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HomeSchool NewsDedication of Flag Pole at Central Middle School

Dedication of Flag Pole at Central Middle School

What a great way to celebrate Flag Day




The flag flies high at Central Middle School, thanks to Josh Knowle

PARSIPPANY — Today being June 14, Flag Day, Central Middle School recognized the accomplishments and hard work of Josh Knowle as he completes the requirements towards earning his Eagle Scout Award.

When Josh was in seventh grade he must have heard, the Principal Mr. Grey, complaining to someone about the fact that there was a need for a pathway to the flagpole.

The path created by Josh to the bottom of the flag pole

Soon thereafter, Josh approached Mr. Grey and told that for his Eagle Scout Project he wanted to install a walkway to and around the flagpole.

After a few rough drafts, lots of conversations and clearing Boys Scouts of America approval and Board of Education approval,  the Board of Education, Boy Scouts, Parents and Mayor Michael Soriano dedicated the project to the Students and Staff of Central Middle School.

Two months ago, the flagpole was very rusty and discolored. It had an old flag topper that was ready to fall off. Students and staff that tended to the flag each day had to do so in all weather conditions. In the winter, they would climb over mounds of plowed snow to get to the flagpole. After rain, students and custodians walked out into a muddy quagmire to tend to the flag only to come back into the building with wet shoes and soggy socks.

Josh Knowle with Principal Mr. Gray
Josh’s project included the complete renovation of the flagpole. Completely sanding and repainting the pole. The installation of a new flagpole topper which is a proud American Eagle. The installation of new pulley, rope and fasteners to last for years to come. The installation of a solar powered light to illuminate the flag in the evening. The digging of a pathway to and around the flagpole, the installation of weed block and gravel that make access to the flagpole area much easier.
Parsippany-Troy Hills Mayor Michael Soriano, Josh Knowle and Superintendent of Schools Dr. Barbara Sargent

The new flag that we raised today was donated by Former Parsippany Mayor Mr. Jamie Barberio.

It is the flag that we raise for days to come here at Central. This project would not have been possible had it not been for the efforts of Josh. He was organized and diligent in his preparation. He raised the money to fund this project from private donors as well as donations from local businesses. To commemorate this day and the completion of this project we will install a plaque so that students, staff and all visitors to Central Middle School will be able to recognize his accomplishments.
Josh with his parents Sandra and Ronald
The plaque will be displayed at the base of the flagpole and will read …. “On behalf of Central Middle School, we want to thank the Parsippany BOE for their support, the Central Custodial staff and the District maintenance department. Most of all we want to thank Josh, Mr. and Mrs. Knowle and Troop 72 for this great project.”
Central Middle School student, Nellie Castro, volunteered to raise the flag everyday this year.
Student Nellie Castro volunteered to raise the flag at Central Middle School everyday
Frank L. Cahill
Frank L. Cahill
Publisher of Parsippany Focus since 1989 and Morris Focus since 2019, both covering a wide range of events. Mr. Cahill serves as the Executive Board Member of the Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce, Governor-Elect NJ District Kiwanis International and Chairman of Parsippany-Troy Hills Economic Development Advisory Board.
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