PARSIPPANY — Three members of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany were honored with Kiwanis International recognition awards at its Annual Awards Dinner held at Hanover Manor.
Ron Orthwein, who joined Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany in 1996, was honored with the “Tablet of Honor.”
Dr. Susan Elbin and Betty (Elizabeth) Polen were presented with the George F. Hixon Award.
Past New Jersey District President and Past Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany President, Michael Mulhaul had the honor of presenting Ron Orthwein with his award.

Throughout the long history of Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany, the dedication of its members has kept the goals and objects of our organization alive. These men and women unselfishly give of their time and talents to create a better community and a better world.
In 1965, Kiwanis International Foundation established the Tablet of Honor as away to recognize those who have made a difference in this world.

Michael Mulhaul said “Today we celebrate the presentation of this Tablet of Honor to Ron Orthwein. This recognition was made possible by a contribution made to Kiwanis International Foundation, from which support the needs of children and the Kiwanis family.”
Orthwein was recognized because of his dedicated service to community, Kiwanis and the world. This is a better place to live because of his service and commitment.
“We are pleased to present to you this beautiful plaque, pocket crest, pin and name patch for your club’s honor banner,” said Mulhaul as he presented the Tablet of Honor, the highest honor bestowed by the Kiwanis International Foundation, to Orthwein.

Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany President Frank Cahill then presented Betty Polen with a George F. Hixson Fellowship Award.

George F. Hixon Fellowship Awards are given to Kiwanians who have contributed to the betterment of the club. The club is eligible to award a Hixon for each donation of $1,000 to the Kiwanis International Foundation. The Hixon award is named in honor of the first Kiwanis International president.
Since Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany’s inception 27 years ago, there have been 40 other club members who received this honor. This year’s honorees will be the 41st and 42nd member to be honored with such award.
The procedure to choose the Hixon award is forming a committee of all past Hixon recipients. The committee met in December and was chaired by the immediate past honoree, Karen DeChristopher.
In choosing this years honoree, it was very easy to select once the members of the committee heard the accomplishments of this years honoree.
The requirements for the Hixon award are:
- Consistently works for the club on projects and programs.
- Has been a member in good standing for at least 2 years.
- Attended 60% of the meetings or make ups for the past 2 years.
- Serves on a committee, participates in at least one service project.
- Worked on a District or International program or project that has brought recognition to our club.
- The recipient can be a non member that has served the club in an outstanding manner.
One of this year’s honorees is Betty Polen.
President Frank Cahill said “Betty Polen chaired the Human and Spiritual for many years with great success. She took care of the Holiday cards with St. Jude. She ran the Ecumenical Breakfast with great ease and kept great records, and currently she runs the Breakfast registration and keeps the records for the 50/50 with precise energy for many years. She participates in most of our functions. Betty doesn’t miss a meeting – having perfect attendance for nine years. I am honored to award a George F. Hixon Fellowship Award to Betty Polen.”

In making the presentation for the second Hixon Honoree, Karen DeChristopher said “As a winner of last year’s Hixson award, I have the extreme pleasure of announcing one of this year’s winners.”
So, too make this a little more entertaining, I have chosen a word that I think describes this person. You have to determine the winner based on the clues I am giving you.
Here’s a hint – listen to the words (there are six) and think about the first letter of each.
This recipient is:
Benevolent – caring, compassionate, kindhearted – not only in Kiwanis life but in day to day living
Intelligent – not everyone achieves at this level – congrats to those who do
Reliable – authentic and trustworthy
Director – steps up, takes charge and gets it done
Enthusiastic – enjoys being part of Kiwanis and giving back to the community
Responsive – jumps in to meet the current need.
No, I am not describing our next Eagle or Gold Award winner.! Any ideas?

I am talking about our very own “birder” Dr. Susan Elbin.
Not only is Dr. Elbin all of the things I just mentioned, there are so many other important things that she has contributed for the betterment of our club.
Dr. Susan Elbin has run Trivia night with husband Greg for many years.
She has volunteered for the Sunshine card project for several years.
Her attendance has been superb for the past 3-4 years, with perfect attendance for the past two years.
She cooks frequently for Homeless Solutions, has attended most of our functions.
She is our current Director of Human and Spiritual and Club Vice President.
“Dr. Susan Elbin, I am honored to present you with our second Hixon award. Congratulations and thank you for your dedication and commitment to the Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany,” said Karen DeChristopher.