a beautiful rendition of “America the Beautiful” sung by Parsippany resident Michele Musolino. Rev. Donald A. Bragg, Pastor at Parsippany Presbyterian Church, gave the Benediction. Councilman dePierro concluded the ceremonies with the “Retirement of Colors,” again by American Legion Post 249 VFW Post 10184.

Remember Veterans Day is a day to express gratitude to America’s service members, past and present, who served in both war and peace. It is important to celebrate this occasion to honor those veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.

DeCroce Push to Increase Annual Payments to Disabled War Veterans Advances

PARSIPPANY — In advance of Veterans Day, Assemblywoman BettyLou DeCroce’s measure to increase annual payments to blind and other wartime-service disabled veterans was unanimously approved by the Assembly Military and Veterans Affairs Committee Monday.

Under the bill (A2559), service members in programs for blind and paralyzed veterans would receive an annual assistance increase to $1,800 from $750.

“The amount given to disabled veterans through these programs has not changed in 40 to 50 years. They earned these annual payments by sacrificing life and limb in selfless service to our country. This is a reasonable increase that recognizes their lives were forever changed during the war,” DeCroce (R-Morris) said. “Given the upcoming holiday to honor our nation’s veterans, it is an especially important time to pass this bill. It is a simple way to extend our gratitude.”

Veterans, who sustained a total loss of sight, are permanently paralyzed in a part of their body, lost a limb through amputation, disease, or an accident as a result of service, and their surviving spouses, are currently entitled to an annual sum of $750, which is paid out monthly.

As of July 2018, there were 206 blind and otherwise disabled veterans receiving an allowance under one of the programs, or in the case of five veterans, both. The last increase for the Blind Veterans’ Allowance Program was in 1971. The payment under the Paraplegic and Hemiplegic Veterans’ Allowance Program has not changed since 1981.

Letter to the Letter: “Infrastructure Week” Not a Joke

parsippany focusDear Editor:

Hallelujah – it’s finally “Infrastructure week”! Everyone says that a bit tongue-in-cheek these days as if it’s some kind of joke. Why?  I’ll get to that in a minute.

Last week the House corralled the votes to pass the initial $1trillion dollar bipartisan Infrastructure package. As our congressional representative Mikie Sherrill noted, along with money for modernizing our electrical grid, replacing lead pipes, Superfund site clean-up (an item that her Republican predecessor was also passionate about), there is also the long-awaited funds to move forward with the Gateway Tunnel project, which Sherrill has championed since she first ran for the seat.

Why is “infrastructure week” a joke?  Because the previous administration coined the phrase and repeatedly trotted it out to help bolster its reputation to actually lead and get things done – to detract from what was really abject political incompetence. Who can be against infrastructure spending?  Who wants to see roads and bridges crumble like the I-35 bridge in Minneapolis in 2007 killing 13 and injuring 145 people?  Imagine what kind of chaos we’ll have if there’s a major meltdown on any of the key transit or highway elements that keep our fragile metro transportation system together before things like Gateway can be completed. The Trump administration had every opportunity to work with willing Democrats to get a bill passed. Why were Democrats so willing?  Because more so than not, Democrats understand that what Abraham (a Republican Party founder no less) once said: “The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves — in their separate, and individual capacities.”  We don’t build this system on our own – and we sure don’t rely on the private sector to do it. Eisenhower, ironically another prominent Republican from a long-forgotten era who built our interstate system, clearly understood that. What a socialist!

But this isn’t Ike’s party anymore. Like I pointed out when I ran for congress against “moderate” Rodney Frelinghuysen – “it’s not your father’s Republican Party anymore”. It’s now Trump’s Party…lock, stock, and barrel.  Trump failed in part because his ego left him unable to compartmentalize working on legislation while obstructing investigations into his campaign and administration’s misdeeds.  Even Nixon passed major legislation in the midst of the Watergate scandal.

But the more corrosive factor in all of this discussion is that the party that Trump leads now views just about all  government spending on the public good as “evil socialism.”  The infamous Matt Gaetz crowed “I can’t believe Republicans just gave the Democrats their socialism bill.”  Charming darling of the right Marjorie Taylor Greene said Republicans who voted with Democrats “handed over their voting cards” to Pelosi to pass Biden’s “Communist takeover of America via so-called infrastructure.”  And so the 13 GOP House members who voted for it are now in danger of losing their committee seats.  Rep. David McKinley of West Virginia said he voted to help kids in his district who sit in parking lots to do their homework because they didn’t have broadband at home.

So remember that folks. Broadband for every American kid?  Socialism.  In the eyes of today’s GOP – roads and bridges are a communist plot and having them fall apart delaying traffic or worse – dropping chunks of concrete – is the way to Make America Great Again. For Biden and Pelosi to be able to evoke any kind of bipartisanship out of this crowd is no minor miracle. But I have to wonder what stance any of Mikie Sherrill’s GOP challengers would take on the same measures. Let’s make sure we know. (Side note: the only two GOP reps left in NJ both voted in favor as well.)

Just a closing note: I completely expect criticism that 6 very progressive members (“Squad+2”) of the House also did not vote for the bill – but just like the passage of Obamacare – there were those that thought the measures in the bill didn’t go far enough and were concerned that this vote was giving ground on a larger even more progressive bill yet to pass (the one that will help seniors hear and chew their food – among other things). Nice try if you take that tact.  It’s a disingenuous claim straight off the bat.

Tom Wyka

Morris County Surrogate Salutes Veterans

MORRIS COUNTY — Morris County Surrogate Heather Darling pays respect and tribute to America’s veterans and their families, as we honor them this Veterans Day, November 11.

“These brave men and women have served us without hesitation. We are the land of the free and the home of the brave because of their service; for that, we owe them a debt of gratitude on this Veterans Day and always” Darling said.

Surrogate Darling also wishes the United States Marine Corps a Happy 246th Birthday, Oorah! God Bless America and God Bless our Veterans.

Morristown Straw Donor Campaign Contributor Sentenced

MORRIS COUNTY — Acting Attorney General Andrew J. Bruck announced that an attorney was sentenced for her role in a scheme involving the illegal use of straw donors to conceal campaign contributions and secure lucrative government contracts for her law firm.

Elizabeth Valandingham, 49, of Morristown, was sentenced to three years’ probation and 324 hours of community service by Superior Court Judge Robert Hanna in Morris County. The state recommended that Valandingham be sentenced to 364 days in the county jail pursuant to the plea agreement, but the court did not impose that sentence. She pleaded guilty on April 13, 2021, to an accusation charging her with third-degree tampering with public records or information. Under the plea agreement, she forfeited her law license and was ordered to pay a $75,000 public corruption profiteering penalty. She also is debarred from any public contracts for a period of 10 years.

Deputy Attorneys General John A. Nicodemo, Eric Cohen, and Michelle McBrian represented the Attorney General’s Office of Public Integrity and Accountability (OPIA) at the sentencing hearing. She was charged with an investigation by the OPIA Corruption Bureau.

In pleading guilty, Valandingham admitted that she submitted fraudulent proposals for government contracts for the law firm where she worked, O’Donnell McCord, P.C., in which she failed to disclose political contributions that were illegally made using straw donors. She further admitted that she submitted false reports to the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC) on behalf of the law firm in which she failed to report such illegal contributions. Valandingham was initially charged by complaint-summons on June 17, 2020.

“Those who engage in illegal schemes to evade our campaign finance and pay-to-play laws will be held accountable,” said Acting Attorney General Bruck. “We cannot tolerate any attempt to undermine fair and open elections and public contracts in New Jersey.”

“OPIA is working to enforce a culture of integrity in state and local government in New Jersey, and that includes safeguarding our election process and public contracting from criminal behavior,” said OPIA Executive Director Thomas Eicher. “This case reflects our commitment to prosecute dishonest operators who seek to profit at the expense of good government.”

Valandingham was charged in connection with conduct that occurred between 2012 and 2017. One of her duties at the law firm was to prepare and submit annual proposals to municipalities for the law firm to garner public contracts for legal services.

Get Your Bear Here! At Least the Bears are Showing Up at Work!

PARSIPPANY — Get your bear here! Harvey Rosenblatt, CEO at P3 Properties, owners of Morris Corporate Center III, 300 Interpace Parkway, is proud to show off the bear roaming the sidewalks of the premises.

Jack Schwartz, Insurance Counsel and Risk Management Consultant said “Brings a whole new perspective to an animal exclusion in a liability insurance policy!”

Mike Hiler said “I remember that bear. He would visit Building A dumpster Alot when I was a tenant at that location. Guess he is still around and made it through the pandemic.”

“We’ll take any activity in Parsippany!! I’ll do that tour, looks like a tough customer!” said Charles Parmelli.

Shua Snitzer said, “Do you have wild animal insurance?”

Chaim Orzel said, “Does he have to sign in by the visitor desk?”

“My neighbors will throw a fit if I adopt him,” commented Dmitry Polonsky.

“One way to deal with a lousy tenant,” said Moshe Czapnik.

Parsippany-Troy Hills Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 9

PARSIPPANY — Township Council of the Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills has an Agenda Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, November 9.

Regular Township Council Meetings will commence at 7:00 p.m. All meetings will be held on Tuesday evenings.  All meetings will be held in the Municipal Building, 1001 Parsippany Boulevard, Parsippany. Formal action may or may not be taken at all scheduled meetings.

Click here to download the agenda.

Any individual who is a qualified disabled person under the American with Disabilities Act may request auxiliary aids such as a sign interpreter or a tape recorder to be used for a meeting. Auxiliary aids must be requested at least 72 hours prior to the meeting date. Please call (973) 263-4351 to make a request for an auxiliary aid.

Mayor and Council to Dedicate a Plaque to the Late Councilman Vincent Ferrara

PARSIPPANY — Parsippany-Troy Hills Mayor Michael Soriano and members of the Township Council will dedicate a Plaque to the Late Councilman Vincent Ferrara on Tuesday, November 9.

The dedication ceremony will take place at Parsippany Municipal Building, 1001 Parsippany Boulevard, during Tuesday’s Council Meeting which begins at 7:00 p.m.

The public is invited to join in the celebration.

Former Knoll Country Club Caterer Files Tort Claim Against Parsippany

PARSIPPANY — Rafael Flores, the former operator of the Catering Facilities at Knoll County Club, filed a “Notice of Tort Claim to Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills” on October 28, 2021.

Morristown Attorney Roy Kurnos, from the Belsole and Kurnos, notified the Township Clerk on October 28, a “Notice of Tort Claim to Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills.”

In a brief statement, Flores submitted what would have been the winning bid for the operation of the Knoll Country Club. However, the Township did not award the bid to Flores, as required by law, due to illegal and improper interference by the Township’s employees, agents, and others, including Mayor Michael Soriano as well as the Knoll Country Club General Manager, Kevin Brancato.

The claimant is claiming damages including economic damages as a result of being deprived of the winning bid. The exact amount of the damages are unknown. There is no personal injury claim.

Before any litigation begins a potential plaintiff must comply with the statutory requirements of notice to the state and local government regarding the claim.  A Notice of Claim must be filed within 90 days of the accident or the claimant loses their right to bring a lawsuit. The claimant must provide the public entities and employees with notice of the name and address of the claimant, date, place, and circumstances of the occurrence or transaction giving rise to the claim asserted, a general description of the injury, damage or loss incurred, the name of the public entities or employees causing the injury, damage or loss and the amount of damages claimed.

Parsippany To Honor Veterans Day With Ceremony

PARSIPPANY — Parsippany will hold an in-person ceremony this Veterans Day at 11:00 a.m. Thursday in Veterans Park. The event will also be broadcast and live-streamed.

The ceremony will feature speeches from various civic and spiritual leaders, musical performances from Parsippany residents and students, and a cannon salute. The township encourages attendees to wear masks and maintain social distancing.

“Since our nation’s founding, we have turned to the brave people of our military to protect us from the world’s most dire circumstances,” said Mayor Michael Soriano. “Veterans Day is our annual celebration of their valor, courage, and sacrifice. It is with those thoughts in mind that the Township of Parsippany Troy-Hills will say thank you to our veterans. I ask everyone in our township to join us.”

The ceremony will also be broadcast virtually, live-streamed on Facebook Live, broadcast on Video On The Go Channel 21, and available on-demand through Video On The Go’s YouTube page.

Call Mike Sifonios at (973) 828-3125 for more information.

Pennacchio Bill Requiring Student IDs to List Suicide Prevention Hotline Number Signed into Law

MORRIS COUNTY — Legislation sponsored by Senator Joe Pennacchio requiring student ID cards to include a telephone number for a suicide prevention hotline was signed into law by Governor Murphy.

“I am pleased that the Governor signed this bill into law today. There has been an extremely alarming rise in depression and suicide among students of all ages,” said Pennacchio (R-26). “The availability of professional help during times of distress can mean the difference between life and death. Doing something simple yet important, such as printing the hotline number on every student ID, will help stem this tragic epidemic and give young people access to the mental health resources and support they need.”

The legislation, S-550 requires public schools that include grades seven through twelve, and higher education institutions, such as colleges and universities, to print the telephone number for a suicide prevention hotline on the back of every student ID card.

According to a September 2020 report released by the CDC, the rate of suicide among individuals aged 10 to 24 in the United States increased nearly 60% between 2007 and 2018.

Individuals struggling with suicidal thoughts can call the U.S. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255). The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress as well as best practices for professionals.

Need Help Paying for Utilities?

MORRIS COUNTY — Help is available to help you pay your utility bills.

New Jersey’s grace period on utility shut-offs expires at the end of 2021. If you’re behind on your utility bills, your service may be disconnected after December 31.

Many households are newly eligible for financial assistance programs, including utility debt forgiveness and home energy assistance. You can apply for help now using the DCAid screening tool from the NJ Department of Community Affairs. (Click here for details)

If you’re behind on your utility bills, contact your utility as soon as possible to enroll in a Deferred Payment Agreement to lower your monthly payment and keep your service on.

Click here to learn more about utility assistance from the NJ Board of Public Utilities.

Township of Parsippany Annual Rabies Immunization Clinic for Dogs and Cats

PARSIPPANY — Immunization Clinic for Dogs and Cats will be held on Saturday, November 6, 2021, at the Office of Emergency building, at the Recycling Center, 1 Pumphouse Road.

Dogs and Cats

  • No charge for dogs and cats (1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.)
  • Dogs must be restrained on a leash and accompanied by an adult
  • Cats must be restrained in carriers or similar carrying devices

Any questions please call the health department at (973) 263-7160.

Portugalo Barbeque: Authentic Wood Fired Portuguese Grille

EAST HANOVER — One would think that after just getting back from a trip to Kansas City that I would have had enough barbeque for a while. But let us not confuse Kansas City or any American ‘low and slow’ style with traditional Portuguese barbeque.

Portugalo Barbeque, (Authentic Wood Fired Portuguese Grille), is located at 3 Ronald Drive, East Hanover. (973) 577-2000.

The fact is, there are various global styles of BBQ, and each is unique in its own way. When I asked Portuguese Master Chef Tony Abilio about this he stated, “Portuguese BBQ, also known as a Churrascaria, certainly differs from American BBQ, all our meat is seasoned with a traditional, savory Piri-Piri marinade, consisting of African Bird’s eye Chili, garlic and spices; there is no sugar added. Throughout the several regions of Portugal, they all have their own unique coveted recipe, but most, if not all must include the Piri-Piri pepper. The meat is roasted over hardwood charcoal, and during the cooking process it is lathered with the Piri-Piri sauce, giving it a unique light smoke flavor and spicy tang.”

Kevin Hernandez, Patrick Minutillo and Tony Abilio

Portugalo Barbeque, which opened in October 2020 under new owner, Kevin Hernandez, and is located on a side street directly off Ridgedale Avenue in East Hanover on Ronald Drive (look for the colorful six-foot rooster outside). Chef Kevin came to the U.S.A. in 2008 and decided to pursue his love of cooking. He found work in several area restaurants in Morristown and East Hanover, honing his skills and developing his talent, finally as a kitchen manager at Rezza Trattoria e Pizza Romana in Roseland prior to opening up Portugalo BBQ, his first venture. An exceptionally talented cook, intelligent, and amiable young man, I have no doubt of his continued success.

Although a small venue, the restaurant is cozy, comfortable, casual, and sparkling clean. It exudes a friendly, family-style vibe inside, and even though it is small, it is nicely lighted and decorated. Take note, there are only three or four tables available for inside dining, along with some counter-style seating. There is plenty of comfortable seating outside with a protected overhang, and I understand they will have patio heaters in the cooler weather for those so inclined to dine outdoors. During my visit, I did eat al fresco because of the size of my group, and it was genuinely nice, beautifully decorated, and comfortable. The owner and staff are all very friendly, prompt, attentive, accommodating, and readily available to assist you with any needs or questions you may have. It did appear during my visit that Portugalo does do a vibrant take-out business. And Portugalo Barbeque is a BYOB, so I did bring along my favorite Portuguese vino.

Portuguese Sausage, Shrimp in a Garlic Sauce

As I said earlier, I went with a large group during this visit and the staff clearly went above and beyond preparing and ensuring us an excellent overall dining experience. The outside tables were nicely appointed and arranged to ensure everyone’s comfort. After we were all greeted and welcomed to the restaurant by the owner the banquet we were about to experience began.

Portugalo Barbeque, (Authentic Wood Fired Portuguese Grille), is located at 3 Ronald Drive, East Hanover. (973) 577-2000.

We started with the appetizers; Portuguese Chouriço Sausage Buns right out of the oven; homemade sourdough bread, soft, chewy, and delicious, followed by Caldo Verde, an iconic traditional, hearty, and famous Portuguese soup. The soup is green in color and made with a particular dark green cabbage that is not widely available beyond Portugal’s borders. Ours was prepared using collard greens. (Some restaurants use Kale). Full of wonderful aromas and flavors from the combination of potato puree, slices of chouriço sausage, and Portuguese olive oil, completed this delicious and hearty soup.

Next to reach our table was that Portuguese/Spanish classic, perfectly prepared Chorizo and Shrimp and Garlic. The aromas themselves put your taste buds into high gear. That salty, smoky, slightly sweet flavor of the chorizo perfectly accompanied the divine flavor combination of olive oil, lemon, and garlic, all of which added to the vibrant taste of the shrimp, and which married perfectly with the savory chorizo. Always one of my favorite appetizers when dining out in a Portuguese/Spanish restaurant.


Portugalo Picadinho was the next to arrive. The combination of pork and shrimp served in a savory, yet slightly spicy sauce was a taste treat and was outstanding with right out of the oven-baked crusty Portuguese Grandma Rolls (Trinchado). Amazing flavors are incorporated into this dish. Also on the table by this time were sides of Spanish Potato Chips (thinly sliced potatoes, slow-cooked at a low temperature in extra virgin olive oil with an amazing crunch) and French fries.

As we were enjoying our appetizers, wine, and conversation, our entrees, which included barbequed chicken and ribs, were being prepared on Portugalo’s authentic wood-fired grille. Servings were paced perfectly, allowing everyone the opportunity to fully enjoy each serving before moving on to the next. The portion sizes were generous, and after finishing the appetizers it was hard to imagine that the entrees were still to come.

Someone from the table referred to the Portuguese Barbequed Ribs as heaven on the bone. These savory treats were expertly cooked and seasoned, fall off the bone, fresh, soft, moist, juicy, and flavorful. It was a hard choice between the beautiful ribs and the Portuguese Barbequed Chicken. The seasonings and marinades used to prepare both these entrees were masterful. I had to do the right thing, so I decided to take a serving of both. In the end, it came out a tie as to which one was better. Of course, what would these great dishes be without the accompanying side dishes of rice, beans, and potatoes, and there were ample amounts of everything.

Dessert was no slouch either. Several Pão de Ló, Portuguese Sponge cakes appeared, still warm from the oven, along with Serradura; whipped sweet cream layered with crumbled Portuguese cookies. I had never had this before, but I would never turn it down if offered again. Decadently delicious, and went great with espresso, with a dash of Cuarenta y Tres, to wash it all down.

So, when you are in the mood for some Portuguese cuisine, give yourself a treat, and give Portugalo Barbeque a try. Obviously, I would recommend it. As someone who often finds myself traveling to Ironbound for a Portuguese/Spanish dinner, I can now satisfy that urge with a short visit to East Hanover. Obrigado to our hosts, Kevin and Tony, and the staff at Portugalo for the tremendous hospitality.

Just as an end note Portugalo Barbeque does offer a limited but inviting menu which includes various Portuguese traditional favorites, and if pre-ordered they can prepare other special orders, including “Leitao”, a slow-roasted whole pig.

Interesting fact: Portugal Is the Oldest Country in Europe.

Delivery, Take-Out, Inside Dining, Outside Dining, Free Parking, BYOB. Open 7 Days a Week.

Portugalo Barbeque, (Authentic Wood Fired Portuguese Grille), is located at 3 Ronald Drive, East Hanover. (973) 577-2000.

Mayor Michael Soriano Concedes in Parsippany Mayoral Race

PARSIPPANY — Mayor Michael Soriano Conceded in the Parsippany Mayoral Race.

“I am proud of the work we started and thank everyone who came out and voted in this election. I have been honored to serve as your mayor for the past four years. I look forward to making this an easy transition and hope the next administration continues the improvements that have been made.

I am eternally grateful to Cori Herbig and Judy Hernandez who ran alongside me. I am proud of the campaign we ran and the work we did for Parsippany.”

Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education Unofficial Results

PARSIPPANY — The results for the Parsippany Board of Education election results;

Three seats were up, each for a three-year term.

Judy Mayer 6,408
Susy Golderer 6,187
Robert Quinn 4,684
Sheethal Abraham 4,715
Jack Raia 3,161
Write-In 89


The Board of Education is made up of nine members who are elected by registered voters of Parsippany-Troy Hills Township.  Members are elected to three-year terms.   The Board President and Vice-President are elected by the majority vote of their fellow Board members.

Results don’t become official until Morris County Clerk Ann Grossi certifies them.

Revised November 3, 2021, 11:00 p.m.

Today is the Day! Get out and Vote!

PARSIPPANY — There are both school board and township council contests in Parsippany this Election Day, and voters have four ways of submitting their ballots.

Those choosing to vote by machine at their traditional polling sites can do so starting at 6:00 a.m. Polls close at 8:00 p.m.

Pictured above is Democratic Township Council Candidate Cori Herbig, with her two children at Lake Hiawatha Library where she placed her vote in today’s election.

Parsippany Focus will publish results as they become available.

Letter to the Editor: Vote for Justin Musella

parsippany focusDear Editor:

Justin Musella has been a true friend to our community, and I truly believe that he is the right person to effect meaningful and productivity to our Township Council. Many residents told me that they were blessed to have been represented by Janice McCarthy and Emily Peterson, two public servants who always put Parsippany before the whims of their party leadership, and from what they have seen of Justin, they see him following the positive example they have set.

I have not seen any candidate work as hard as he has, he not only knocking the doors and has literally been to almost every event in town. His leadership in the local branch of Kiwanis has been well received, with him sponsoring many new members and helping the organization grow quickly. He has shown that he understands the major issues affecting residents in Parsippany, namely the utility rate increases that could not have come at a worse time.

I would like to see Mr. Musella elected this November as he will not only continue to serve as loyal friends to our community but will serve each and every resident with respect. Musella has made it clear that he intends to push for serious change on the Township Council and ensure that it acts as a check on the power of the executive. In this, I give him the fullest endorsement possible and look forward to his election on November 2.

Nicolas Limanov

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