PARSIPPANY — We should value all ages in our communities, from the very young to the very old. Northvail’s third grade students did just that when they recently visited Troy-Hills Assisted Living/Nursing Center on Halloween bringing cheer to the senior residents. The visit was such a success that third grade teacher, Mrs. Jenelle Garcia, decided to continue the tradition throughout the school year. Her class prepared Thanksgiving Day cards for their new friends at the center.

Mrs. Garcia plans more activities throughout the winter through Valentine’s Day. Even more are planned for the spring and early summer. The children designed a card and wrote a heartfelt message in each such as, “Thank you for letting us come and visit. We want to come next year too,” and “Happy Thanksgiving, I hope you enjoy the holiday with yummy food!”
While a single visit to a nursing home is a valuable experience for children and will brighten the day for older adults, ongoing communication such as Caring Cards for the Community is also worthwhile. Mrs. Garcia’s goal is to teach her class lessons in empathy, charity, respect, and friendship while also having fun. All of Northvail is very appreciative to have such a teacher.