Monday, March 3, 2025
HomeLetters to the editorLetter to editor: Where does Webber and Sherrill stand on gun control?

Letter to editor: Where does Webber and Sherrill stand on gun control?





parsippany focusDear Editor:

Today as I watch the coverage of the March for Our Lives in Washington DC I realize that I do not know where Jay Webber and Mikie Sherrill,  who are running for Congress in New Jersey’s 11th District, stand with regard to strengthening the laws required to control the sale of guns. I am sure that both of them, like all of us, are shocked and saddened by the non-stop gun inflicted violence in our streets, schools, movie theaters, and churches. However knowing that Jay and Mikie share our horror is simply not enough.
What we need to know now is if either of them has accepted  or plans to accept money from the NRA or any of its affiliates. What we need to know now is if either of them plans to support efforts to ban the sale of automatic weapons. What we need to know now is if either of them plans to support the strengthening of background checks. What we need to know now is where they stand on all of these questions and what they plan to do if elected to represent us in Congress.
Where Jay and Mikie stand will determine how a vast majority of us (Republicans, Democrats and Independents) will vote in November and we will vote !
So Jay and Mikie tell us today – Where you stand so that we can decide whether or not to stand with you in November.  
Bob Crawford
Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor
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