Dear Editor:

Good News for Parsippany!!!
As Parsippany Focus announced, 500ParQ, with its 275 multi-family residences, is ready to welcome individuals and families planning to make Parsippany their home. Replete with all types of amenities, including a kid’s playroom, the developers of 500ParQ seemed to appreciate all that Parsippany has to offer and did not insist upon securing a 30-year-long PILOT tax relief handout. This good news follows the announcement only a couple of weeks ago that HK Truck Center, without demanding 30 years of PILOT relief, plans to develop a new state-of-the-art truck repair facility on Fanny Road.
Bad News for Mayor Barberio!!!
The announcements about 500ParQ and the HK Truck Center are only the two latest examples of companies understanding all of Parsippany’s amenities. This undermines Mayor Barberio’s frequent, self-serving, and overly defensive claims that Parsippany, on its own merits, just isn’t good enough to compete with other municipalities.
Selling out your hometown to slick-talking lawyers and greedy out-of-town developers begs the question as to why Mayor Barberio has chosen this course of action. Perhaps the Mayor will provide some straight answers at his upcoming Mayor’s Roundtable: (Redevelopment Challenges New Affordable Housing Mandates and PILOTs)
Parsippany voters will be watching….
Bob Crawford