Thursday, March 13, 2025
HomeLocal NewsPolling locations appear to be very busy today

Polling locations appear to be very busy today





PARSIPPANY — Parsippany voters are out in droves voting for the candidates of their choice. Polls will be open until 8:00 p.m. this evening.

Mayor Mimi Letts was at St Christophers Church where she was volunteering as a voter challenger.

Parsippany polling locations:

District 1: Public Safety Training Academy
500 West Hanover Avenue, Morris Plains
Classroom 141

District 2: Fire House – Powder Mill
60 South Powder Mill Road
Squad Room

Districts 3, 8, and 18: Intervale School
60 Pitt Road

Districts 4 and 39: Craftsman Farm Education Building
2352 Route 10
Meeting Room

District 5: Mt. Tabor Firehouse – Simpson
30 Simpson Avenue, Mt. Tabor
Engine Room

Districts 6 and 9: Littleton School
51 Brooklawn Drive, Morris Plains

Districts 7 and 37: St. Christopher’s School
1050 Littleton Road

Districts 10 and 12: Lake Parsippany Fire House
255 Halsey Road-Rear Entrance
Meeting Room

Districts 11 and 13: Brooklawn School
250 Beachwood Road
Girls Aux Gym Room

District 14: Eastlake School
40 Eba Road

Districts 15, 16, and 19: Board of Education Building
292 Parsippany Road
Meeting Room

District 17: Eastlake School
40 Eba Road

District 20: St. Ann’s Church
781 Smith Road
Hospitality Room

Districts 21 and 28: Northvail School
10 Eileen Court

Districts 22 and 23: Central Middle School
1620 Route 46 West
Old Gym

Districts 24 and 27: Troy Hills School
509 S. Beverwyck Road

District 25: Rockaway Meadow School
160 Edwards Road

District 26: Rockaway Neck Fire House
180 Old Bloomfield Avenue
Meeting Room

District 29: Knollwood School
445 Knoll Drive, Lake Hiawatha

Districts 30, 31, and 38: Lake Hiawatha School
1 Lincoln Avenue, Lake Hiawatha

District 32 Community Center
1130 Knoll Road, Lake Hiawatha
Meeting Room B

Districts 33 and 34: Lake Hiawatha Library
68 Nokomis Avenue, Lake Hiawatha
Lower Level Meeting Room

Districts 35 and 36: Rockaway Meadow School
160 Edwards Road

So what is a Challenger?
Challengers are appointed to observe the conduct of an election on behalf of a candidate; a political party or the proponents or opponents of a question.

The County Chairperson of each political party may appoint two challengers per election district. Candidates whose names appear on the ballot are automatically challengers. You have been provided with Candidate Challenger badges.

A candidate for election may appoint two challengers for each election district in which he/she is to be voted for, but only two challengers shall be allowed for each election district to represent all candidates nominated in and by the same petition. Those challengers must stay at the district to which they are appointed.

Unless express permission is given by the Board of Elections, not more than one challenger appointed for a party, candidate or a public question shall be present at one time in any polling place while serving and exercising the powers of a challenger and during the hours when the polls are open for voting. (NJSA 19:7-6.1) If permission is given to one party, candidate or public question, it must be granted to the opposition as well. A County Chairman can appoint up to 24 “at-large” challengers. The “at-large” challenger shall be issued a county-wide permit, which is to be presented to any poll worker within the county. When leaving the polling place the challenger must reclaim the permit in order to gain entry to any other polling place.

Challenger Credentials 
Appointment papers must indicate the challenger’s name, address, and district where they are challenging. Challengers must present their credentials to the poll worker who will post them. The challenger keeps the official challenger badge issued by the Board of Elections and must wear it to show that they are authorized to be in the polling place. Challengers must be registered to vote in the county in which the election is held and no appointed challenger shall serve in any district other than that to which appointed. If a challenger is to be moved to another district, or a new challenger is to be appointed, the original credentials must be returned to the Board of Elections and new credentials will be issued.

Challengers have the right and power to challenge the right of a person to cast a ballot, and the counting or rejecting of any ballot or any part of a ballot. (NJSA 19:7-5) The primary duty of a Challenger is to observe the election, keep a record of who votes, and challenge any voter for whom they have a reasonable basis to believe is not qualified to vote.

Frank L. Cahill
Frank L. Cahill
Publisher of Parsippany Focus since 1989 and Morris Focus since 2019, both covering a wide range of events. Mr. Cahill serves as the Executive Board Member of the Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce, Governor-Elect NJ District Kiwanis International and Chairman of Parsippany-Troy Hills Economic Development Advisory Board.
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