Dear Editor:
Two years ago, after the mid-term elections, NJ Republican leadership met and decided that the best way forward for their party was to identify and support younger, highly qualified candidates for office. Among those actively and enthusiastically supporting that strategy was Morris County Chairwoman Laura Ali, who embraced and supported Justin Musella as a candidate for Parsippany Town Council. In contrast, after watching Mayor Barberio bow obsequiously to the demands of out-of-town developers and double-dipping attorneys, Chairwoman Ali went so far as to say that Mayor Barberio was the least qualified and most overpaid Mayor in Morris County

Just three days ago, Morris County Chairwoman Ali flipped and flopped and called on Councilman Musella to drop out of the race for Mayor so that the aforementioned overpaid and underperforming Mayor Barberilo wouldn’t have to face a Republican challenger in the time-honored primary process.
So, Chairwoman Ali, how do you explain your sudden change of opinion about Mayor Barberio and Town Councilman Musella? Shouldn’t the Republican voters of Parsippany, not you, have the right to decide which candidates should participate in the upcoming Republican primary?
Bob Crawford