Dear Editor:
I am writing to urge my fellow residents to come to Tuesday’s March 18th meeting at 7 pm at town hall to speak against the censure that the Town Council is looking to enact.
The incident (attempting to get out of a traffic ticket for speeding) took place almost two (2) years ago and was long forgotten until it was dug up by Musella’s opponent . The officer found that a warning was justified. From all indications Mayor Barberio and his re-election team is looking to push Councilman Musella out of the GOP primary by revising what actually occurred.
There are many important issues that face Parsippany – and that’s what this election should be based on (not personal political attacks):
- Public Safety
- Education
- Economic Development
- Town Services (water/sewer/building/zoning/sanitation/etc)
I have been a resident of Parsippany for 57 years and have had pride in the town that I call home. I am highly disappointed that Parsippany would participate in a smear campaign, rather than a battle of how to support Parsippany residents and their issues. Justin Musella has proven time and time again that he is here for the residents of Parsippany!
You have an opportunity this Tuesday to make a difference. You can let the Mayor and Council
know that leadership of this town is not to be won using false accusations. I encourage you
to prepare a brief statement expressing your thoughts on the tactics being used in this election. Your support will let the current administration know that the residents of Parsippany will not tolerate such behavior.
Karin Kruse
Long-term Parsippany Resident