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Parsippany residents want Inglesino gone





PARSIPPANY — Many residents spoke during the public session of a special council meeting held on Wednesday, December 28.

The residents were voicing their opinion over the dissatisfaction of the resolution presented by Township Council President Louis Valori in a final attempt to save Township Attorney John Inglesino from being replaced by the new Administration at the annual reorganization meeting. Council President Louis Valori introduced Resolution No. 2017:187 at the regular Council meeting held on Tuesday, December 19. (Click here to read previous article on Resolution 2017:187)

Resolution No. 2017:187 was approved 3-0 with two members abstaining. Council President Louis Valori, Councilman Michael dePierro and Councilwoman Loretta Gragnani voted to approve the resolution, while Council Vice President Robert Peluso and Councilman Paul Carifi, Jr., abstained.

The resolution appoints Todd M. Galante, Esq. and Piro, Zinna, Cifelli, Paris and Genitempo, LLC, (PiroZinna Firm) as special legal counsel for purposes of advising the Township Council on potential conflicts involving Councilman Paul Carifi, Jr. voting on the appointment of Township Attorney. The opinion letter was presented to the Council prior to the meeting, but was no discussed in public.  If the public wanted a copy of the opinion letter, they had to request it from the Township Clerk.  Khaled Madin did announce residents could just pick up one at this office, and that no OPRA (Open Public Records Act) request was not needed.

Mayor-Elect Michael Soriano will nominate a new Township Attorney, as well as Special Township Counsel at the Township Council’s reorganization meeting on January 1, 2018 beginning at 12:00 Noon.

Democrat Mayor-Elect Michael Soriano campaign promise is to replace current Township Attorney John Inglesino.

“I feel the voters spoke. We want a new attorney. We don’t want a holdover appointment,” said Parsippany resident Julia Peterson.

The issue with appointing a new attorney, according to some council members, is the unresolved case involving former township police Capt. James Carifi, brother of Councilman Paul Carifi.

If they are successful in attempting to block Carifi, most likely the vote will be split 2-2 (Republicans dePierro and Gragnani voting against the new appointment, while new Council Democrat Candidates McCarthy and Peterson will vote for the new appointment) and Inglesino would become a hold-over.

James Lott, Esq.

Soriano’s choice for township attorney is James L. Lott, Jr., a former municipal attorney for West Caldwell and Chatham. Lott is a partner at Riker Danzig Scherer Hyland & Perretti LLP. in the Firm’s Government Affairs Group. His practice encompasses all aspects of land development regulation as well as redevelopment, municipal and transportation law. Jim has significant experience in handling complex and controversial development projects and has appeared before more than 75 municipal, county and regional land use and transportation agencies.

Lott is a member of Soriano’s transition team.

Councilman Michael dePierro said Inglesino should be retained until the cases are resolved. “When the three James Carifi lawsuits are resolved, I will be happy to approve any appointment that Mr. Soriano wants to make.”

Residents holding up signs “No More Inglesino”

Brooklawn Drive resident Bob Venezia asked several questions including (1) How does the resolution benefit Parsippany residents and (2) Where is the conflict of interest in Carifi voting on the new Twp Attorney?

“Your mayor, James Barberio, promised a smooth transition, so you are usurping the power of both mayors, the present mayor and the elected Michael Soriano,” said Lake Hiawatha resident Nick Homyak.

“How about Inglesino’s conflicts with his developers buddies. After Waterview this guy is no friend of the people of Parsippany. If Barberio refused the past council’s vote to remove Inglesino then the new Mayor should have same privilege to remove any attorney, continued Homyak.

“John Inglesino is a political parasite feeding on the body politic of Parsippany,” said Glacier Hills resident Brian Tappen. “Jamie and you both lost your election because of your association with John (Referring to Council President Louis Valori). A majority of people wanted him removed, and were willing to remove the mayor and the town council to do it.”

Resident Ken Dolsky said “The Carifi cases are not the most important issues in this town. The council can’t deny the will of the people for years over this one issue.  I did not hear anyone from the public speak in favor of keeping Mr. Inglesino as the town attorney.”  

Township Attorney John Inglesino

Township Attorney John Inglesino was appointed by Mayor James Barberio. During the eight years as Township Attorney, many of the years he was a “hold over” because not all Council members, including Council President Louis Valori, voted for reappointment of Inglesino.

Inglesino did not attend the meeting, although he was at Town Hall prior to the meeting. He also did not attend the previous two meetings (December 5 and December 19).

A member of the Soriano transition team told Parsippany Focus that Inglesino had reached out to them about settling the Carifi cases.

Council Vice President Robert Peluso did not attend the meeting.  When reached by telephone he said “When I was contacted about adding a non-scheduled Council meeting, I was not in favor of it. I expressed my concern that it was during working hours and would not be accessible to the taxpayers.  Like many of our citizens, I was unable to attend this special meeting due to prior commitments at work.  Meeting details were not discussed with the entire Council prior to the meeting and no rationale was given for the special meeting, or the inopportune time that was being proposed. This is not how our great Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills should be governed. The Council President and Administration owe the people of Parsippany an explanation.”

Mayor-elect Michael Soriano will be sworn in as Mayor, by Governor-elect Phil Murphy on Monday, January 1 at 12:00 Noon. In addition, Janice McCarthy will be sworn in by Mayor Mimi Letts and Emily Peterson will be sworn in by Mikie Sherrill, a former federal prosecutor and Democratic candidate against Republican U.S. Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen.

Frank L. Cahill
Frank L. Cahill
Publisher of Parsippany Focus since 1989 and Morris Focus since 2019, both covering a wide range of events. Mr. Cahill serves as the Executive Board Member of the Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce, Governor-Elect NJ District Kiwanis International and Chairman of Parsippany-Troy Hills Economic Development Advisory Board.
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