Sunday, October 20, 2024
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Letter to the Editor: Does the “Big Lie” Matter in Your Hometown

parsippany focusDear Editor:

Sometime in 2005, I was attending a Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser at St. Christopher’s church. Since it was a well-attended event it was not surprising to see politicians campaigning casually among the attendees given it was also an election year. Among them was Mike Luther, the Democratic candidate, and eventual mayor. Also, there was Rosemary Agostini who was competing with Luther to take over for Mimi Letts who was not running for re-election.

I remember striking up a conversation with Mrs. Agostini who – like a good politician – asked me if I would consider voting for her. While I was very new to politics and unfortunately hadn’t paid much attention to local issues at the time, I did realize what was important to me in regard to political ideals and good government. But more so than anything I noted to her “I really don’t think I could vote for the party of George W. Bush”. This was about two years after the invasion of Iraq, a military action I supported because at the outset even though I was somewhat skeptical, I could not conceive of the US Government lying about weapons of mass destruction. I trusted the likes of Colin Powell. I supported the current President who I didn’t vote for, and I believed it all the way to the point when our forces made it to the Northern Iraqi city of Tikrit. Then my blinders quickly came off. It was all a Big Lie.

I wonder these days if there are any former supporters of our previous President that have come to the same realization. All politicians on both sides stretch the truth. But rarely has there been such an onslaught of the falsehood of the likes that came from our previous President. And the worst lie of all is the one that’s still being perpetuated to this day – the one that has become the loyalty test of leadership in this political party: that the election of 2020 was stolen and fraudulent.

In a recent poll, 78% of Republican voters think the election was stolen. Trump associates attempted to challenge results and were basically laughed out of court about 60 times. Trump-appointed justices shot down their claims – even at the Supreme Court twice. Lawyers who brought the challenges screamed about corruption in public while offering no proof of their claims when in the presence of a judge. As a result, nine lawyers associated with the challenges are now on the defensive against ethics complaints in Michigan while they bizarrely disavow court filings with their own names on them. News outlets that gave these claims any credence are scrambling to disavow the same claims as they are being subjected to lawsuits by companies whose names were raked through the mud because of their technical support of the election. Rudy Giuliani who once fought off organized crime and headed up the country’s largest city at its most dire hour, earning the nickname “America’s Mayor”, who then became the chief architect of Trump’s Big Lie, has had his law license suspended in NY state. The former President was caught on tape begging GOP election officials in Georgia who refused to “find” 11,000+ votes to tip the election his way. He is now under investigation by Georgia authorities for trying to influence the election. The Arizona “audit” has also come up basically empty in the dogged search for fraud. And yet the lie still persists like Big Foot or the Loch Ness Monster.

Do things like this matter at the local level where we spend most of our time thinking of how our schools are run, whether the garbage is picked up on time, and whether someone is using our tax dollars wastefully?

I think so. I really do.

And that’s why I said as much to Mrs. Agostini. She felt that you vote for the person – not the party. But if the party itself is perpetuating such a heinous “Big Lie” how do you take seriously those who would run under that banner? Would they disavow dangerous lies that threaten our democracy and incite an insurrection, or pretend that national politics is all just a big harmless show? Do they think what happened at the Capitol on January 6th was all just a big harmless show?

Do GOP voters in Morris County think our elections are conducted fairly? I mean Ann Grossi is a Republican but so was Brad Raffensperger, the Secretary of the State of Georgia who Trump alternatively begged and threatened to turn the election for him.

What are we to think of people running for elected office like Senator Pennachio, Trump’s NJ campaign chair who fervently embraced the former President’s misinformation about COVID-19. Does he also think the 2020 election was stolen? Can we trust someone so untethered from reality to represent us in Trenton? The same question could be asked of Jay Webber and Christian Baranco if they dared to buck party orthodoxy to stand up for basic reality like Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger. Are they completely at peace with the nonsense that’s peddled? Can we trust people who would turn a blind eye to a Big Lie like this? Locally in Parsippany, we have the likes of Justin Musella running for council who himself spoke at a Trump rally last year saying “A future where the Democrats win has never been scarier and if they win it will not be ‘mostly peaceful.’ “ Was this a prediction about January 6th? If so – it was very prescient of this young man.

We now live in a world where we will either defend democracy and the system that preserves it (the same system that allowed Trump to take his grievances to court and still turned him away for lack of evidence) or decide to toss the whole idea of self-rule in the trash because we just don’t like the result. As an American – I’ll stick with the principles we fought so hard for centuries to preserve rather than worship a wannabe egotistical autocrat who wants to destroy it. And I’ll be voting for those that adhere to what’s real – and have the courage to call out lies.

Tom Wyka

Plastic Straws To Be Provided Upon Request

MORRIS COUNTY — A provision of New Jersey’s commitment to reduce plastics pollution statewide will take effect on Thursday, November 4 when food-service businesses may provide single-use plastic straws to a customer only upon request, the Department of Environmental Protection and NJ Business Action Center announced.

Food-service businesses include all restaurants, convenience stores, and fast-food businesses, each of which must also educate their employees and customers about the restriction.

Consumers will still be able to purchase packages of straws and beverages prepackaged with a straw, such as juice boxes, after November 4. The restriction on single-use plastic straws is part of a broader state law enacted in 2020 banning the sale or provision of single-use plastic carryout bags from stores and food-service businesses; single-use paper carryout bags from grocery stores larger than or equal to 2,500 square feet; and use of polystyrene foam food-service products.

These additional provisions of the law take effect on May 4, 2022, and will supersede any established local laws at that time. “When we move beyond single-use plastics, we can reduce our reliance on the fossil fuels that create plastic, remove a source of litter from our communities, and protect wild and marine life from the harm of ingesting or becoming entangled in plastic products,” DEP Commissioner Shawn M. LaTourette said.

The DEP, NJ Business Action Center, and the NJ Clean Communities Council are working together to help businesses and communities understand and comply with the law.

A new website is available by clicking here, includes helpful information for regulated entities, including a Frequently Asked Questions page, a list of establishments and how the law impacts them, a copy of the law, and more. “The ban was designed to address the problem of plastic pollution with solutions to protect the environment for future generations,” said Melanie Willoughby, executive director of the New Jersey Business Action Center.

“To assist businesses with compliance, the NJ Business Action Center (NJBAC) has rolled out resources on our website and encourages businesses to keep track of important timelines.” Additionally, the NJ Business Action Center has created a clearinghouse by clicking here to aid businesses in identifying vendors and manufacturers who sell the reusable carryout bags permitted by the new law.

To learn more about the Clean Communities Council’s Bag Up NJ campaign click here.

Two New Trustees Join the County College

MORRIS COUNTY — The Morris County Board of County Commissioners announced the appointment of two new members to the County College of Morris (CCM) Board of Trustees and the reappointment of a trustee to the ten-member board.

The new members include Devanshu L. Modi of Harding Township, who will begin his four-year term this month, and Cathleen Paugh of Randolph, who will serve out the two years remaining in s seat left vacant by the passing in April of Trustee Thomas Pepe.

The Commissioners reappointed George J. Milonas of Wharton to a four-year term. His initial appointment was in 2018.

Devanshu Modi CCM (2).jpg
Devanshu L. Modi

“We are pleased Dev and Cathy are willing to serve as trustees, and we are thankful to have George willing to take on another term.  Their background and knowledge will help ensure CCM continues to lead the state in the salaries graduates can expect to earn as they launch their careers,” said Commissioner John Krickus, a board liaison to CCM.

“Cathleen and Dev will bring fresh ideas and vision to this board, which has always had an esteemed membership and served Morris County well over the decades. It also is comforting to know that George is willing to dedicate another term of service to the County College of Morris and to Morris County. I want to thank them all for taking on the role of trustee,” said Deputy Commissioner Deborah Smith, who also is a CCM liaison.

Cathleen M. Paugh CCM.jpg
Cathleen Paugh

Mr. Modi is a founding member of the Florham Park law firm of Lyon, Glassman, Leites & Modi, L.L.C., and a former Deputy Attorney General in New Jersey. He served on the Harding Township Board of Education and, subsequently, on the Harding Township Committee until his term expired last December.

Ms. Paugh is a CCM graduate, who credits the college with putting her on a path to success 34 years ago and getting her MBA at Columbia University. She retired last year from Prudential Financial as head of Global Reinsurance Strategy and had prior roles in the company as Chief Financial Officer of its group insurance, Assistant Treasurer, and VP of Corporate Finance.

Mr. Milonas also is a CCM graduate, as well as a former detective with the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office and adjunct professor at Fairleigh Dickinson University.

He is now an enterprise-risk and compliance expert who helps multi-national corporations identify and prevent financial crimes. His resume includes being Vice-President and Head of Anti-Financial Crime Compliance at MetLife, Director of Corporate Security and Investigations for Avis Budget Group, and Vice President with JP Morgan Chase’s global anti-money laundering compliance department.

George Milonas

“I will continue my unwavering commitment to helping enable the dreams for all persons who come to CCM for their educational aspirations and help ensure that CCM is best positioned to support all students, employees and the community for the long-term through responsible and careful governance,” Mr. Milonas wrote in a letter to the Commissioners thanking them for his re-appointment.

Senate Candidate Christine Clarke Endorsed by Garden State Equality

MORRIS COUNTY — 26th Legislative District State Senate candidate Christine Clarke was among the bipartisan candidates who received the endorsement of Garden State Equality in the 2021 race to the Legislature.

Garden State Equality is the largest LGBTQ+ advocacy organization in New Jersey, with over 150,000 members. They engage in advocacy, policy work, training, and support, advancing causes like creating safe environments for youth, improvement of health services that meet LGBTQ+ community needs, and respectful treatment of seniors. All of their work is informed by racial, economic, and disability justice concerns.

Clarke, as someone who initiated Pride flag raisings in two of the thirteen District 26 towns and proudly organizes Jefferson Township’s Pride ceremony in a bipartisan manner, will support LGBTQ+ rights as a legislator. She posted a video drawing contrast between herself and her opponent on LGBTQ rights as part of the Contrast series she created in response to her opponent turning down an invitation to debate.

Clarke’s opponent, incumbent LD26 State Senator Joe Pennacchio, voted against marriage equality for LGBTQ+ people three times. He also opposed banning conversion therapy and advocated for conversion therapy to be part of the national GOP platform three years after it was banned as a form of torture in New Jersey. He also opposed allowing official documents like birth certificates to be updated to reflect someone’s preferred gender, and he opposed banning transgender bullying in schools.

“I am so grateful to Garden State Equality for the important work they do, and for the honor of the endorsement,” said Clarke. “The difference in this election could not be more clear. As with a number of other important issues, Joe Pennacchio’s extreme positions opposing LGBTQ+ rights are a threat to public safety and wellness,” said Clarke. “The political moment we are all in demonstrates that we can not take our rights for granted, and must elect people who will uphold and protect them.”

Clarke is also endorsed by the New Jersey Democratic State Committee LGBTQ Caucus, the Morris County Democratic LGBTQA+ Caucus, and a number of other unions, environmental organizations, grassroots groups, and more. View the list and what leaders are saying about her by clicking here.

The 26th District includes 13 communities in Essex, Morris, and Passaic counties: Butler, Fairfield, Jefferson, Kinnelon, Lincoln Park, Montville, Morris Plains, North Caldwell, Parsippany, Rockaway Township, Verona, West Caldwell, and West Milford.

Letter to the Editor: Jamie Barberio for Mayor, Justin Musella, and Frank Neglia for Town Council

parsippany focusDear Editor:

In 1980 Republican nominee for President Ronald Reagan asked the country “Are You Better Off Than You Were 4 Years Ago?” Well, our township is just a small part of the United States but a large part of Morris County. So, I ask you if the Township, “The Place to Be: Parsippany,” is better off than it was 4 years ago? If you are then vote for the status quo. However, if you are like me the answer is no. We can use all the canned reasons that it is not, “COVID-19” or “Wearing a Mask” or the “Mean Orange Man”, but that cannot and should not excuse the mismanagement, corruption, and lack of honesty or integrity that we currently have. As I am sure we all know, we cannot change the past we can only learn from it and look towards the future.

Let us talk about the future: Jamie Barberio for Mayor, Justin Musella, and Frank Neglia for Town Council. It is an honor and a pleasure to personally know these gentlemen and to appreciate their commitment to Parsippany Troy-Hills. As a member of your Board of Education over the past 8 years, I have attended many community events not related to the school district, and I always run into these gentlemen. The best part is, usually they are not running for any office, they are just supporting the community. They are smart, direct, and a pleasure to be around.

In the early 2000s, my daughter asked me if I could put up a sign on the lawn for her friend’s father, James Barberio because he was running for Town Council. I did not know him at the time, but I said sure. I have never regretted it. He is a graduate of the Parsippany school system, and he is a township resident. I worked with Mayor Barberio after Hurricane Irene in 2011 helping the cleanup in lower Lake Hiawatha. Not only was he hands-on, but he was a calming voice in a very hectic environment. During Mayor Barberio’s tenure in office, his administration attracted new business and increased Township Rateables He was always there with a smile and a hello. We hear a lot about the “surplus” which is a red herring talking point. Have you looked at your water bill lately? Have you walked through the township lately and asked yourself if this is really what your taxes paid for? This only happened over the past 4 years. Always a friend to the schools and the kids but always understanding the township’s role in Board of Education matters. One of the more notable cooperative efforts between the Barberio administration and the Board of Education was the 2016 enhancement of the SRO program for child safety.

Justin Musella and Frank Neglia are a talented team for the Council. I have known Frank Neglia since 2013 when I first ran for the Board of Education and came up short. Frank encouraged me to run again in 2014 and I did and won. As part of the Board, Frank’s focus has always been his commitment to the children of Parsippany and doing what is right by children. Frank, as the Board of Education President, and I traveled to China not only representing the school district but Parsippany and New Jersey. Frank then helped reciprocate that and gladly hosted school-aged children from China when they came to New Jersey.

Justin Musella is a stand-up guy. He brings a sense of pride in his town, community, and passion for others wherever he goes. I met Justin about 2 years ago at a Republican committee event and he hooked me. His passion and energy for Parsippany and life are uplifting. I enjoy having policy discussions with him because he brings a unique prospecting and youthful attitude which is refreshing. He is an infusion of new ideas and youthful enthusiasm that not only the Parsippany Republican party needs but the Town Council desperately needs as well.

Timothy Berrios
Parsippany, New Jersey

Editor’s note: Tim Berrios is a member of the Parsippany Board of Education and is speaking for himself as a tax-paying citizen and does not speak for the Board of Education or Parsippany School district.

Second Operation Take Back of 2021 Yields 408 Pounds of Surrendered Medications

MORRIS COUNTY — On October 23, 2021, the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office participated in Operation Take Back, in partnership with four local police departments. Morris County Prosecutor Robert J. Carroll, Deputy Chief of Detectives Robert McNally, Morris County Sheriff James M. Gannon, Hanover Township Chief of Police Michael Loock, Morris Plains Borough Chief of Police Mike Koroski, Morris Township Chief of Police Mark DiCarlo, and Randolph Township Chief of Police Will Harzula all aided in the coordination of the event.

Operation Take Back is a semi-annual event coordinated nationally by the United States Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in which law enforcement agencies at the state, county, and municipal level work collectively to host Operation Take Back across the nation. The goal is to encourage the public to anonymously turn over unused, unwanted, or expired prescription medications for proper disposal.

Residents of Morris County were able to bring unused or expired prescription drugs to three designated locations – Shoprite of Greater Morristown in Hanover Township, the ACME Supermarket in Randolph, and the Stop and Shop Supermarket in Morris Plains. All drugs collected at the sites were weighed and properly destroyed under controlled and supervised conditions by law enforcement officials.

The total weight in drugs collected from each location are as follows:
-Shoprite of Greater Morristown: 185 pounds
-Stop and Shop of Morris Plains: 25 pounds
-ACME of Randolph: 198 pounds
Total: 408 pounds

In April 2021, the Operation Take Back collection held October in Morris County locations yielded a combined 631 pounds.

If you were unable to drop off your medication during Operation Take Back, you can still utilize any other permanent drop box locations nearest you, which are listed by clicking here.

Prosecutor Carroll and Sheriff Gannon jointly stated, “These bi-annual collections prove to be a much-needed community service. Participants are taking an active role in combatting prescription drug misuse and abuse. Thanks to our law enforcement and commercial partners for making this such a productive collection.”

Letter to the Editor: Soriano Brought Township’s Finances Into the Real World

parsippany focusDear Editor:

Let me take you back to 2017. I was with several of my neighbors at a backyard barbeque when the discussion turned to property taxes. One of my neighbors said, “Don’t worry, it’s an election year and there’ll be no tax increase.” I replied that just to cover inflation taxes must go up 2 or 3 percent. No, my neighbor replied, Mayor Barberio and the council always find a way to jiggle the budget so that there’s no increase in election years. I asked how they can manipulate the budget, and my neighbor replied “they steal from the water and sewer utility.” I asked incredulously “steal”? My neighbor replied, “I guess the politically correct term is “transfer”, but it’s stealing from the future.”

Since then, I’ve done some research. In 2013, an election year, the total tax increase in Parsippany was just 0.2% but over a half-million dollars was transferred from the water and sewer utility. The next election year, 2017, we actually had a zero percent tax increase, but 3.2 million dollars was transferred from the water and sewer utility. Would it surprise you to know that over the last 10 years almost 18 million dollars was stolen – or “transferred”, whatever phrase you’d like to use – from the water and sewer utility? The vast majority of these dollars came under the administration of the former Mayor.

One of Mayor Soriano’s campaign promises in 2017 was no more transfers from the water and sewer authority, and in the current budget, he has kept his promise.

When you vote on November 2nd, remember that it’s Mayor Soriano who finally brought the Township’s finances into the real world. I’ll be supporting him this Election Day

Steve Mandel, QEP

In the Murphy Administration the Truth was the First Casualty of COVID

MORRIS COUNTY — A bombshell video released Monday by Project Veritas uncovered alarming revelations from inside Governor Murphy’s re-election campaign.

In the recording, two individuals with close ties to the campaign, including a woman identified as a senior advisor for the Governor, explained that Murphy planned to enact vaccine mandates after he sealed up the election.

“Wake up, New Jersey. This is how the Governor treats our residents,” said Senator Joe Pennacchio. “He has every intention of abusing his self-appointed emergency powers to force vaccines on every one of us, but he knows the public won’t stand for it. As the past has indicated, he will issue his rules and edicts with no transparency.”

Project Veritas’ undercover camera caught Murphy advisor Wendy Martinez, speaking Spanish, explaining Murphy’s strategy.

“He’s going to do it [vaccine mandates], but he couldn’t do it before the elections,” Martinez said. “The independents and the undecided would not vote for him if he did the mandates because they’re all into all the sh**. My rights, my sh**.”

“Let’s face it. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the Governor has not been forthcoming with the people of New Jersey,” Pennacchio said. “His willingness to beguile residents is disconcerting. He has refused to explain why he opened prison cells while forcing the deadly virus into nursing homes and locking the doors, why he allowed long lines in big box stores but prevented people from standing in line for in-person voting, why he did ignore the words of nursing home administrators when he was told point-blank that his policies would lead to people dying, and why he and the Democrats have refused any legislative oversight and investigations into his deadly pandemic policies.

“Forcing vaccine passports on state residents under the cloak of darkness after an election continues this administration’s long history of obfuscation, deflection, and insincerity,” Pennacchio continued.

The Project Veritas video also shows a discussion between a reporter and a manager for NJ Forward 2021, a campaign project funded by the New Jersey Democratic State Committee.

“I think the problem is right now because it’s election season … I mean, once you know we have a win, he’s like, all right, guns blazing, like who cares. I’m in it. Let’s do the mandates. Let’s do this,” said the manager identified as Matthew Urquijo.

“This is the despicable treatment of New Jerseyans who endured extreme losses and disruptions under this Governor’s heavy-handed rule,” Pennacchio continued. “This is not the way elected officials should treat the people who rely on their truthful leadership. The Governor’s treachery is unforgivable.”

Letter to the Editor: Parsippany Needs New Leadership

parsippany focusDear Editor:

This year has presented one of the most consequential decisions for residents in our town in recent memory. While we’re struggling to manage ever-increasing taxes coming from the current administration, we’re also finding out the mayor many of us voted for, Mr. Soriano has been using township resources for personal gain. I believe we need new leadership on the Township Council to stop this, members who will fight to prevent abuse of taxpayer resources and change the recent culture of incomplete budgets and shameful tax increases.

Mr. Musella came to my door last month and personally assured me that he would stand up for residents like myself and act to improve the representation on the Township Council. When I mentioned to him that one of my neighbors felt that every time they called the Mayor’s Action Center no resolution was achieved, he told me that he would take on office hours to give residents the opportunity to use his office to hold the Administration accountable. We need leaders like this now more than ever.

Justin was thoroughly impressive and stands out among the crowd. Even though I’m a Democrat, I will be voting for him, and I encourage all my neighbors to do the same.

Jay Patel

Mayor’s Committee on Accessibility Seeks New Members

PARSIPPANY — The Mayor’s Committee on Accessibility (MCA) is seeking members to join its ranks, and assist in advocating for residents with disabilities. 

Working at the township government level, composed of Parsippany residents with personal or family experience of disabilities, an all-volunteer, the MCA evaluates public accommodations to ensure participation by all who live and work here; advocates for anyone encountering problems; and above all welcomes the involvement and input of our fellow Parsippanyans! 

Have trouble finding accessible parking spaces where they should be? Navigating sidewalks that could have more curb-cuts and level paving? Getting a scooter in a local store? The MCA would like to hear your perspective and your ideas for improvement. 

“The MCA of Parsippany-Troy Hills is open for business,” says Mayor Michael Soriano, “and dedicated to making sure all our neighbors can contribute to our economic and social life equally.” 

The MCA will be listening to residents, and pooling its own members’ individual experience on what works best. The Committee will spotlight the most accessibility-friendly businesses in town; work with township officials to ensure compliance with the ADA and other laws; seek to partner with all local organizations, services, and activities to advance full participation; distribute information; and in time, hold public events for learning and fun, with all being welcome and able to attend. 

“Please consider joining the committee,” says MCA Chair Lily Benavides. “There are open positions, and we could use the industriousness and imagination that makes Parsippany such a special place to live, work, and visit — and the ideas that can make that true for more people than ever!” 

The Mayor’s Committee on Accessibility can be found on the township’s website at, and on Facebook at Please feel free to visit the site to learn more, and the Facebook page to leave us a message, ask a question, or bring an issue to our attention. If you are interested in joining, please send a direct message via the Facebook page. 

Sergeant Robert Jamieson Retires from Parsippany Police

PARSIPPANY — Sergeant Robert Jamieson retired Thursday from the Parsippany Police Department after more than 30 years with the township. Mayor Michael Soriano delivered a proclamation at the police station, honoring the retired Class II special law enforcement officer.

“I was honored to join our Police today in commending SLEOII Jamieson after three decades of service to Parsippany,” Soriano said. “We are far better thanks to Robert’s commitment to the Township. Congratulations on your retirement and we wish you the very best.”

Jamieson serves as commissioner of the Mount Tabor Volunteer Fire Department. He previously served as its president and chief.

Congratulations and enjoy your retirement

Kiwanis Installs Another New Member

PARSIPPANY — Parsippany resident Luke Ferrante was one of the newest members to join the Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany. Club member Justin Musella sponsored Luke into the club.

Justin Musella pins Luke Ferrante

Club President Connie Keller said “Kiwanis is something so good that each of us loves to share it. What better way to show our love for our club and our community than to welcome a new member to our club? Today we’re very pleased to welcome Luke to our club. We welcome Luke to our global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time.

Luke said “I am honored to become a Kiwanis member. Community service and giving back has always been the two most important things in my life. Joining Kiwanis will allow me to further expand upon the contributions I make in the Parsippany area. I look forward to all of the great programs and ideas this organization has planned for the betterment of our community in Parsippany.”

Kiwanis Club Lt. Governor Division 9 Frank Cahill is pleased to announce that Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany is now the largest club in New Jersey.

The New Jersey District of Kiwanis International currently has 80 active Kiwanis Clubs, with a total of 1400 members. Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany has a total of 77 active members as of Saturday, October 22.

During the pandemic, Kiwanis Operation Feeding Morris County has distributed over 229,400 pounds of food, to 5,755 families, over 11,000 children with a retail value of over $385,000. The next food distribution is scheduled for Saturday, October 30. It will be held at Parsippany High School, 309 Baldwin Road from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.  Any resident that needs food can register at  The registration is 100% confidential and is used to make sure we have enough food at each location.  Other locations include Roxbury, Rockaway, Boonton, Dover, South Orange, and Maplewood.

“Kiwanis Operation Feeding Morris County” was started in December by Kiwanis Club of Greater Roxbury President Cain Pope and has spread to many Morris County Kiwanis Club and other clubs in New Jersey as far away as Asbury Park, South Orange, Maplewood, Clifton, and Bridgewater.

Kiwanis does not ask for proof of income. The only thing we ask for is name, email address, the town of residence, and the number of children. The information is 100% confidential and is used to make sure we have a sufficient supply of food at each location and for informing the public of future food distributions. We are always looking for donations to support this operation. Click here to make a donation.

“Kiwanis club members believe in service,” said Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany President Laura Wohland. “They care about children. They’re interested in the community around them because the community matters to them. They’re people like you. Friends. Neighbors. Volunteers who want to make a difference.”

Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.  It is not religious-based or partisan in any way.

Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany supports ten K-Kids clubs, Lake Parsippany Elementary School, Eastlake Elementary School, Intervale School, Mt. Tabor Elementary School, Littleton Elementary School, Lake Hiawatha Elementary School, Troy Hills Elementary School, Northvail Elementary School, Knollwood School, and Rockaway Meadow Elementary School, two builders clubs, Central Middle School and Brooklawn Middle School; two Key Clubs, Parsippany Hills High School and Parsippany High School and one Aktion Club.

Interested in learning more about the Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany, contact President Connie Keller. Click here to view the Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany website.

Mimi Letts Gets Plaque In Town Hall

PARSIPPANY — During Tuesday’s Township Meeting, Mayor Michael Soriano unveiled a plaque in Town Hall along with Mimi’s husband, Howard Letts.

The plaque is displayed at Town Hall

Mimi was elected by the residents of Parsippany-Troy Hills 1994 and re-elected in 1997 and 2001 to serve as Parsippany’s first woman Mayor.

She was a member of the Township Planning Board, served on the Zoning Board of Adjustment, and was a member of the Parsippany Historical Society, the Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany, as well as the New Jersey Highlands Council and was President of the Brookside Senior Housing Corporation.

Mayor Michael Soriano and Howard Letts unveil the plaque. The Township Council looks on.

Marceil “Mimi” Letts was inducted into the New Jersey Mayors Hall of Fame as part of the Class of 2004.

More than 20 memorial plaques hang in Town Hall honoring deceased mayors and councilmembers. Howard Letts, “Mr. Mayor” attended the Township Council meeting in which officials unveiled the former mayor’s plaque.

“Mimi was a very generous person,” said Councilmember Janice McCarthy. “She gave a lot of support, and she mentored others — especially women — to become involved in politics.”


Letter to the Editor: Truths about the 2021 Township Budget

parsippany focusDear Editor:

The Mayoral campaign is heating up, and along with it, distortions and half-truths become the norm. I would normally just endorse Barberio, Musella, and Neglia as the best candidates to restore fiscal responsibility to Parsippany. However, the Mayor is blaming everyone except himself for the deficit budget that he handed over to the Township Council. Neighbors have called to tell me that, in addition to his opponent, he blames the Township Council and specifically me for the deficits. A response to these far-reaching accusations is needed.

Because of the serious budget deficits caused by this administration in the past three years, it took them over seven months in 2021 to produce a budget that was “Balanced and certified”. Balanced and Certified does not mean that this is a good budget … far from it. The administration has solved its deficit problems by pushing a lot of its problems into 2022. The sustainability of this budget should be a concern to the Township for future budgets.

The 2021 budget includes several one-time non-reoccurring revenues. That means these funds will not be available to the Township when preparing the budget for 2022. In other words, the administration has kicked the can down the road. They have pushed as much of their 2021 deficit into the 2022 budget that they could get away with. The State (DCA) granted the administration a one-time allowance on budget practices and gimmicks that would normally not be allowed. The Township Council rejected the Mayor’s request to borrow $5million to balance his budget. We also prevented him from pushing another $1.1million into 2022. We felt that we should start addressing some of the budget deficits in 2021 rather than allowing the Mayor to push everything into 2022. These Council votes were unanimous and bi-partisan.

The Township’s 2021 budget contains unrealistic revenue estimates and seriously underestimates expenses. The Township should keep a watchful eye on the revenues that have been anticipated and be prepared for any shortfalls in revenue. The Township should also carefully monitor budget expenditures for the remainder of the year to allow for the flexibility afforded by the State. I assume that this would come in the form of “Emergency Appropriations”.

Even though this is not a good budget, the Township Council had no choice at this late date but to pass it. We were approaching the fourth quarter of the year. The Mayor may try to blame previous administrations, but after 3.5 years as Mayor, this deficit budget falls completely on him.

Michael dePierro

Murphy Signs Legislation Enabling E-ZPass Charge Push Notifications

TRENTON — Governor Phil Murphy signed legislation (S-1654) which requires the New Jersey Turnpike Authority (NJTA) and the South Jersey Transportation Authority (SJTA) to provide electronic push notifications for New Jersey E-ZPass customers. The notifications will inform customers who download the New Jersey E-ZPass mobile application of tolls incurred after passing through toll plazas operated by the NJTA or SJTA within 24 hours of the charge posting to the customer’s account.

“E-ZPass customers deserve fast and timely notifications of charges incurred while traveling on our toll roads,” said Governor Murphy. “Much like push notifications for other day-to-day transactions that we all receive, this legislation will promote financial transparency and keep New Jerseyans informed of their commuting costs.”

“The benefit of this new law is to provide timely information to E-Z Pass customers regarding the use of their accounts,” said Department of Transportation Commissioner Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti, who serves as Chair of the New Jersey Turnpike Authority and the South Jersey Transportation Authority.

Using the E-Z Pass mobile app, a push notification can be provided to customers keeping them informed of each time a toll is charged to their account, providing better security and management.”

Primary sponsors of S-1654 include Senators Linda Greenstein and Nellie Pou, and Assemblymembers Roy Freiman, Daniel Benson, and Britnee Timberlake.

“Up until now, E-ZPass account holders must rely on a monthly statement to confirm that tolls have proceeded correctly,” said Senator Greenstein. “With this new law, customers will have the option to know within 24 hours whether or not the toll was processed. By expanding customers’ options to include electronic notifications, users will be able to more immediately know that a toll was processed correctly, making paying tolls a more seamless process.”

“Under current law, E-ZPass is not required to notify their customers electronically, which can make it difficult to keep track of tolls,” said Senator Pou. “We live in a world where more and more people have become accustomed to seeing immediate billing notification on their electronic devices. This new law will provide that immediate confirmation when passing through a toll plaza, and allow customers to stay up to speed on their toll usage.”

“It is a reasonable expectation that when a consumer is charged with something, they immediately receive a receipt,” said Assemblyman Freiman. “This already happens with all other transactions. Now, under this new law, our electronic toll system will also provide a receipt to help customers better track their E-ZPass use.”

“An E-ZPass customer should know immediately if their account is being charged,” said Assemblyman Benson. “With this new law, customers will be notified or able to check in real-time to prevent an excessive bill at the end of the month.”

“E-ZPass transactions are made instantaneously,” said Assemblywoman Timberlake. “Customers will now be able to keep up with their daily E-ZPass use and clear up any charge disputes sooner rather than later.”

S-1654 will require push notifications to be delivered within 24 hours of the charge posting to the customer’s account, except when accounts are not recognized at the time of the transaction. Push notifications will be available for all toll plazas operated by NJTA or SJTA, meaning those on the New Jersey Turnpike, Garden State Parkway, Atlantic City Expressway. It will also be available on toll plazas operated by the Cape May County Bridge Commission.

For a copy of the signing statement, please click here.

Council Candidate Justin Musella Holds Fundraiser

PARSIPPANY – Assemblyman Jon Bramnick recently was the guest speaker at a fundraiser for Parsippany-Troy Hills Township Council Candidate Justin Musella.

The event attended by almost 75 people was a “Who’s Who in Morris County.”

Guests included Morris County Sheriff James Gannon, Morris County Clerk Ann Grossi, Morris County Commissioner Tayfun Selen, Assemblyman Brian Bergen, Mount Arlington Mayor Michael Stanzilis, Parsippany-Troy Hills Council Member Paul Carifi, Jr., Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education member Mrs. Susy Golderer, Morris County Republican Chairwoman Laura Ali, Thomas S. Russo, Jr. Newton Town Manager, Thomas Russo, Sr., Boonton Third Ward Council Member Joe Bock, Senator Joseph Pennachio, Paul DeGroot, Assemblyman Jon Bramnick,  Passaic County Assistant Prosecutor, and candidate for Congress 11th district, Assemblyman Jay Weber among other attendees.

Musella is the current Chair of the Morris County Young Republicans.

Jon Bramnick the minority assembly leader
Assemblyman Brian Bergen with Mount Arlington Mayor Michael Stanzilis
Morris County Commissioner Tayfun Selen and Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education member Mrs. Susy Golderer
Thomas S. Russo, Jr., Musella, and Thomas Russo, Sr.
Paul DeGroot, Passaic County Assistant Prosecutor, and candidate for Congress 11th district, and Jon Bramnick
Joseph Musella, Angela Rotella Musella with Justin
Patrick Minutillo and Boonton Third Ward Council Member Joe Bock
Parsippany-Troy Hills Council Member Paul Carifi, Jr., and Morris County Clerk Ann Grossi

Just recently, Musella, 30, was named to Insider NJ’s Power List of Top 100 Millennials.

The young Parsippany Republican, a rising star, was the lone victor on his slate in the June primary and has been barnstorming the battleground town as his council candidacy impressed insiders and observers. He has attracted attention from GOP heavyweights such as NJGOP Chairman Hugin and Assembly Minority Leader Bramnick, who have headlined fundraisers for the young candidate. A rising star, Musella is a young Republican to watch. Musella earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Emory University

Musella’s professional experience in the private sector and service on the township’s Economic Development Committee gives him a fresh, unique perspective to help local businesses recover from the protracted impacts of the COVID pandemic and revitalize economic activity throughout the township.

Musella is on the Team Barberio ticket, along with James Barberio for Mayor and Frank Neglia for Council.  They are challenged by Democrats Michael Soriano for Mayor, and Judy Hernandez, and Cori Herbig for Council.

Election day is Tuesday, November 2.

Driver hits Utility Pole on Route 46

PARSIPPANY — Mr. Joshusa Yang, 87, was traveling westbound on Route 46 and ran off the roadway to the right, struck the right-hand curb, and continued west on the grass adjacent to the roadway, and crashed head-on into a utility pole. This accident happened on Saturday, October 9 at 11:44 a.m.

The vehicle struck a utility pole

Mr. Yang was driving a 2006 Lexus R33 when the vehicle rotated clockwise coming to uncontrolled rest within the right westbound lane.

Parsippany-Troy Hills Police Officer Thomas determined the cause of the crash was due to driver inattention.

Eagle Towing removed the vehicle from the scene.

The vehicle struck a utility pole

Township of Parsippany is Hiring!

PARSIPPANY — Positions Available with the Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills. There are lots of great employment opportunities available with the Township and its partners. Check it out!

Department of Public Works – Seasonal Workers
The Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills is seeking individuals 18 years of age or older to work as a laborer on the back of Township garbage trucks picking up recyclable and/or yard waste materials from now through November. Hours are 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.; the hourly rate is $15.00.

Anyone interested in applying, please contact Marge or Michelle at (973) 263-7273 or, or

Visit the Township Job Link
Police, EMT, and Sewer Department are all hiring now. Click here to learn more.

Paul Miller Porsche “Drive For a Cure”

PARSIPPANY — Paul Miller Porsche held a “Drive for a Cure” to bring awareness to Breast Cancer Awareness.

Drive for a Cure

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual campaign to raise awareness about the impact of breast cancer.

The past year has posed a challenge to just about everything, and breast cancer prevention is no exception. Although we saw setbacks in screenings and early detection, we’re rising to the challenge together.

Porsche owners met at Paul Miller Porsche, 3419 Route 46, for a Drive for a Cure to “Blue Ridge Winery.

The crew met for coffee and donuts

The crew met for coffee and donuts, lined up at 9:45 a.m. for their departure.

When they arrived at Blue Ridge they enjoyed a complimentary wine tasting. Lunch was provided by Rouge Taco, which is located at the winery. Then the owners had a day filled with numerous activities and beautiful views.

Blue Ridge Winery is located at 239 Blue Ridge Road, Saylorsburg, PA.

For every car, Paul Miller donated $200 to Breast Cancer Awareness.

All owners received a gift bag
For every car, Paul Miller donated $200 to Breast Cancer Awareness.
For every car, Paul Miller donated $200 to Breast Cancer Awareness.

Ronald Daniel Orthwein Passed Away

PARSIPPANY — Ronald Daniel Orthwein, 75, passed away, on October 3, peacefully in his sleep at home in Florida. He was born to Daniel and Lydia (née Steinke) Orthwein and raised in Chicago, IL. He was drafted into the US Army and then worked for Pfizer Inc., as a logistics manager for 37 years in Chicago, New Jersey, and New York.

In 2020, he relocated to Stuart, Florida with his wife to enjoy his sunset years in his dream home.

Family and friends are invited to a celebration of life planned for December 4, 2021, in Parsippany. Details to follow.

Ron is remembered most for his tireless commitment to volunteering for Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany, an organization that works to improve the lives of children everywhere. He was a fixture in the Parsippany Troy-Hills school district as the Kiwanis Director of Sponsored Youth, where he helped children reach their own goals in community service. He loved golf and spent many Sunday afternoons at the Knoll Country Club with family and friends.

His compassion quips, and stubbornness will be sorely missed.

Ron is survived by his wife, Frances (nee Colonna), his children, Robert, Allison (Evan Johnson) Orthwein, and Sarah (Huw) Edwards, his brother Wayne (Patti) Orthwein, and dozens of nieces & nephews.

In lieu of flowers, please make donations to the Kiwanis Club of Parsippany, Post Office Box 5342, Parsippany, New Jersey 07054 (Click here); Cystic Fibrosis Research Inc. (; or to a charity of your choice.

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