Dear Editor:
I hope Mr. Clarkin’s request to help review the Budget for further possible reductions will be honored. In light of the continued arguments, in the conditions of economic trends, austerity, and the trick-up regressive tax system, being frugal will become necessary and is implied in everything heard about corporate property tax reduction measures.

Perhaps a study of what Parsippany finances would be if just corporate land tax were our only source as some model to build on? Councilwoman Hernandez’s question: “What is the limit in budget reduction threshold that will cause our bonding interest to increase? It was never answered last evening. Wall Street Municipal Bonding seems to be calling the shots, not Parsippany citizens’ right to a real scrutiny of the budget. It is a fact that some PILOT Deals actually pay less than their land tax would be. In 30 years, much could change.
Another important aspect of the original American story was frugality. Being frugal was not only an important family and civic activity but an important religious one as well. I don’t know when I last heard the word frugal. It seems to have been dropped from our lexicon.
Many of the alleged coming tax increases the town will be subjected to, such as water infrastructure, which will be subsidized by Federal Sources under Build Back Better type mandates. Councilman McGrath’s contention that local taxpayers will be burdened with this expense, including PFAS chemical treatment mandates, is also misleading due to a lack of corporate rules.
Council President Carifi reasoned about a “few people” showing up for more Police because of a short crime wave; the reason to hire “more police” indicates an increased quota in recruitment. Parsippany is 103-113 officers. It did not seem to apply when 800-900 residents showed up to protest 30-year PILOT Deals for rich developers, with John Inglesino as the wizard behind the still not transparent deals. (Waterview all over again)
The BOE needs to be called out on its budget. As a retired senior, my monthly tax on my VA mortgage increased by $180.
The Mayor’s rhetoric about multiple housing rounds is also suspect. Endless growth is impossible and unsustainable. He and others have helped use affordable housing as a fear tactic rather than a social responsibility to benefit developers in other ways, such as Waterview Mall and PILOT deals. Would lowering the current market spaces’ rent not be a better solution? The worst-case scenario would be slower profit increases for corporate land barons. We need a better government now than ever. No more markets will bear or privatization. Privatization makes us less free and costs more.
Thank You, Councilman Musella & Councilwoman Hernandez, for proposing further possible budget cuts only to be voted no.
Nicolas Homyak