Dear Editor:
Plastic Bag Ban: Ordinance 2019:33 being ignored by Foodtown, Lake Hiawatha. Last week noticed a bootleg cardboard sign: Telling customers not to bring their reusable bags to Foodtown because of the Coronavirus.
Foodtown Management has arbitrarily decided to ignore the anti-plastic bag ban. This imprudent decision, undermines the municipal ordinance, and makes no scientific sense. Reason as explained was: “the bag comes from home and bringing it to the premises may spread the virus”.. How ridiculous; as the clothes we wear, as we ourselves come from home; or wherever.
The plastic bag ordinance should be defended not undermined; and this leads to continued public disrespect for attempted anti- pollution/litter phenomena due to senseless plastic production. No other Supermarkets have this policy. We must realize their is a corporate lobby promoting plastics despite the obvious pollution magnitude. Now latex gloves have accelerated in the litter stream, people removing them from their hands and simply tossing them wherever, inexcusable!
Nick Homyak