By way of political affiliation I am a registered Republican and have voted in every primary and general election over the past 35 years. Over the past two years I have watched as the Republican Party that once was known for being fiscally conservative and socially progressive disappear only to be replaced by a Trump tribe that is driven and defined by ignorance, fear and self serving greed.
With that in mind, now more than ever it is time for Republicans to put country before party and consider voting for Mikie Sherrill on November 6. Her pledge to work on a bipartisan basis to reduce taxes, to support a woman’s right to choose and to support common sense gun solutions speaks to issues that those of us living in the 11th Congressional District know are critical to our well being.
Perhaps, if politicians like Jay Webber rediscover and reclaim the traditional values of the Grand Old Party, we can return to the Republican fold. Until then candidates like Mikie Sherrill with her service as a Navy Lieutenant Commander helicopter pilot, and her work in the NJ Federal Prosecutor’s office deserve our consideration and our vote.