MORRIS COUNTY — Cub Scouts from across Morris County had a great time with their grandparents at Winnebago Scout Reservation in Rockaway during a visit in June. The Patriots’ Path Council of the Boy Scouts of America ran its first My Cool Grandma/Grandpa event.
Along with their grandparent, each Cub Scout built a birdhouse or a toolbox. The building of these crafts was guided by the Flintlocks, an association of volunteers who do whatever repair work is needed at the camp.
After the craft building, each Cub Scout brought their grandparent over to the BB range for some target practice. They then toasted marshmallows over a fire and had hot dogs in the great outdoors.

Grandparents commented on how much their grandson or granddaughter was enjoying Cub Scouts and the program’s role in building character and instilling values. To find a Cub Scout pack near you, click here or contact membership executive Al Thomas, (973) 765-9322 ext. 229, al.thomas@scouting.org.