PARSIPPANY— The Lake Hiawatha School PTA will be holding its first Tricky Tray on Tuesday, October 23. The proceeds from this event are used to support the children of the school in several ways such as classroom supplies, field trips, cultural assemblies and other events that help enrich the education of the more than 400 students from PreK to fifth grade.
The success of our event depends on the support and generosity of people like you! We are asking for your help. A donation of products, services or simply financial contribution would be greatly appreciated. Your donation is fully tax deductible. The Lake Hiawatha PTA is a nonprofit tax exempt organization. Your donation will be gladly acknowledged at our event and seen by many people in our Parsippany/Lake Hiawatha community.
Please forward your donation to: Lake Hiawatha Elementary School, c/o Tricky Tray Committee/ Angela Franz, 5 Cherry Lane, Parsippany, NJ 07054.
Lake Hiawatha School PTA, TAX ID # 200-047-259/000, NJ NON PROFIT #:0400073436, NJ PTA #:242002 and Charity #:CH2387000.