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Joe Jannarone Sr: Parsippany One of the “Best Places to Live in the Country”

PARSIPPANY — While most of us living in Parsippany today have visited one or more of the 31 parks maintained by the Township Parks and Forestry Department, very few of us appreciate, or know the history of when these parks were built and how this department was formed.

Fortunately, Mr. Joe Jannarone Sr. (referred to in this article as JJ) is the man that does know, and he has shared the following stories with me, that capture much of this history.

Prior to 1972, the Township of Parsippany did not have a Parks and Forestry Department. JJ, recalls the events and reasons for this department to be formed, how it grew, and the role it has played in helping make Parsippany one of the “best places to live in the country,” according to Money Magazine

In late 1960 the Township of Parsippany had depended on the “shade tree committee” to write the ordinances defining the procedures that property developers needed to follow in order to be issued permits for the removal and replacement of trees. It also stipulated that the work done, needed to be inspected to ensure they were in compliance before they could receive C O O.

Mr. Joe Jannarone Sr.

The ordinance also defined the types of trees that would and would NOT be permitted to be planted on Township property. Unfortunately, the Commission did not have the authority, nor resources needed to enforce this ordinance, so in 1972, Mayor Henry Luther created the position of Township Forrester, who would be responsible for enforcing the
ordinance. JJ was a member of the shade tree committee so the mayor offered him this position. JJ did not want to disappoint his current employer, so he did not immediately accept the offer, after some discussions with his wife Nicki, they agreed that it would be best for his family to have a job that offered retirement and health care benefits.

Shortly after becoming the first Township Forester in 1972, the “shade tree ordinance” was challenged, by a developer that sued the Township and JJ, because they refused to return his deposit because he planted Silver Maples which were one of the “not allowed” species. The developer’s attorney grilled JJ for two days in court, asking the same questions, in different ways, trying to trap JJ, this (did not work) so the judge finally dismissed the case, and the ordinance remains in force today.

After the ordinance was upheld, JJ proposed that a “tree survey” should be done, in order to identify and assess the viability of all the trees on township property. JJ was able to get a Rutgers University student, majoring in Forestry Management, that had been hired by the Recreation Department as a summer intern to help him complete this project. The survey reviled that there were over 600 dead trees and that the township might be liable if any of them fell down causing damage to property or personnel injury, and should therefore be cut down as soon as possible. During the next year’s budget process, JJ proposed adding a new employee to do tree trimming and removal in the township, and operate the bucket truck that was being sold by a tree trimming company in PA, which would cost only $5,000. Once the purchase was approved, JJ went to Pa. so he could personally drive the truck back to Parsippany. This truck was used by the Township for 12 years and then given to the Township of Boonton, what a great investment.

In 1960 the Bradford Callery Pear tree was recommended by the Shade Tree Committee and planted throughout the Sedgfiefld Development. These trees had attracted so many visitors to view their beautiful white blossoms every spring and grew so well, that the Forestry Department planted them in a number of additional areas of the Township. Unfortunately, even though very beautiful and fast-growing, it was discovered after about 20 years that the Bradford species, was the only Callery Pear that had a self-destructive “fatal flaw” because the branch crouches grew too close together. Sadly, today, there are few if any of the Bradford Callery Pear trees that have survived, but many other Callery Pear species have survived.

The National Arbor Society had a program where they distributed tree seedlings to communities around the country. In 1972, as the Township Forrester, JJ established a program where Township distributed seedlings to EVERY third-grade student in Parsippany. He contacted some tree growers and nursery suppliers and learned different types of evergreen/pine trees would be the most reliable, easiest for planting, and least expensive. JJ ordered seedlings from a grower in southern NJ, got plastic bags donated, plus going around and picked up discarded telephone wires from construction sites to tie the bags, and asked some local food stores if they could save some boxes He then had some Cub Scouts and their parents, volunteer to put soil, water, and the seedlings in the bags and then packed them standing up into the boxes, that were then delivered on Arbor Day to ALL the elementary schools in Parsippany. This program is still going on today and is credited with getting over 150,000 trees planted in Parsippany.

The gazebo at Veterans Memorial Park

During 1974 JJ noticed that a number of Township owned properties around town needed some manicuring, so JJ borrowed an older tractor from the Recreation Department and a lawnmower from the Board of Education, which he used on weekends to keep Township properties mowed and manicured.

In 1986 the Forestry and Parks and Recreation Departments were merged and JJ was appointed as the Director of this new department. A few weeks after the departments were merged, JJ recognized that while the parks were being well maintained, most of them did not have adequate playground equipment and were very underutilized by families and kids. To address this issue, merry-go-rounds, slides, swing sets, and bouncy spring animals were purchased and installed in some of the parks, and JJ was very pleased to see a dramatic increase in the number of children and families using the parks.

It was not long after that a woman came into JJ’s office with one of her children who had some disabilities, she asked where she could find a park or recreation areas that were handicap accessible and had playground equipment that they could use? When JJ contacted the companies that manufactured playground equipment, he was shocked to learn that NONE of them made any such equipment. JJ then contacted a medical supply company and discovered that they made a swing that a wheelchair could be put on as well as a bouncy spring animal that had backrests and harness. These two items and picnic tables that are wheelchair assessable were ordered by JJ. Special soft materials were placed on the ground at Knoll Park, and the equipment was installed, making it the first handicap assessable park in the state. The Star-Ledger ran a story about the park, which was picked up by the Associated Press, sparking interest in this issue and bringing national attention for Parsippany. Shortly after this, a gentleman from Bergen County came to see the park and asked JJ if he could help him design a similar park, that he was willing to fund it , and would be the first such facility in that county. JJ also received numerous calls from officials of both large and small cities around the country, it appears that Parsippany and JJ can be credited with starting this wonderful and much-needed initiative.

Another story JJ likes to tell is how the “Victory Garden” came to be. One day a lady called JJ and asked him if there was any place in one of the parks, where she could grow some crops. Unfortunately, this could not be done, but as fate would have it, the Township had just bought some property on Route 202 where they planned to have the Engineering department housed, and yes it had some garden area. JJ was able to expand this area by attaching his personal plow to a Township tractor and then tilling the soil. Paths were made to divide the area into separate plots so people could get to their plots without walking on other people’s. Street signs were made and installed, so residents could locate the plot they had been awarded. When it came time to dedicate the gardens, JJ proposed that they be called the “Victory Gardens”, which was a common name given to community gardens built during World War 2.

Another story JJ likes to tell is how they were able to get flag poles illuminated at Smith Field. JJ observed that the American flag was not being flown on a regular basis and when he asked why this was the case he was told because they were not able to be illuminated, so they had to be taken down every evening and it was too time-consuming to put them up every morning and take them down every evening. JJ negotiated with the electric company to install a new 220-volt electric box, so lights could be installed, that would shine on the flags and therefore could be displayed day and night.

As the Parks and Forestry Department grew, most of their equipment and supplies were stored at Smith Field, and offices for the staff were housed in a converted trailer on Baldwin Road. It was apparent that a facility was needed, where all the departments’ staff and equipment could be housed. JJ determined that the ideal location for such a structure was on the property next to the Knoll Park which was included as part of the Knoll Country Club, purchased by the Township. Unfortunately, this property had been purchased with funds from the State’s Green Acres Fund, which restricted any NEW structures being built. JJ pointed out to the State officials, that equipment and materials are required to maintain all of the parklands in Parsippany, and without a proper storage and maintenance facility, they might not be able to keep them in good condition. After getting approval to build a structure on this site from the State, JJ asked the Township Architect to design a building with offices for Management, a common area for staff, and another large area for equipment storage and maintenance. The Parks and Forestry Building located at 1 Knoll Road Lake Hiawatha was opened in 1990 and is still in use today. The Department manages and maintains a total of 31 Township parks, with the goal of having recreation within walking distance for all Parsippany residents. These parks encompass over 800 acres of land, which far surpasses the nationally accepted standard of one acre of parks for every 100 residents JJ is proud of the fact that 18 of these 31 parks were built and /or improved during the time he was the Director of Parks and Forestry Department. He is particularly proud that the newest park is named in his honor and that Parsippany hosts the largest soccer tournament in the N. E., thanks mainly because there are so many artificial turf fields, which were built under his leadership. While there is a story behind each park project and they all presented some challenges, it is great to see the look of joy on JJ’s face when he talks about the Reynolds Road soccer fields, construction of the bandstand (gazebo), and Memorial at Veterans Field, and Jannarone Park.

JJ is very modest and has always given credit for his accomplishments to the support he received from Township Mayors, Council Representative, Township Administrators, and members of his staff. He is quick to point out that he was fortunate to live in a community that had the resources to provide residents with such outstanding services and facilities. JJ also says that he was so blessed to have the job he had, when he had it, as he never had any budget or request for materials he made denied. I believe that it is the residents of Parsippany that are the fortunate ones to have had a Director of Parks and Forestry that saw things that needed to be done, and only did what he felt was best for us.

Reprinted from Parsippany Focus Magazine, April 2022. Click here to view the magazine. 

Local Officials Observe Iftar with Muslim Community

PARSIPPANY — Mayor James Barberio, Councilman Justin Musella, Council President Michael dePierro, Councilman Frank Neglia, Morris County Commissioner Director Tayfun Selen. Parsippany-Troy Hills Township Clerk Khaled Madin joined the local Muslim community of Islamic Community Cultural Center (ICCC) for breaking the fast.

Iftar is one of the religious observances of Ramadan, and is often done as a community, with Muslim people gathering to break their fast together. The meal is taken just after the call to the Maghrib prayer, which is around sunset.

Parsippany is very lucky to call home to many diverse groups, each with their own unique cultures and traditions.

Ramadan began at sundown Saturday, April 2 – marking the annual month in which Muslims from around the world refrain from eating or drinking (yes – even water) from sunrise to sunset.

Because the Islamic year operates on a lunar calendar, Ramadan occurs at a different time each year. While different sects start their month of fasting at different times, this year, it will generally take place from April 2 to May 2. It concludes with Eid al-Fitr, a celebration to commemorate the end of fasting. The holiday is marked by special Eid prayers, gift exchanging, charity and, of course, a feast.

Ramadan is not just about fasting, though. It’s about strengthening one’s relationship with God, doing good for others and connecting with the community. For many Muslims, this year represents the first opportunity since the onset of the pandemic to return to mosque for evening prayers and to break their fast among family, friends and community.

Islamic Community Cultural Center (ICCC) is located at 879 South Beverwyck Road.

CCM Students Win Two of Three Awards in National Data Fest Competition

MORRIS COUNTY — A group of students at County College of Morris, calling themselves the Tidy Titans, recently crushed the American Statistical Association (ASA) national Data Fest competition for community colleges, winning both Best in Show and Best Use of Statistical Analysis.

Coming up winners, earning two of three awards, were Dylan Jay, Mendham; Paul Cohen, Morris Plains; Angela Cavalli, Dover; Maxwell Bilyk, Lake Hopatcong; and Zach Herman, of Denville, all students in CCM’s Data Analytics Certificate Program.

In the weekend-long competition, the CCM team analyzed data provided by the Yale School of Medicine, consisting of 2 million rows and 131 columns, to determine how Elm City Stories – a game-based program that teaches adolescents about making good decisions and avoiding risky behavior – can identify at-risk students.

“Dylan led the team, plowing through the data dictionaries and figuring out what all the codes meant,” says Professor Kelly Fitzpatrick. “Paul spent time helping everyone better understand the games and did a great job demoing the games for the class. Max programmed the analysis in Python, while Angela and Zach worked in R. The team then spent five hours on Sunday finalizing their results. They choose to perform cluster analysis in Tableau after tiding the data in R/Python.”

“I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked with such a talented team of students for this competition,” says Cavalli of her experience competing in Data Fest. “I have been learning R this semester in Professor Fitzpatrick’s Data Science class, which proved to be very useful to tidy the data we received and present a meaningful takeaway. The experience has motivated me to take my coding skills to the next level.”

Data Fest was founded in 2011 and has grown into a popular and intense competition for undergraduate students from around the nation. “We are so very proud of our students and the knowledge and the skills they have gained,” says Fitzpatrick.

CCM offers a credited certificate program in data analytics. Recognizing the high demand for data analysts, Fitzpatrick applied for and received a $235,000 National Science Foundation grant in 2020 to launch the program. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that data analytic jobs will grow 34 percent by 2026.

The CCM Data Analytics Certificate consists of five courses for a total of 16 credits that can be completed over the course of two semesters. Students in the program learn R, Tableau, Python, and SQL programming languages and are qualified to pursue immediate employment upon earning their certificate. No prior experience in statistics or computer programming is necessary as the program includes an entry-level course in Python and lower-level math pre-requisite statistics and data science courses. To learn more click here.

Prescription Drug Take-Back Day

PARSIPPANY — The Parsippany-Troy Hills Police Department is taking back unwanted prescription drugs Saturday, April 30 between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. in front of the Harmon Face Values Store, 3189 Route 46, located in the Morris Hills Shopping Center.

The U.S. Department of Justice and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) coordinates Operation Take Back semi-annually. During Take Back Days, law enforcement at the state, county, and local levels run prescription-drug dropoff locations throughout the nation.

Other Morris County locations include:

  • Wegmans (34 Sylvan Way, Hanover)
  • ShopRite of Greater Morristown (178 East Hanover Avenue, Cedar Knolls)
  • Stop & Shop (245 Littleton Road, Morris Plains)
  • Ridgedale Middle School (71 Ridgedale Avenue, Florham Park)
  • CVS (471 Main Street, Chatham)
  • CVS (641 Shunpike Road, Chatham Township)

Morris County Prosecutor Robert J. Carroll and Sheriff James M. Gannon praised Operation Take Back.

“This operation has proven to be extraordinarily successful in helping to prevent the misuse of addictive pharmaceutical drugs,” they said in a joint statement. “The partnership of the prosecutor’s and sheriff’s Offices, in coordination with our municipal police departments and local governments, have proven to be an effective team to lead this most worthy effort.”

Parsippany-Troy Hills Zoning Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting – April 20, 2022

PARSIPPANY — Parsippany-Troy Hills Zoning Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting – April 20, 2022.

Click here to download the agenda.

Parsippany-Troy Hills Zoning Board of Adjustment
2022 Members and Term Dates

  • Robert Iracane    Chairman    12/31/22
  • Dave Kaplan    Vice-Chair       12/31/23
  • Bernard Berkowitz    Member      12/31/24
  • Scot Joskowitz    Member        12/31/25
  • Nancy Snyder    Member        12/31/23
  • Sridath Reddy    Member        12/31/22
  • Davey Willans    Member        12/31/24
  • Casey Parikh    Alt. No. 1        12/31/23
  • Chris Mazzarella    Alt. No. 2        12/31/23
  • John Chadwick, Planner, John T. Chadwick IV P.P.
  • Chas Holloway, Engineer, Keller & Kirkpatrick
  • Peter King, Attorney, King Moench Hirniak & Collins, LLP
  • Nora O. Jolie, Board Secretary


Parsippany-Troy Hills Town Council Meeting – April 19, 2022

PARSIPPANY — Parsippany-Troy Hills Town Council Meeting – April 19, 2022.

Click here to download the agenda.

Click here to download the 2022 agenda schedule.

Mayor and Council

  • Mayor James R Barberio
  • Councilman Paul Carifi Jr.
  • Councilman Frank Neglia
  • Council President Michael J. dePierro
  • Council Vice-President Loretta Gragnani
  • Councilman Justin Musella

Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills to Celebrate Arbor Day

PARSIPPANY — Parsippany Residents are welcome to join the Township’s annual Arbor Day Ceremony.

The Ceremony is on Friday, April 29 at 10:00 a.m. at 1001 Parsippany Boulevard.

Arbor Day (from the Latin arbor, meaning tree) is a holiday in which individuals and groups are encouraged to plant and care for trees. Today, many countries observe such a holiday. Though usually observed in the spring, the date varies, depending on climate and suitable planting season.

This year Arbor Day is celebrated on Friday, April 29.

The first American Arbor Day was originated in Nebraska City, Nebraska, United States by J. Sterling Morton. On April 10, 1872, an estimated one million trees were planted in Nebraska.

Birdsey Northrop of Connecticut was responsible for globalizing it when he visited Japan in 1883 and delivered his Arbor Day and Village Improvement message. In that same year, the American Forestry Association made Northrop the Chairman of the committee to campaign for Arbor Day nationwide. He also brought his enthusiasm for Arbor Day to Australia, Canada, and Europe.


Knollwood Variety Show 2022

PARSIPPANY — Knollwood Variety Show 2022.

United Way Launches Innovative Child Care Program

PARSIPPANY — Rep. Mikie Sherrill, (NJ-11) and New Jersey’s First Lady Tammy Murphy joined United Way of Northern New Jersey and its early education partners today to kick off a recruitment drive for home-based child care providers in District 11 to join a new initiative working to reverse the state’s child care deserts.

United Way recently received $1.1 million from Congress for their pilot program United In Care, which seeks to increase access to quality, affordable, and flexible child care for all New Jersey families, beginning with those living paycheck to paycheck, called ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed).

Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill

“Thanks to Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill, First Lady Tammy Murphy, and our partners, we are excited to bring United In Care to the children, families, and providers of District 11,” said United Way of Northern New Jersey CEO Kiran Handa Gaudioso. “High quality, affordable and flexible child care for all working parents is absolutely critical to our state’s economic recovery.”

“As a working mom of four kids, I know that the lack of access to affordable, high-quality child care isn’t just a family problem, it’s an economic problem,” said Rep. Sherrill. “Too many moms have left the workforce and too many child care providers struggle with earning enough to survive. That’s why it’s important that we find ways to fund projects like United In Care that have immediate impacts on our local communities and address the problems head-on. I am proud to have brought direct federal funding to this program to help rebuild our child care sector. Thank you to the First Lady and United Way of Northern New Jersey for all your work on this issue.”

According to United Way’s research, 37% of the nearly 22,000 families with children in District 11 were considered ALICE or in poverty and struggled to afford basics pre-pandemic.

Press conference at Parsippany Child Day Care Center

United In Care has been working to get the building blocks in place to create an alliance of child care providers within District 11, which spans parts of Essex, Morris, Passaic, and Sussex counties. The first step was identifying Parsippany Child Day Care Center, where today’s event was held, as the anchor for the pilot’s shared services model which seeks to maintain and expand the existing child care infrastructure.

The next step is to recruit up to 10 registered home-based child care providers with help from Child & Family Resources of Mount Arlington. Through United In Care, these local small businesses will access free resources, expertise, and technical support. United In Care is designed to also improve the quality of life for child care workers in the program, many of whom are ALICE essential workers.

United In Care is currently looking for home-based child care providers to join the District 11 alliance. Any business owners interested in participating can contact or call her at (973) 220-9494. Providers can also call Child & Family Resources at (973) 398-1730.

United In Care was conceptualized during the COVID-19 pandemic as New Jersey was at risk of losing more than half its child care supply. Since its launch in 2020, United In Care has established an alliance in three other child care deserts across the state: Hudson County, Warren County, and Gloucester/Camden counties. There are many portions of District 11 where there is a scarce supply of child care, according to

In addition to the federal funds, United In Care is supported by the New Jersey Pandemic Relief Fund, Overdeck Family Foundation, The W.K. Kellogg Foundation, David A. Tepper Foundation, New Jersey Health Initiatives, Barclays and Reinvestment Fund. For more information, click here.

House Fire on Tarn Drive

PARSIPPANY —  A house fully engulfed with flames at 47 Tarn Drive was reported at approximately 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 21.

Parsippany Fire Districts 1, 2,3, 4 and 6 were dispatched as well as Denville Fire Department. Parsippany Rescue and Recovery arrived to board up the premises. Parsippany building department and Morris County Sheriffs Crime Scene Investigation was also called to the scene.

No injuries were reported at the time of this report. The article will be updated when additional details are available.

Photo by Mt. Tabor Volunteer Fire Department
Photo by Mt. Tabor Volunteer Fire Department

Sherrill, Mental Health Association of Essex and Morris Emphasize Critical Need for Youth Suicide Prevention Services

PARSIPPANY —Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11) hosted a panel discussion with the Mental Health Association (MHA) of Essex and Morris to discuss the direct federal funding secured by Rep. Sherrill for a pilot project for suicide prevention services targeted to students in schools in NJ-11’s four counties.

Watch the livestream here. Panel begins at 20:25.

“As a mom of four kids, I am deeply concerned about the impact of the pandemic on our youth and adolescents. Over the past few years, our kids have experienced higher rates of stress, anxiety, and fear,” said Rep. Sherrill. “That’s why I worked hard to secure direct federal funding for MHA of Essex and Morris to expand suicide prevention outreach services in schools throughout NJ-11. I want to thank MHA CEO Bob Davison and his team for their commitment to the mental health of our children and families. Together, we will take care of our community and save lives.”

Community leaders throughout NJ-11, including MHA Executive Director Bob Davison and his team, Asst. Commissioner of the NJ Department of Human Services for the Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services Valerie Mielke, Morris County Sheriff James Gannon, MHA Director of Suicide Prevention Services Tracy Klingener, representatives from the LGBTQ+ and veterans communities, parents who have somehow found a way to turn tragedy into a movement for prevention, and elected officials from the local and state governments, came together to discuss the critical need for mental health resource outreach for children and youth as we emerge from the pandemic.

“Congresswoman Sherrill’s leadership on suicide prevention is inspiring and reassuring. It is wonderful to know that individuals and their families struggling with mental health issues have a voice in Washington. This grant is a wise investment in the people of New Jersey, especially as we rebound from the pandemic. It will make a difference, allowing MHA to provide education throughout the district about suicide prevention and raise awareness about the importance of mental health,” said Bob Davison, CEO of the Mental Health Association of Essex and Morris.

Mental Health Association of Essex and Morris’s Suicide Prevention Services program will be receiving direct federal funds through Community Projects in the House Appropriations Committee. These services are designed to provide specific presentations on suicide prevention for students in grades 6-12. These services can also support the greater community of Essex, Morris, Passaic, and Sussex Counties, including parents, family members, houses of worship, and colleges. The project will include a media campaign to increase awareness regarding mental health with information on how and where to find help.

Read more about all ten of Rep. Sherrill’s Community Projects by clicking here.

Morris County Retirees Education Association to Hold Meeting

MORRIS COUNTY —  The Morris County Retirees Education Association will hold its May meeting and luncheon on Wednesday, May 11 at the Birchwood Manor, Jefferson Road, Whippany. Masks and proof of Covid vaccinations are required to attend. The meeting will begin at 10:30 a.m.

They will be voting for officers.

The luncheon will begin at 12:00 p.m. The entertainment will be Karickter – music of the 50s, 60s, ad 70s.

Donations to the Interfaith Food Pantry will be accepted at this time. The cost to attend is $35.00 for members and $44.00 for guests. For reservations call (973) 514-1080 by May 1, 2022.

Morris Republicans Welcome Former Democratic Chair To The Party

PARSIPPANY — The Morris County Republican Committee is pleased to announce that former Morristown Democratic Committee Chair, former Democrat candidate for Morris County Commissioner, and Co-Founder of the Morris County Chapter of the Young Democrats, A.J Oliver, has switched parties and joined the Republican Party. We welcome A.J Oliver with open arms and look forward to working with him to bring better government for all residents of Morris County.

This year will show that voters have been burnt out by the woke, extremist, and completely out of touch with reality politics of the far left. Inflation has affected everyday residents and shown the ineptitude of the current administration in Trenton and in Washington. It is encouraging to see former leaders in the Democrat party understanding that their party no longer represents them.

“Our party has consistently shown its commitment to good governance, individual rights, and the rule of law. For too long, the fringe politics of the extreme left have dominated the Democrat Party and pushed well-meaning members and candidates either to the far left or completely out of their party.” said Morris GOP Chairwoman Laura Ali, adding “Aaron has shown his commitment to the individual rights of each person and fought to prevent the needless deaths of unborn children across the county. We couldn’t be happier to include him in our party.”

A.J Oliver and Tayfun Selen

A.J Oliver made clear the issues currently afflicting moderate Democrats today saying, “There’s much talk about how the Democrat Party has the bandwidth for differing views but my experience has shown this couldn’t be further from the truth. The rabid response from the extreme left to my religious views laid bare the brutal nature of Democratic politics today. Laura has shown just how welcoming the Republican Party can be and has given me hope that there is a place for moderate voters like myself.”

Ali also took the opportunity to make a call for former staffer for Virginia Governor Robert McDonnell (R), Republican candidate for office in Virginia, and current Democrat candidate for Morris County Commissioner, T.C McCourt, to come back home to the Republican Party. “It’s important that we continue to build on the successes we’ve had locally. We hope that T.C understands that there is a place back in the GOP for him and that we would be happy to welcome him back with open arms. His vote in the Republican primary in 2017 showed his unhappiness with Governor Murphy and we don’t blame him.”

For information on how to change affiliation to the Republican Party, please visit where documentation can be provided. For assistance, please call (973) 998-4955 or visit our Parsippany office at 51 Gibraltar Drive, Suite 1D, Morris Plains 07950.

Found Cat on Lake Shore Drive

PARSIPPANY — Found cat! This friendly intact male was found a couple of weeks ago on Lake Shore Drive, Lake Hiawatha, in the area of Minnehaha Boulevard. No collar or microchip.

If you recognize him please call Parsippany Animal Control at (973) 263-7083

Morris County Library Reopens

MORRIS COUNTY — Morris County Library which had been operating on a truncated schedule due to COVID-19, will resume full hours of operation starting Monday, May 2!

Stop in to help commemorate the Morris County Library’s Centennial and enjoy in-person events:

Both floors and all sections of the Hanover Avenue facility in Whippany will be open for public use. No restrictions will be in place regarding social distancing or mask-wearing; although both will be left to the discretion and comfort level of staff and patrons.

Library hours will be 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday.

The library was shuttered from March to June 2020 at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Curbside service with modified hours of operations was offered by July 2020, and the public was permitted back into the building in October 2020, however with capacity limits and other restrictions.

“By June 2021, the public was allowed full access to all areas of the building, and Saturday hours resumed. It has been a slow but steady climb to successfully resuming full hours of operation. Many thanks to our faithful public for their support during these two years of struggle,” said Director of Library Services Darren O’Neill,

The library is urging visitors to stop in to help commemorate the Morris County Library’s Centennial, 1922 to 2022!

“We have many, in-person programs and classes planned over the course of the year. Please check our website and social media pages for more information,” said O’Neill.

Two music performances in recognition of the Morris County Library Centennial Celebration already are planned prior to the full opening.


Saturday, April 23 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Glenn Crytzer specializes in music from the Jazz Age and Swing Era. His orchestra was named “best group” in the 2017 NYC Jazz Awards, and his recordings have appeared in dozens of TV shows and films. Along with his quintet – featuring trumpet, trombone, clarinet, banjo, and piano – he will present a concert of songs composed in 1922 in honor of the library’s centennial.


Aleksandra Durin Aleksandra Durin, soprano
Darren O’Neill, classical/terz guitars

Saturday, April 30 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The “Morris County Library Centennial Concert Series” continues with an afternoon of Spanish classics for voice and guitar. Rising star and soprano extraordinaire, Aleksandra Durin, will be joined by Library Director and guitarist, Darren O’Neill, for an inspiring performance of music by Federico Moretti, Ramon Carnicer, Joaquin Rodrigo, and Federico Garcia Lorca.

Performances will be held in the Public Meeting Room and will be free of charge.

Doors will open thirty minutes before curtain time.


Performances will be live-streamed through the library website via Zoom. Please contact (973) 285-6934 for more information.

Easter Egg Hunt at Sedgefield

PARSIPPANY — Mayor James R. Barberio, Councilman Justin Musella, and Councilman Frank Neglia attended the Sedgefield Easter Egg Hunt.

We hope everyone had a happy and healthy Easter!

Report of Collapse at Travel Lodge

PARSIPPANY — Emergency vehicles are responding to Travelodge, 626 Route 46 east, on the report of a partial collapse of several first-floor balconies. Requests for busses to remove and relocate people.

Parsippany Rescue and Recovery, Parsippany-Troy Hills Fire Department District 5, Parsippany Office of Emergency Management, Parsippany Fire Prevention, Parsippany Buildingb Department, American Red Cross, and Parsippany Troy Emergency Medical Services.  No injuries have been reported at this time .

Update from Parsippany-Troy Hills Fire District 5:

At approximately 10:21 a.m. on Tuesday April 19, 2022, members of the Parsippany District 5 Fire Department were dispatched along with Par-Troy EMS and Parsippany Rescue and Recovery for a reported balcony collapse at a hotel. On arrival Deputy 5 found an apparent collapse of the façade and rails on the 1st floor North side. Rescue 5, Ladder 5, and Engine 54 arrived and started evacuating surrounding rooms on all floors. The Township of Parsippany Building Department arrived during the evacuation process to evaluate the current situation. The decision was made by the Building Department officials to also evacuate the front South Side of the Building as a precaution and relocate the occupants. A township bus was requested by the town OEM for occupants to stay during the process. Once all occupants were evacuated from the affected areas, they were relocated with the assistance of hotel staff. The area was then roped off and turned over to the Parsippany Building Department.

Chief 5, Deputy 5, Ladder 5, Engine 54, and Rescue 5 operated for just under 3 hours before returning to service.

Dollar Tree Opens Second Location in Parsippany

PARSIPPANY — Recently Parsippany-Troy Hills Mayor James Barberio and Parsippany-Troy Hills Economic Development Chairman Frank Cahill participated in the new Dollar Tree ribbon-cutting ceremony. The new location is at 1446 Route 46. For more information call (859) 300-8671. Click here to view their website. 

Shop Dollar Tree for Cleaning Supplies, Food & Drinks, Winter Holidays: Halloween, Thanksgiving & Christmas, Personal Care Items, Toys, Games, Puzzles & Books, Craft Supplies, Cooking & Baking Supplies, Dinnerware & Serving Essentials.

The new Dollar Tree opened recently at 1440 Route 46, and it’s over 60 percent bigger than its counterpart in the Troy Hills Shopping Center — 11,242 square feet for the former, compared to the latter’s 6,894.

Store Hours are Monday to Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Dollar Tree announced last summer it would raise prices on many products to $1.25. The company said the price increase would help them manage higher merchandise and operating costs.
The ribbon-cutting celebration for the new Dollar Tree Parsippany
Our wide selection of cleaning products and janitorial supplies will help keep your spaces sparkling clean and smelling great! Check out our deals on bathroom cleaners and wipes, mops, brooms, and carpet cleaners. K
Pet supplies galore
Frozen Foods section
Frozen Food section
The new location also has an expanded Crafter’s Square section, which has wood crafts and picture frames, art paper, staple-backed canvases, acrylic paints and brushes, glitter, colored pencils and crayons, markers, jewels and beads, make-your-own wreath supplies, ribbons and yarn, scrapbooking stickers, portable sewing kits, and storage containers.

At your local Dollar Tree, you’ll find extreme values every day, along with more thrills, more fun, and NEW items arriving every week! We strive to keep our shelves stocked with amazing deals on household items, cleaning supplies, vases and floral supplies, and more. Meet your family’s needs with affordable beauty products, toys and crafts, school supplies, and everything in between. Fill your pantry with brand-name food, snacks, candy, and drinks. Celebrate in style with our large selection of party supplies, balloons, gift bags, and seasonal decorations for every holiday and occasion! Plus, purchase many of your favorite products in bulk at

The other Parsippany location is located at 1099 Route 46.

Utility Help Is Still Available

MORRIS COUNTY — New Jersey’s utility shutoff moratorium ended on March 15, but some residential customers with overdue utility bills can receive an extension to June 15.

A new law requires local authorities, municipal or public utilities, and rural electric cooperatives to continue providing electric, gas, sewer, or water service to residential customers who have submitted an application for utility assistance prior to June 15 but have not yet received a decision on their application.

To receive the extension, you need to apply for assistance. One easy way to apply is by clicking here to visit the DCAid Service Portal hosted by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs.

State Launches Free Financial Wellness Website

MORRIS COUNTY — Almost three-quarters of Americans rank finances as their biggest source of stress. There’s a new free tool to help you take control of your financial wellness if you’re among them: NJ FinLit.

NJ FinLit is sponsored by the New Jersey Department of the Treasury and features user-friendly interactive tools, videos, and articles you can use to better understand and manage your financial resources.

Click here to access the website.

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