PARSIPPANY — Adath Shalom, a synagogue at 841 Mountain Way, is sponsoring a party for people with special needs on Saturday, February 4. This “Half-Time Havdalah”, the night before the Super Bowl, is part of the synagogue’s outreach to adults with developmental disabilities and their families.
The synagogue, a conservative temple, also holds an “Open Door Minyan” for special needs individuals on the first Saturday morning of each month. There is also a committee working on inclusion and outreach to people with physical and other disabilities.
The party will begin at 5:0 p.m. with a modified Havdalah service, followed by a dinner party, dancing and games. Guests are encouraged to wear the jersey of their favorite football team. The cost of the program is $8.00 per person or $18:00 per family.
For more information or to RSVP, contact Shari Hoffman at