PARSIPPANY — The Parsippany-Troy Hills Planning Board held a reorganization meeting on Monday, January 8. The following appointments were made:
John Von Achen was pointed as a Class IV member, Alternate Number 1, of the Planning Board for a term ending December 31, 2019.

Bruce Frigeri was pointed as a Class IV member of the Planning Board for a term ending December 31, 2021.

Judy Hernandez was pointed as a Class I member of the Planning Board for a term ending December 31, 2021.

Attorney Scott Carlson, from Carlson, Siedsma and Warner, was appointed to the position of Planning Board Attorney.

The entire board voted unanimously to appoint Robert Keller as Chairman of the Planning Board. Keller has been a member of the Planning Board for 22 years and has served under three Chairmans, the most recent being Tom Dinsmore.

Tom Dinsmore, former Chairman, was appointed to Vice-Chairman of the Planning Board by an unanimous vote.

The board then reaffirmed Nora Jolie as Planning Board Secretary; Appointed Susan Favate, BFL Planning as Township Planner; Andrew Cangiano, Keller & Kirkpatrick as Township Engineer.
In addition, former Township Planner, Edward Snieckus, Burgis Associates, was re-appointed as a hold-over to complete all applications the firm has started; and Bryan VanderGheynst, NV5, Board Engineer was also re-appointed as a hold-over to complete all applications the firm has started.
Jennifer Vealey was reappointed to serve as a Class II member with a term ending December 31, 2018.
Other members of the board consist of Vincent Aperawic, Turan Ayaz, Paula Csantaveri and Saurin Pathak.

Township Clerk Khaled Madin confirmed the Council Appointment of Janice McCarthy, Class III Member, term ending December 31, 2018. Ms. McCarthy was not present at the meeting due to illness, and will be sworn in at the next Planning Board meeting.
In addition Chairman Keller appointed the following members to the Minor Site Plan and Subdivision Committee: Tom Dinsmore (Chairman) Jon Von Achen, Paula Csantaveri, Vincent Aperawic and Bruce Frigeri. The Minor Site Plan and Subdivision Committee meets at 7:00 p.m. (when necessary) prior to a regular Planning Board meeting.
After the reorganization meeting, there was one application to finalize on the agenda. Application 17:521, UPS, Block 136, Lot 43.3, 10 Upper Pond Road for Final Major Site Plan was approved by the board.
The Planning Board is responsible for administering, updating and enforcing the Township’s master plan which is a comprehensive, long-range plan intended to direct the community’s growth and development. It also reviews all sub-divisions and site plans.
The Planning Board is comprised of nine members plus two alternates appointed by the Mayor. These include the Mayor, a Council member, a representative from the Administration and six residents from the general public.
For additional information on the Parsippany-Troy Hills Planning Board, click here.