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HomeLetters to the editorLetter to editor: Louie the Lair

Letter to editor: Louie the Lair





Dear Editor:

Tuesday, June 6 is the primary. I urge all Republicans to get out and vote. I have been attending town council meetings for 13 years and I do have some concerns I would like to share with my fellow Parsippany residents.

Candidate Vincent Ferrara was a yes man to Mayor Barberio when he served on the council previously. Mr. Ferrara has stated on record that “anything the Mayor wants I will give him”. That kind of attitude is not needed on the council. What we need are people with fresh ideas and a mind of their own. From what I remember he rarely questioned anything but always voted yes. Mr. Ferrara also had an altercation with a township resident who was head of intramural soccer league who felt threaten, harassed and intimidated (See for copy of letter).

Candidate Lou Valori in my opinion seems to have stabbed the taxpayers of Parsippany in the back.

He has flip-flopped on all the principles and promises he ran on back in 2013. Here are a few issues to consider:

1)  Mr. Valori took it upon himself to change the amount of time each resident can speak at a council meeting from five minutes to three minutes. Residents have questioned him on this he gives no response.

2)  Mr. Valori voted to have Mr. Inglesino removed as township attorney in 2014, 2015 and 2016 (fees were exorbitant). In 2017 he voted to keep Mr. Inglesino. Why???? What has changed? Mr. Inglesino’s 1099 for 2016 was $701,985.21.

3) Mr. Valori voted for 0% municipal tax increase this year (figures 0% during election year). Why can’t  this be done during non election years? Remember we didn’t use 2% in 2017 so this gets carried over to 2018. That means in 2018 our taxes can increase up to 4%. Nice job Lou.

4)  Mr. Valori was chosen to head the transparency committee in 2014.  This committee met once in 2014 and has not met since. How transparent is Mr. Valori?

5)  Mr. Valori promised taxpayers he would stay on top of police overtime and work with Chief Philipps to rein in overtime spending. Didn’t happen. Well over one million dollars was paid out in 2016.

6)  Mr. Valori was elected to serve a four year term as a councilmen but ran for Freeholder in 2016 with the support of Mayor Barberio and Mr. Inglesino. Did not anybody else find this odd?

All in all, Mr. Valori in my opinion has been a big disappointment. How can he change his convictions so easily? Think about all the trash talk the last four years between Mr. Inglesino, Mayor Barberio and Mr. Valori. The disruption they caused the township. Mr. Valori made many comments against Mayor Barberio and Mr. Inglesino accusing them of and I quote “it’s time for the Mayor to stop wasting taxpayers dollars to pursue his personal vendetta against Mr. Carifi”. Valori also accused Mayor Barberio of bribing him and brought charges against him.

So, I ask the residents of Parsippany where is Mr. Valori’s integrity or for that matter Mayor Barberio’s also. For them to join forces leaves one’s mind to wonder Why? What strange bedfellows they make. I for one will be voting for Mr. Parikh and Mr. Martino.


Pat Petaccia

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Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor
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