Dear Editor:

As a retired 25-year Lieutenant in a neighboring police department, I’ve witnessed firsthand the challenges and changes our community has faced and how the current mayor has failed to step up. With this experience in mind, I strongly support Councilman Justin Musella’s proposed reforms for our police department.
Councilman Musella’s commitment to enhancing public safety is both necessary and timely. His plan to bolster our Traffic Division is particularly critical, as we’ve seen increased aggressive and distracted driving and concerns about pedestrian safety. His proposal to reinstate DUI and distracted driver checkpoints will undoubtedly help reduce traffic-related incidents and improve safety for residents.
Furthermore, Musella’s focus on ensuring that officers are selected based on expertise and merit rather than political connections is a step toward fostering fairness and professionalism within the department. As someone who spent years working alongside officers, I can tell you that fostering a culture of competence and accountability within the department is crucial for the safety of our town. Having the widest applicant pool possible instead of politicians putting their thumbs on the scale happens all too often, so I’m glad it will end.
I wholeheartedly support Councilman Musella’s vision for a safer, more effective Parsippany Police Department, and I encourage others to do the same. His leadership will ensure that our public safety services can continue to meet the needs of our residents.
Jeff Camiscioli
Retired Lieutenant, Parsippany Resident & Republican