Dear Editor:
Just listened to the Town Council meeting of Tuesday, September 10, and can only conclude that Mayor Barberio is scared to death of the challenge that Councilman Musella is posing with his decision to run for Mayor in the upcoming Republican primary.

That became apparent when Mayor Barberio unleashed Vice President Frank Neglia to personally attack Mr. Musella’s integrity and motives in a blatant attempt to discredit Mr. Musella.
The fact that Mr. Neglia was unable to back up a single one of his outlandish accusations raises the question as to why Mr. Neglia is determined to destroy his own well earned reputation of decades of community service. to cover for Mayor Barberio’s self serving and desperate attempts to survive politically?
I served with Mr. Neglia for seven years when we were both on the Parsippany Board of Education and while we may have energetically disagreed on many issues, I always believed and trusted that Mr. Neglia’s motives were sincere and in the best interests of Parsippany’s residents and children. Given his temper tantrum at Tuesday’s Council meeting and his seemly blind and obsequious loyalty to Mayor Barberio, I can’t help but wonder if that is still true.
What happened Frank?
Bob Crawford
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