Dear Editor:

How should families living in and around Lake Hiawatha read Council Vice President Frank Neglia’s comments at this week’s Town Council meeting?
As the Council’s liaison to the Parsippany Library, Mr. Neglia reported that the roof at the Lake Hiawatha Library was in bad shape but that he didn’t know what the plans were to repair it. To his credit, Mr. Neglia said that he “hoped” the repairs would be done quickly.
The Council Vice President also said he was “hopeful” that the Lake Hiawatha library would get the grants they had applied for to do the other desperately needed major building refurbishments.
It’s always good to be hopeful, but as an elected official, Mr. Neglia owes the residents of Lake Hiawatha more than his ignorance and inactivity. Come on, Frank. You’re up for re-election soon, so it may be an excellent time to schedule some time to study and then work to resolve the structural issues facing the Lake Hiawatha Library branch.
Folks in Lake Hiawatha love to read, but they also vote.
Bob Crawford
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