PARSIPPANY — Turned out to be a nice evening, despite the brutal heat, for the Parsippany Republican Committee BBQ/Meeting at Veterans Memorial Park Pavilion. The meeting/BBQ was a great idea that will help set the groundwork for November election. It was a great turnout with plenty of burgers, dogs, sausage, etc. to keep everyone happy. Outstanding job by the grill master, Anthony DeSpirito.

During the meeting, the new chairwoman, Dee DePierro discussed some of her initiatives and introduced the Vice Chair, Justin Musella. She also appointed the Parliamentarian, BettyLou DeCroce.
The members of the Parsippany Republican Committee are elected to serve the district in which they live.
The Parsippany Republican Committee, through strong leadership, moral strength, and community involvement, strives to improve the overall quality of life for all of Parsippany’s residents.
“It was a pleasure to welcome the new Chair of the Parsippany Municipal Republican Committee, Dee DePierro, at our picnic today. I am honored to have been chosen to join you as Vice-Chair. Thank you to everybody who helped to make today a success,” said Justin Musella.
Members of the Parsippany Republican Include: