Dear Editor:
Parsippany should ask Mayor Michael Soriano when will he start caring about our environment and the image of our township projects to visitors. For far too long, Mayor Soriano has allowed trash to run rampant on the streets making the pride people once felt in Parsippany wane as of late.
Mayoral candidate Lou Valori and township council candidate Justin Musella have collaborated with Jacqueline Corvino, who has been a weekend trash warrior in our township. Mrs. Corvino spends two to three hours every weekend collecting and removing trash throughout Lake Hiawatha as well as the Route 46 corridor.
Lake Hiawatha used to be pristine; considered a crown jewel of the township by most residents. Unfortunately, a clean environment has fallen by the wayside under Soriano’s watch as he prioritizes his personal political agenda over what benefits the residents he is obligated to serve.
Just last weekend alone, volunteers spent three hours cleaning North Beverwyck Road, picking up everything from syringes to rusty scissors along with endless amounts of hazardous waste. Even sadder is the township-funded potted plants lining North Beverwyck are now eyesores, overrun by dead plants and mucky water.
Given that Lake Hiawatha is an economic hub for our township, the denigration of this area is scaring away prospective businesses, hopeful homeowners, and entrepreneurs, not attracting them.
The pollution along one of the town’s main arteries is even worse. This Saturday, volunteers spent two hours on the Route 46 corridor filling six bags of trash with plastics, clothes, and countless unrecyclable waste. Long dead animals were also strewn across both sides of the highway. Where is the township monitoring, oversight, and accountability? Mayor Soriano must be held accountable for permitting this filth, decay, neglect, and dereliction of duty to infect our township.
If a town’s streets and sidewalks are a reflection of its municipal leadership, then the blasé and lackadaisical practices of the inattentive Michael Soriano must be stopped — and Mayoral Candidate Valori and Council Candidate Musella are the team to do it.
Mayoral Candidate Valori
and Council Candidate Musella