PARSIPPANY — It is no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has taken a major toll on people all around the world, and among those who are greatly affected are people who are at risk of hunger. Food distribution teams have been working nonstop in order to serve those who do not have access to an adequate amount of food.
However, canceled food drives and decreasing numbers of grocery and retail supply sources have left food pantries struggling to provide basic necessities to people in need. With numerous school closures, increasing job disruptions, and major health risks, a growing number of individuals cannot afford essentials and are in desperate need of aid.
In response to these difficult circumstances, the students and student volunteers of Sanatan Mandir Sunday School set up a Virtual Food Drive to help those severely impacted by the virus. This food drive was led by student volunteers Suchit Bapatla, Abhilasha Salunia, and Shreya Shah, and it allowed people to help the cause by making a generous donation to the Parsippany Food Pantry, which contributed to the food pantry’s efforts to end hunger.
Students and student volunteers attending this school also put together a video that showcased creative projects that they were proud of, displayed their talents, and expressed their gratitude towards all coronavirus helpers in addition to explaining the importance of helping the less fortunate and supporting others during these hard times. The video was published on the Sanatan Mandir School Facebook page.
A special thanks to the Sanatan Mandir family and supporters for their gracious donations with which we were able to raise $2,500 for the food pantry. Additionally, thank you the Parsippany Food Pantry for not only allowing us to help families in desperate need of food and supplies but also giving us the opportunity to give back to our community for everything it has done for us.