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HomeBeyond ParsippanyFamily Promise Serves Record Number of People Impacted by Homelessness

Family Promise Serves Record Number of People Impacted by Homelessness

Proclamation From Assemblyman Bucco Recognizes Contributions





MORRIS COUNTY — Family Promise of Morris County (FPMC), is closing out November Homelessness Awareness Month by receiving a Proclamation from Assemblyman Bucco acknowledging its work to end homelessness in the county.

Ally on the floor reading with child
Ally on the floor reading with child

At the request of Assemblyman Anthony Bucco, the proclamation is bestowed to commemorate Homeless Awareness month, raise awareness of the issue and to recognize FPMC for their positive contributions to the County of Morris and it’s residents.  Assemblyman Bucco urged all citizens to recognize and raise awareness of the issue of homelessness in our community.

Baby Boy
Baby Boy

“The recognition of National Homeless Awareness month provides an opportunity for us to tell the story of each and every person we help and the impact that has on our community,” said Joann Bjornson, Executive Director, Family Promise of Morris County.

“Regardless of age, race or religion, we work to ensure dignity and a path to self-sufficiency is provided to all those who seek it. I have to thank our volunteers and community members who give their time, talent and resources to support our shared mission of ending homelessness.”

In 2015 Family Promise of Morris County mobilized a volunteer workforce of over 1600 from 87 congregations to provide services to the county’s most vulnerable citizens with funding from grants, foundations and primarily private donors. 93% of FPMC donations go directly to support families in programs.

Last year, The Family Promise of Morris County organization provided:

  • 4,438 bed nights
  • A 94% Success rate of emergency shelter clients getting and keeping housing
  • Over 6,000 hours of Case management to this in shelter and community
  • Through Our Promise Drop In center (opened July 21, 2015), provided clinical case management in 1-on-1 private sessions, having served 18,000 face to face meetings and organized and managed over 6,000 pieces of mail for over 500 individuals.

About Family Promise of Morris County
Family Promise of Morris County is a non-sectarian, not-for-profit organization dedicated to ending the crisis of homelessness faced by Morris County residents by partnering with other public and private agencies, religious congregations and community volunteers to provide shelter, case management and mentoring services leading to self-sufficiency.

In 2015, FPMC had a 94% success rate of shelter clients getting and maintaining housing. 93% of every dollar FPMC receives directly supports children and their families. FPMC is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. To donate or support FPMC click here.

Frank L. Cahill
Frank L. Cahill
Publisher of Parsippany Focus since 1989 and Morris Focus since 2019, both covering a wide range of events. Mr. Cahill serves as the Executive Board Member of the Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce, Governor-Elect NJ District Kiwanis International and Chairman of Parsippany-Troy Hills Economic Development Advisory Board.
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