PARSIPPANY — Erik Darling of Troop 173 had his Eagle Court of Honor on July 30, 2017, which completed his long trail to Eagle Scout.
The pathway to Eagle can be described as a steep trail leading up to three peaks, the highest being that of Eagle Scout. Officially, the trail starts with the Tenderfoot rank and continues through Second and First Class ranks. Then, the mountain climbing begins. The path is marked with merit badges, leadership responsibilities, service projects, and the practice of Scouting skills and ideals. The first peak reached is that of Star Scout, the second is Life Scout, and, finally, Eagle Scout.
The Eagle Scout Award is Scouting’s highest rank and among its most familiar icons. Men who have earned it count it among their most treasured possessions. Those who missed it by a whisker remember exactly which requirement they didn’t complete. Americans from all walks of life know that being an Eagle Scout is a great honor. The award is more than a badge. It’s a state of being. The Eagle Scout may have received the badge as a boy, but you earn it every day as a man. In the words of the Eagle Scout Promise, they do your best each day to make their training and example, their rank and their influence count strongly for better Scouting and for better citizenship in the troop, in their community, and in their contacts with other people. And to this they pledge their sacred honor.
Since its introduction in 1911, the Eagle Scout rank has been earned by more than two million young men. Only 5% of the Boy Scouts actually earn this rank.
Erik began his Scouting experience in Cub Scout Pack 218 at Lake Parsippany Elementary School. Erik attended Troop 173’s annual “Turkey In a Can” event as part of his Cub Scout requirements for his Arrow of Light Award.
He joined Boy Scouts in the fifth grade. Erik advanced with the help of his Scoutmasters Mr. Worthington and Mr. Wu. Erik completed the week long National Youth Leadership Training offered by Boy Scouts.
During his Boy Scout career, Erik served in several leadership positions. For Cub Scout Pack 142, Erik served as a Den Chief, assisting the Adult leaders running the Cub Scout meetings. Next, he became a Patrol Leader which helped Erik grow as a person and as a leader. After that, Erik was an Instructor teaching other Scouts the skills needed for advancement and camping. Following, Erik was Quartermaster for two years where he heavily encouraged organization and clean coolers for camping trips. Finally, Erik again served as a Patrol Leader.
Erik earned a total of 24 Merit Badges. The 13 required Eagle Merit Badges are Camping, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, Communications, Cooking, Environmental Science, Emergency Preparedness, Family Life, First Aid, Personal Fitness, Swimming, and Personal Management. In addition Erik earned Astronomy, Basketry, Collections, Electricity, Fingerprinting, Fishing, Leatherwork, Metalwork, Music, Riffle Shooting and Woodcarving.
Erik attended the 2013 National Boy Scout Jamboree at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia with Assistant Scoutmasters Ron Darling and Les Wu. He recently returned from the 2017 Jamboree on July 28.
For his Eagle Project, Erik replaced a stone path, tore down and replaced the fence and posts and demolished and rebuilt a shed for the Mount Tabor Historical Society.
His initial Eagle Coach, Ken Galley, passed away while Erik was in the process of selecting his Eagle project. Thanks to the encouragement and guidance from his current Eagle Coach, John Worthington, Erik completed his project. Erik recently graduated from Parsippany Hills High School participating in Parsippany Animal Lovers Club. He plans to attend East Stroudsburg University in the fall, majoring in Computer Science and Computer Security.
Erik greatly enjoyed his time in Scouts and plans to return to help the next generation of Scouts.
Erik received special acknowledgements from Councilman Michael dePierro on behalf of the Township Council, Parsippany Rotary Club, Assemblywoman Betty Lou deCroce, Assemblyman Jay Webber and Senator Joe Pennacchio; Frank Cahill, President-Elect and Karen DeChristopher, Vice President, on behalf of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany; Keith Porcelli, on behalf of The Parsippany Elks Club; Bruce Michels on behalf of The American Legion Post 249; Richard Kunz on behalf of Parsippany VFW Post 10184, Knights of Columbus; Carol Dadaian on behalf of Boy Scouts of America Fishawack District; Robert Roberti on behalf of Sedgefield Civic Association and Executive Board Member Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce Frank Cahill.
Boy Scouts of America Troop 173 Eagle Scout Honor Roll includes Norman Schofield, Jr., Michael Gottschalk, James Searing, Geoffrey Brown, John Chervenak, Guy Corbett, Tim Corbett, Robert Burney, Juan Correa, Richard Lauber, Tim Roche,,Christopher Callahan, Thomas Cook, Stephen Corcoran, Stephan Pirylis, Brian Stewart, Patrick Roche, Edward Chiorazzi, Brian Pomarlen, Simon Healey, Keith Henderlong, David Chezem, Alex Lin, Robert Strechay, Jr., John Oleske, Daniel Strechay, Joseph Strechay, Kevin Smithers, Joseph Stevens, James Ward, Jason Viglione, Michael DeGuarde, Michael Smith, Tim Foster, Christopher Malcolm, Mark Viglione, Gary Hwang, William Barcliffe, IV, Jonathan Cook, Daniel Aguanno, Anthony Valvano, Eric Kratz, David Kratz, Thomas Corigliano, David Kinskey-Lebeda, Ryan Diggle, Mike Fulton, Dan Fulton, Brian Galley, Shane Moravsik, Paul Rossnagel, Jesse Garbarino, Shay Grabinsky, Joseph Stretavski, Brendan Barwick, Eric Galley, Bobby Ebel, Sean Michie, Michael Ludwig, Matthew Luther, Chris Gardner, Chris Worthington, Cameron Boone, Daniel Metcalf, Rishi Konkesa, Noah Munn and Erik Darling.