Dear Editor:
At the witch hunt council meeting against Councilman Musella over traffic stop that happened over almost 2 years ago, angry and arrogant councilman Neglia called his council running mate JIGAR Shah who admitted his role in the absentee ballots fraud debacle, ‘JIGAR PATEL’!

This hysterical mistake by Mr Neglia, clearly reveals what Mr Neglia thinks of the Indian community in Parsippany.
This exposes his ignorance about his running mate and Indians in town.
He always talks about being a friend of the Indian community, but that is to get their votes without earning it. He thinks all Indians have a last name Patel.
This is an insult to the Indian community. He rubber stamped all Indians as Patel. It is an insult to all Patels to call JIGAR Shah a Patel. What was Neglia thinking? Shame on you.
Parth Patel