Dear Editor:
I was at the town hall on March 4. It was an obvious attempt to play politics and distract us from the issues that matter to town residents—responsiveness to our needs and representation of our interests.
Two individuals from the audience walked up to make a highly technical public statement, chapter and verse with statute numbers, read out from a sheet of paper, about a 2-year-old speeding violation by Justin’s wife, when she was rushing him to catch a train.
I don’t know if they were lawyers or if someone gave them a lawyerly piece to read.
And then the mayor went on a long rant about public safety. Where was he when I and other neighbors went to him concerned for our safety when Weiss-Aug was shaking our homes so bad building a factory right on our backyards (which should never have been permitted!) that it knocked picture frames off our walls, and even cracked a neighbor’s chimney!
When we had no response, we followed up by sending videos with audios of our homes being shaken – I don’t mean mere noise, but rafters and floors of homes were rattling, and photos of pictures knocked off our walls.
All we had in response was no response—a deafening silence—until Justin discovered what was happening in the neighborhood and tried to screen us from the monstrosity already built as best he could with funds from his campaign.
We need a leader who is concerned, responsive, and a citizen, not politically focused. What happened at the town hall is the kind of political gamesmanship I detest!
Amit Mitra