Monday, October 21, 2024
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Parsippany Motorcyclist, 31, Dies After Striking Guardrail

PARSIPPANY— A Parsippany man died Friday night after the motorcycle he was riding on Interstate 80 struck a guardrail, authorities said.

John Nicholson “J.J.”, 31, was traveling in the eastbound lanes in Wharton about 11:30 p.m. when he ran off the left side of the highway near milepost 33.6, crashed, and was ejected, according to New Jersey State Police.

Nicholson was pronounced dead at the scene.

A GoFundMe account was set up by Christine Vanderyajt and Keith Vanderyajt and you can donate by clicking here.


A Message from Council President dePierro Regarding Council Meetings

PARSIPPANY — On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a Pandemic. A pandemic is defined as “an epidemic occurring worldwide and affecting a large number of people”. The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to the virus, which is spread mainly from person-to-person.

Shortly after the WHO announcement, Governor Murphy implemented Executive Order No. 104, announcing “Aggressive Social Distancing Measures to Mitigate Further Spread of COVID-19 in New Jersey”. New Jersey basically came to a stand-still.

There is still currently no vaccine to prevent the disease, and for the past six months, restrictions have been rather severe. Those restrictions have been slightly loosened, but not much. As of September, indoor gatherings must be limited to 25 people or 25% of a room’s capacity – whichever number is lower. All attendees at indoor gatherings must wear face coverings and stay six feet apart.

Because of the Pandemic and the Governor’s mandate, in the interest of public health and safety, all Township Council meetings have been virtual. We still have a virtual public portion at each meeting that allows all members of the public to speak, so no-one is deprived of their right to speak.

Is it now time to return to in-person Township Council meetings? If we did, under the latest mandate, the (5) Township Councilmembers, the Township Clerk, Attorney, Mayor, Business Administrator, and the Chief Financial Officer would take up the Dias and the first two rows in the front. That would leave room for approximately (19) visitors. Any more than that and we would have to cancel the meeting. I have no problem going back to public meetings, however, the Council majority has opted to err on the side of caution and remain virtual for the month of October.

If in the meantime, the Governor opens the State completely, The Township Council would immediately go back to public meetings.

Michael J. dePierro
Council President

Baldwin News Fined in COVID-Related Consumer Protection Violation

PARSIPPANY — Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal and the Division of Consumer Affairs announced actions against a dozen merchants for consumer protection violations related to COVID-19, with penalties totaling tens of thousands of dollars, including a Parsippany business.

Among those subject to enforcement actions are two North Jersey businesses that allegedly made false or unsubstantiated claims in the sale of COVID-19 antibody tests and a Monmouth County business that was selling face masks at as much as six times the manufacturer’s retail prices.

These actions are the latest of many taken by the Division to address the unprecedented number of consumer complaints and referrals received during the current public health emergency.

To date, the Division has sent 1,884 cease and desist letters to retailers suspected of price gouging and other unconscionable business practices during the coronavirus pandemic and issued 110 subpoenas seeking additional information in its investigations of alleged violations of the New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act.

“Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, we made clear that we would take a tough stand on price gouging and other abuses of New Jersey consumers,” said Attorney General Grewal. “Enlisting the help of residents to report unconscionable practices works. Most businesses are following the law. For those that are not, these actions are a reminder that the penalties for violations are significant.”

The Notices of Violation (NOVs) filed in this latest round of enforcement actions carry individual penalties ranging from $500 to $12,500, depending on the severity and number of violations.

The single largest civil penalty was assessed against Performance Supply LLC, for allegedly making false and misleading statements in advertising N95 mask respirators for sale to personnel from the New York City Office of Citywide Procurement. The Division alleges that the company’s quote misleadingly suggested the company is an authorized dealer or distributor for 3M Company and offered to sell seven million face masks that retailed between $1.02 and $1.31 for $6.05 and $6.35 each.

Retro Fitness of Rockaway was assessed a $2,000 civil penalty for allegedly making unsubstantiated claims related to antibody testing made available to club members via a health and wellness center affiliated with the club.

In Parsippany, News Plus, 138 Baldwin Road was assessed $500 in civil penalties for their alleged failure to post selling prices for merchandise such as bottled water, toilet paper, and sanitizers, a violation of the Merchandise Pricing Statute. (Click here to review complaint).

Consumers who suspect consumer fraud violations, or believe that businesses have unfairly increased their prices in response to COVID-19, are encouraged to file complaints online to report specific details related to the increased prices. Photographs of items being sold, their price, and receipts can now be uploaded to our new price gouging complaint form.

17-Year Old Parsippany High School Student Selling Flagpole Setups

PARSIPPANY — 17-year old Parsippany resident, Clayton J. Bernauer, with the assistance of Parsippany High School classmates Fraidoon Pourooshasb, Nirbhav Talloju as well as his Lakeland Hills teammate Alex Vester are teaming up selling flags, complete with a pole and installation for $75.00.  All profits will be donated to the Interfaith Food Pantry.  In addition to donations, perishable food items are appreciated.

Living in such a chaotic time with facing COVID-19, protests, and political challenges, it is more important than ever to join together as a neighborhood, signifying how we are all in this together. 

The flagpole setup will be purchased and installed for $75.  The set-up can be mounted to the house, a tree, or a pole in the yard.

If interested in supporting this service project, contact Clayton J. Bernauer at (201) 919-1928 or email

Morris County Taxpayers Save $2.8 Million In Bond Refinancing Measure

MORRIS COUNTY — Taxpayers will save an estimated $2.8 million under a refinancing plan announce by the Morris County Board of Freeholders this week that involves multiple bonds issued through the Morris County Improvement Authority.

The $2.8 million savings will be realized over the life of various bonds issued within the past ten years for multiple county and local projects. The refinancing is a prudent step undertaken to secure lower financing rates – similar to taxpayers refinancing a home mortgage.

Morris County freeholders and administrators have worked to maintain fiscal responsibility and continue the county’s coveted “AAA” credit rating, despite the COVID-19 pandemic. The “AAA” rating is the highest possible credit rating assigned by financial rating agencies, and it enables the county and its 39 municipalities to secure the most cost-effective financing when bonding becomes necessary for capital improvements.

“This freeholder board has not only maintained the county’s triple AAA rating, but we have also strengthened it even in the current pandemic,” said Freeholder John Krickus. “As Standard & Poors commented in its Morris County rating report: ‘We view positively that the county started a (COVID-19) task force looking at longer-term economic and financial impact of the pandemic on the county’s finances.’ “

Freeholder Krickus was referencing a task force formed as part of an aggressive response undertaken by Morris County in early spring to keep the community safe from the virus and deal with emerging issues as the pandemic continues.

“Morris County has maintained a triple AAA rating, reduced debt, streamlined operations, frozen taxes, and balanced the budget without borrowing,” said Freeholder Krickus. “In contrast, the State of New Jersey has one of the lowest credit ratings in the country, continues to increase spending, increased numerous taxes and fees, and utilized $4 Billion in debt to balance an operating budget.”

Since the freeholders established the Morris County Improvement Authority in 2002, the agency has provided towns, school districts, and the county itself with innovative and cost-effective methods of funding public projects while saving tax dollars. Through the authority, towns have been able to borrow under the umbrella of Morris County’s “AAA” bond rating to finance local projects, such as purchasing equipment and vehicles or constructing local facilities, at lower costs thereby reducing the property tax burden on their residents.

Mt. Tabor an Intervale Boys and Girls to Launch Rockets

PARSIPPANY — Cub Scout Pack 5 invites boys and girls in K-5 at Mount Tabor and Intervale schools to launch model rockets on Sunday, September 27, from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. They will be on the grounds of St. Christopher’s Church, 1050 Littleton Road.

While the children build and launch their rockets, parents will learn about the year-round of Cub Scouts and be able to join Pack 5.

We will follow all COVID-19 guidelines for outdoor events.  Wear your mask!

For information, contact Al Thomas,, (973) 765-9322 x229.


Eastlake Staff Participates in a 5k Run/Walk for Cancer Research

PARSIPPANY — On Tuesday, September 22, over 30 members of the Eastlake staff participated in the Damon Runyon Virtual 5k for Cancer Research around the grounds of the school. Usually held annually at Yankee Stadium, the event is being held virtually this year between August 24 and October 4.

Fourth-grade teacher, Tracy Carroll, has been participating in the event for the past eleven years in memory of her father who passed away from cancer in 2008. Her team, Team Rhino, is comprised of over 60 friends and family members making them the largest team participating in the run. Throughout their years of participation, the team has raised $30,607 for the foundation.

The event raises money for the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation to fund the research being performed by scientists on how to best prevent, diagnose, and treat all forms of cancer. Carroll became involved in the event in 2010 shortly after losing her dad to esophageal cancer. “As the first Father’s Day approached after losing my dad, I knew I needed to find a way to channel my sadness and anger into something positive, something that would make a difference. As I read more about the Runyon 5k, I was thrilled to see that 100% of the money raised went directly to the research being done rather than to overhead or administrative costs. That seems to be very rare in an event of this type,” Carroll explained.

Carroll has been very touched by the eagerness of so many of her colleagues to support the cancer research event. ‘This is an unprecedented time in education right now and I know how extremely busy everyone is,” she explained. ‘The fact that, despite their workload and hectic schedules, so many members of our faculty made the time to participate in and donate to this event speaks to what an amazingly caring and supportive staff we have here at Eastlake.’

Eastlake Principal Sebastian Powell said, ‘It is great to see the Eastlake Staff unite behind a cause that has affected all of us to some degree in one way or another.”  One of those greatly impacted by the cause is a fifth-grade teacher and cancer survivor, Lucia Innocent. Although she had participated in the event with Carroll prior, it became far more personal for her following her 2019 breast cancer diagnosis. Innocent expressed, ‘What this journey has taught me is that no one fights cancer alone! Coming together each year for this cause truly demonstrates fighting this fight together! Every day we get closer to finding a cure, and it’s an event like the Runyon 5K that makes it possible!!’

Registration for the event is open until October 4 and donations will continue to be collected until December 10 by clicking here.

Individual at Knollwood Elementary School Tested Positive for COVID-19

PARSIPPANY – In a letter to the parents of Knollwood Elementary School they were informed that an individual has tested positive for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). The Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education is coordinating closely with public health officials and following CDC, state, and local health department guidance in order to assure the health and safety of our community.

Cleaning and disinfecting of all exposed areas has been completed. Please know that at this time, and in consultation with our local health officials, there is no need to close school or for staff, students, or families to take any additional action.

In a prepared statement from the Superintendent’s Office “We understand the level of concern regarding COVID-19. We encourage all community members to continue following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention promoted safeguards, such as:

• Staying home when you are sick;
• Washing hands often with soap for at least 20 seconds;
• Covering coughs and sneezes and properly disposing of tissues;
• Limiting close contact with people who are sick and not sharing food, drinks and utensils
• Practicing social distancing (staying at least 6 feet apart);
• Wearing a face covering while in school; and
• Continuing to monitor your health for symptoms.

As always, the community’s support and cooperation is appreciated. You can assist us by remaining vigilant but sensible in your approach to dealing with this health concern. Should you have any questions about this situation, please feel free to contact Dr. Robert Sutter at (973) 263-7200. Below are some resources that might be helpful.


a. NJDOH COVID-19 Information for Communities and the General Public (click here)
b. Get the Facts about Coronavirus (click here)
c. Symptoms of COVID-19 (click here)
d. Testing (click here) or (click here)
e. How to Protect Yourself (click here)
f. What to Do if You Are Sick (click here)

Lawsuit Challenges Governor on Behalf of Shuttered Businesses

PARSIPPANY — Six months after Governor Phil Murphy issued numerous Executive Orders in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a lawsuit filed on Wednesday, September 23 in the Sussex County Superior Court, Law Division, is seeking a declaratory judgment against the Governor.

Darlene Pallay of Franklin Borough

The suit was filed by Robert W. Ferguson, Esq., of the law firm of Stern, Kilcullen, and Rufolo, LLC of Florham Park and Catherine M. Brown, Esq., of Denville, on behalf of a kickboxing studio owned by Darlene Pallay of Franklin Borough. The complaint against Murphy challenges actions taken in his earliest emergency orders, Executive Orders 103, 104, and 107, invoking the Disaster Control Act. (Click here to download lawsuit)

The Governor took control of the private property for the public benefit but violated the law for not implementing the compensation program mandated by the Act. Ferguson and Brown said the State cannot use private property for the greater good without paying the business owner reasonable compensation. Otherwise, they said it is a “fundamentally unjust imposition on a private citizen.”

Additionally, the attorneys stated, Murphy’s Executive Orders violate both State and Federal Constitutions. “Beginning on March 16 with Executive Order 104, Governor Murphy decided to use the power given to him by the Act, to order businesses that he deemed ‘non-essential’ to close and to later reopen with severe restrictions,” Ferguson said. “But he did not follow the law, because he did not order that the affected property owners be compensated, forcing private owners to pay for a public benefit.

In essence, the Governor’s edicts, as he has ruled for the last six months, have been paid for by New Jersey’s small businesses.” The lawsuit was filed through the stewardship of the newly incorporated group Rescue New Jersey, formed by several Morris and Sussex County residents who were inspired by the concerns of New Jersey State Senator Joe Pennacchio, R.-26th Dist., of the impact of Murphy’s Executive Orders overall on the rights and quality of life of New Jersey’s families and businesses. For more information about the lawsuit, including court documents; and about Rescue New Jersey click here.

Parsippany Community Update September 23, 2020

PARSIPPANY — This week, we’re continuing our tour of Parsippany township operations. With us today is our Tax Assessor, Dan Cassese. If you have any questions, call the Tax Department at (973) 263-4272.

Parsippany Community Update September 22, 2020

PARSIPPANY — According to the CDC, this makes COVID-19 the 3rd leading cause of death behind cancer and heart disease for Americans, ahead of accidents, injuries, lung disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and many others.

Parsippany to Hold Tax Sale

PARSIPPANY — Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills Tax Collector’s will sell at public auction the several parcels of land, hereinafter described in fee simple, for nonpayment of 2019 and prior taxes and Utility liens as shown on the unpaid list, to such person or persons as will purchase the parcel subject to redemption at the lowest rate of interest, but in no case in excess of eighteen (18) percent per annum.

This sale will be held on October 23 at 8:00 a.m. at the Tax Collector’s office in the Town Hall, 1001 Parsippany Boulevard.

The following is a list and location of the lands subject to sale and the owner’s names as contained in such a list, together with the total amount due on the respective parcels as computed as of October 23, 2020. The names shown are as they appear in the Tax Duplicate and do not necessarily mean that parties are the present owners of the property.

Industrial Properties may be subject to the Spill Compensation and Control Act (N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11 et seq.), the Water Pollution Control Act (N.J.S.A. 58:10A-1 et seq.), and the Industrial Site Recovery Act (N.J.S.A. 13:1K-6 et seq.)  In addition, the municipality is precluded from issuing a tax sale certificate to any prospective purchaser who is or may be in any way connected to the prior owner or operator of the site.


Payment must be made by cash, certified check, or money order on the amount due as advertised, together with interest and costs incurred up to the time of payment.

The Collector’s Telephone Number: (973) 263-4252

The Collector’s Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  Monday to Friday

Block Lot Name   Total   Type
7 13 FISHER/COENE $172.52 W
13 119 22 EDEFIELD DRIVE LLC $10,911.85 T
14 17.28 KARGER, MELANIE $310.04 WS
14 129 ELYAS, MOHAMMED $175.22 WS
15 25.01 MCP DEVELOPERS $734.01 WS
15.1 12 DESAI/BHASKARAN $373.26 WS
15.3 1 HOLLY GARDENS $2,908.68 WS
15.3 44 DESPIRITO, JOYCE $2,802.34 WS
15.3 47 CHIMOFF, TODD $217.22 WS
15.5 18 TALERICO, HEATHER $157.96 WS
15.7 26 TATA/CHINTHAPALLI $193.45 WS
15.8 15 TUTEJA/AHUJA $165.87 WS
15.9 13 MONTI, OLFO & CLAUDIA $189.48 WS
15.12 2.01 GALLERIA 10, LLC $148,721.70 TWS
15.25 51 MOUNTAIN CLUB ASC. $3,662.68 WS
25 3.2 CHAUHAN, LENNY/REENA $196.95 WS
25.3 5 XU, JIKAI $195.32 WS
26 12.24 LEIPZIG, JOY B $4,548.05 T
29 6.29 JOHN/GEORGE $292.18 WS
73 9 US BANK TRUST, NA $227.21 WS
97 4.06 SHEIFFELE, EDWARD & ANYA $293.63 WS
102 6 FURNELL, RUTH $238.53 WS
103 11 ORTIZ LUIS/DIANA $181.68 WS
107 4 126 FOX HILL LLC $6,815.73 TWS
114 3 FERISE, ZOILA $253.24 WS
137 3.01 3676 HILL RD LLC $9,594.39 TWS
151 3 MADISON, EILEEN $170.75 WS
158 3 YOUNG, WAYNE $848.12 T
158 5 YOUNG, WAYNE $6,601.91 TWS
166 19 COOK, TIMOTHY & SKYLAR $286.09 WS
170 28 TAPPEN, R & V $95.00 W
174 40 PROMNITZ/BROWNE $249.98 WS
190 6 PARISI, JOSEPH $76.09 WS
192 19 VELICKY, PAUL & LISA $412.12 WS
195 10 JINDELA, GEORGE $128.33 WS
196 5 DILLON, CLAIRE $5,183.17 T
199 37 DWYER, ALESSANDRA $8,031.31 T
208 31 HAWKINS, KEITH & EMILY $5,595.82 TWS
212 1.1 DEMAIO, ANTHONY G $3,700.28 T
212 7.1 DICKSON, CAROLINE $228.58 WS
222 12 LE/BUI $154.30 WS
227 4 ZAPATA, MARISOL $340.45 WS
234 2 MORALES, RONALD $153.59 WS
242 5 SKUPIENSKI, EVELYN $10,236.92 T
244 22 PAREKH, NILA $192.25 WS
245 18.2 ZOGEA, LLC $6,318.04 T
264 5 LYDIKSEN, PETER E $211.34 WS
269 11 COLL, RICHARD $1,337.31 T
277 5 GUERIN, VERONICA $3,918.15 TWS
290 7 LYNCH, LUCINDA $154.95 WS
297 4 SCHLOSSER, ANDREW $182.14 WS
299 2 ELIAS, LUCILLE $310.74 WS
306 5 VELEZ, MARGARET $271.19 WS
328 11 CURTIN, JAMES F $498.78 S
331 16 O’BRIEN, KEVIN & SUSAN $98.51 WS
333 2 SHAH, RUPIN $2,359.47 T
339 1 PRZYHOCKI, FRANK & NANCY $2,745.58 T
350 14 CABALAR, LETHA $338.36 WS
353 12 SALAM, IBRAHIM $132.29 WS
360 33 POSTHUMUS, STANLEY $264.04 WS
369 21 MEYER, MICHELLE $159.41 T
374 6.05 GRANT, ERROL  NATASHA $220.12 W
374 11 BELLIBAS/MESE $160.43 WS
379 14 AVALOS/MORENO $195.99 WS
379 18.1 SZMAK, DAVID $315.00 WS
380 10 SUAREZ, MATILDE $95.00 W
399 16 SAEE, MUHAMMAD/ GUL $236.29 WS
410 9 BAJAB, B/D/R $266.36 WS
412 6.52 BAYAN, AMOR $4,260.76 T
421 80 SPENCER, NORMA $6,863.07 T
423.1 12 MANSUR, ENVER/ADINA $222.40 WS
424 4 TOMALO & HARDING $295.79 WS
437 7 KILLEEN, RAYMOND $3,081.32 TWS
457 14 CRUM, MICHAEL SCOTT $202.88 WS
465 20 DASTI, SELLITTO $179.42 WS
483 13 YAQOOBI, LILIA $10,368.03 T
483 30 KRENTCIL, MARTIN $480.23 WS
490 6 TURAN, ZILAJ $15,347.16 TWS
501 60 MESSINGER, ROBERT $170.56 WS
521 13 HINCAPIE, NORBERTO $209.64 WS
524 4 VEGA, TOMAS & LYNN $186.75 WS
525 9 FIORITO & CURLEY $166.52 WS
527 14 AMIN, AMIN & SUSAN $284.93 WS
538 8 SINGH, RAMANDEEP $6,587.02 T
542 1 PMG NEW JERSEY II, LLC $156.65 WS
542 10 LANE, BEN C $166.36 WS
547 4 GUBALABARONE $165.51 WS
547 11 MOHAMME/SULTANA $230.85 WS
551 1 DEROCCO, ELLEN & THOMAS $6,378.26 T
551 2 YOUNG/MARCHELL $165.47 WS
552 23 SAWALHI, RAIED/BETH $114.67 WS
552 24 GARCIA, ARGELINO $204.61 WS
553 8 COHEN, GLORIA $315.00 T
555 2 TURAN, ZILAJ $10,065.84 T
565 9 KUBER, KURT & PATRICIA $218.08 WS
567 20 PARELLA, MARSIA $98.45 WS
567 25 RIVERA, JULIO $703.34 WS
574 17 GALLIS, ANTHONY & MARY LOU $145.57 WS
576 25 CONDURSO/HAMMER $242.40 WS
583 7.01 COONEY, MICHAEL & DEBORAH $79.93 T
587 17 SCALCHI, JOHN & SUSAN $272.72 WS
596 5 PARKER/GARDNER $165.65 WS
597 5 WALRATH, JEAN $1,445.04 WS
599 3 STOLL/MYERS $249.10 WS
631 7 SMC, LLC $3,049.85 TWS
693 7 AYRA PLAZA, LLC $14,527.87 T
693 10.1 PARROTTA, DOMENICO $223.77 T
693 24.2 BRAMSIN REALTY, LLC $286.01 WS
698.05 69 YOUSSEF/MICHAEL $256.16 WS
698.05 77 DEPADUA/HAUTEA $247.14 WS
706 9 MANSOUR, FRANK & KIMBERLY $1,180.22 S
716 10 LAKKAM /PUNNAM $132.14 WS
726 1 ARYA VILLAGE, LLC $32,255.55 T
741 3.2 JOFRA REALTY $125.00 W
741 50 MCKENNA & SCHIBEL $329.22 T
741 66 YACHERA, WILLIAM & ANNA $280.36 WS
764 53 EGAN, JOSEPH & PAULA $273.31 WS
764 57 SMITH, RALPH & LORI $141.65 S
764 70.1 BRUCALE, RONALD & JOYCE $209.32 T
770 17 MCMUA $535.28 T
770 19 MCMUA $1,052.21 T

Parsippany Town Hall Will Have Election Ballot Drop Off Box

PARSIPPANY — Morris County Board of Elections is installing 15 new ballot drop boxes, an increase from five, and officials say they should all be in place by October, more than a month before the November 3 election.

The boxes are all outside and under surveillance 24/7. They resemble a USPS Blue Mailbox, but are Red, White & Blue, and display “Morris County – Official Ballot DropBox.”

Parsippany’s box is scheduled to be installed at Municipal Building, 1001 Parsippany Boulevard. The box will be placed outside the main entrance facing Route 287.

There will be a representative from the Republican Club, Democrat Club, and a member of the Morris County Sheriff’s Office collecting the Vote-By-Mail ballots (VBMs). They will be transported to the Board of Elections. All security measures will be followed when collecting and transporting the VBMs, officials said.

Existing drop box locations:

Morris County Administration & Records Building 10 Court Street, Morristown.(Outside front entrance)

Mount Olive Municipal Building 204 Flanders/Drakestown Road, Budd Lake. (Parking Lot entrance to Municipal Offices)

Rockaway Twp. Municipal Building 65 Mount Hope Road, Rockaway. (Outside Police Department)

Montville Municipal Building 195 Changebridge Road. (In front of Municipal Building)

Madison Public Safety Complex 62 Kings Road. (Commuter Parking Lot 3)

Dropbox locations expected to be open by October:

Chester Township Municipal Building 1 Parker Road. Chester. Parking Lot by Clothing Drop Box

Denville Municipal Building 1 St. Mary’s Place, Denville. Outside Main Entrance

Jefferson Municipal Building 1033 Weldon Road, Oak Ridge. Outside Main Entrance

Kinnelon Borough Town Hall 130 Kinnelon Road, Kinnelon. Parking Lot – Back Entrance

Long Hill Town Hall 915 Valley Road, Gillette. Side Entrance

Mendham Boro Police Department 3 Cold Hill Road South, Mendham.Outside Front Entrance

Randolph Municipal Building 502 Millbrook Avenue. Outside Main Entrance

Roxbury Township Town Hall 1715 Route 46, Ledgewood. Outside Main Entrance

Wharton Municipal Building 10 Robert Street. Outside Main Entrance

The boxes are all outside and under surveillance 24/7. They resemble a USPS Blue Mailbox, but are Red, White & Blue, and display “Morris County – Official Ballot DropBox.”

Meet Mac… Mac and Cheese to be Exact

PARSIPPANY — This two-year-old American Bulldog/Pit mix is an absolute love and will be your favorite dog ever! We are so excited that Mac has successfully completed extensive, professional training and is ready for his forever home!

Mac loves to cuddle, give kisses, and go for walks. He’s a total mush just like his name! He does have a prey drive and his owner will need to be aware while walking him.

Mac is good with other large dogs but would do best in a home without any other pets or children. He is potty-trained and walks well in a harness. He also knows “sit” and “come!” Mac is very eager to please.

Mac is also happy to help you finish your meals and loves snacks. What can we say, his name is on point! Mac’s ideal home is one that doesn’t have frequent visitors or parties–he wants you all to himself–but also one that loves to go for long walks who plays lots of fetches!

If you’re looking for a big snuggle bug to add to your home, apply to adopt Mac today!

If you are interested in adopting, please fill out an application by clicking here.

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Intervale Road Bridge Replacement Begins in Parsippany

PARSIPPANY — Morris County announced that work will begin Thursday, September 24, to replace the Intervale Road bridge in Parsippany, requiring it to be closed to traffic for about four months.

The tiny county-owned span, which crosses a tributary of Troy Brook, carries as many as 600 vehicles daily. Detour signs already have been installed to guide traffic on alternate routes of about a mile in both directions, employing Intervale Road and Lake Drive.
The $726,360 project, financed by Morris County, will include replacement of the existing structure and both roadway approaches. The original stone masonry for the arch bridge was built about 120 years ago, and then widened and reinforced in 1940.

Bordered by guide rails on both sides, the bridge is only six-feet long and 31-feet wide. It carries two lanes of traffic in eastbound and westbound directions. While a bridge evaluation report lists the bridge to be in overall “fair” condition, the original stone arch has been deteriorating. It will be more cost-effective to replace the bridge rather than continue costly maintenance.

Morris County is moving ahead on many bridge projects this year, taking advantage of lighter traffic during the COVID-19 crisis to get work done with less impact to the motoring public.

The Lowdown on Alcohol Addiction Treatment

MORRIS COUNTY — You’ve told yourself dozens of times it’s time to cut back on alcohol, yet there you are popping into a liquor store again. You know drinking too much is harmful to your health, and that you’re not fully present in your life when you’re buzzed. You’re tired of waking up groggy. You’re afraid to tally up how much you’ve spent on booze. But still…

“When you want to stop drinking and have made the decision to stop drinking, but are still drinking, it’s time for treatment,” NewBridge Services Director of Addiction Services Derk Replogle. “The first step is often is the hardest, and that’s asking for help.”

For National Recovery Month, Replogle offers insight into the various types of treatment.

Sobering Statistics
Alcohol abuse has increased significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic, with people imbibing more frequently at home out of stress, anxiety, or even boredom, Replogle said. When drinking becomes a habit or a means of suppressing emotions, it can indicate addiction. Replogle said people in recovery have relapsed over the past six months.

Addiction statistics were already worrisome before the pandemic. According to the most recent National Survey on Drug Use and Health, conducted in 2018, more than 21 million people in the U.S. aged 12 or older — one in 13 —needed substance use treatment. Only 11% received treatment at a specialty facility, the report said.

Heavy drinking — that’s having more than four drinks on a single day or 14 a week for men and more than three drinks in a day or seven a week for women — has serious health ramifications, raising risks for liver disease, heart disease, a number of cancers, and accidents. Because alcohol
suppresses the immune system, drinkers are more susceptible to contracting COVID-19, and experiencing more severe effects of the virus, Replogle said.

Abusing alcohol can also damage close relationships, affect careers, and result in costly legal problems, he said.

September is National Recovery Month
You likely have a drinking problem if you answer yes to two or more of the following questions, taken from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism website. In the past year, have you…
• Had times when you ended up drinking more, or longer than you intended?
• More than once wanted to cut down or stop drinking, or tried to, but couldn’t?
• Spent a lot of time drinking? Or being sick or getting over the aftereffects?
• Experienced a strong need, or urge, to drink?
• Found that drinking — or being sick from drinking — often interfered with taking care of your home or family? Or caused job troubles? Or school problems?
• Continued to drink even though it was causing trouble with your family or friends?
• Given up or cut back on activities that were important or interesting to you, or gave you pleasure, in order to drink?
• More than once gotten into situations while or after drinking that increased your chances of being harmed?
• Continued to drink even though it was making you feel depressed or anxious or adding to another health problem? Or after having had a memory blackout?
• Had to drink much more than you once did to get the effect you want? Or found that your usual number of drinks had much less effect than before?
• Found that when the effects of alcohol were wearing off, you had withdrawal symptoms, such as trouble sleeping, shakiness, irritability, anxiety, depression, restlessness, nausea, or sweating? Or sensed things that were not there?

The NIAAA website, Rethinking Drinking, offers a wealth of resources for gauging your situation and figuring out the best treatment approach for you.

Treatment Options
If you are ready for treatment or have questions about treatment, contact 1-844 ReachNJ (1-844-732-2465). Alternatively, start by speaking to your primary physician, who can help you develop a plan of action and make referrals. Professional treatment for alcohol addiction begins with a clinical assessment. Treatment needs to be tailored to the individual to be successful, Replogle said. Treatment will likely involve a combination of approaches.

Detoxification, the process of eliminating alcohol or another drug from the body, is a pre-treatment step that can take several days to more than a week. People whose brain and central nervous system have developed a dependence on alcohol may experience severe withdrawal symptoms and need to detox under medical supervision due to the risk of seizures and/or possible death, Replogle said.

Outpatient Treatment
Outpatient treatment is most appropriate for people who have a stable home environment and are willing and able to attend counseling sessions. NewBridge Services provides this type of treatment, with clients attending one-on-one and/or group sessions two to three hours a week, Replogle said. NewBridge uses evidence-based practices to help clients alter harmful behaviors and prevent relapse. Individuals can continue working and living at home. Medication and support groups may be part of outpatient treatment.

Intensive Outpatient
An intensive outpatient program is geared for people who need more supervision in their recovery. It provides at least nine hours of service a week, usually broken into three-hour sessions. It can be a stepping stone from inpatient treatment to outpatient care.

Residential Treatment
Residential treatment is suitable for individuals who face a host of drinking triggers at home and need a more structured living environment. Providing 24-hour supervision, residential treatment is an option for those who were not successful in outpatient programs. People in short-term facilities typically stay for one to three months. Long-term residential treatment is more intense, with residents enrolled for up to a year. In addition to addiction treatment, they learn skills to manage day-to-day life and participate successfully in their community.

Addiction and mental illness often go hand-in-hand, Replogle noted. About a third of people who have a mental illness also have a substance abuse problem, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Among people living with a severe mental illness, the rate of co-occurring disorders is 50%. Those statistics are mirrored among people with substance abuse problems, NAMI reported.

Medication-Assisted Treatment is a growing field for treating alcohol abuse as well as other addictions, Replogle said. Medications approved by the Food and Drug Administration can be used in conjunction with evidence-based treatment options to reduce the likelihood of drinking alcohol. Naltrexone, for example, blocks the euphoric effects and feelings of intoxication, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration. Another, Disulfiram, causes a person ill effects if they consume alcohol.

No matter the treatment option, all require follow-up care to prevent relapse. Peer support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12-step programs can play an important role.

“People can and do recover from addiction,” Replogle said. “If you are struggling, start the process of recovery now. The future you will thank you.” To schedule an evaluation with NewBridge, call (973) 316-9333.

About NewBridge
NewBridge Services, a 501c(3) nonprofit, is a leading provider of counseling services, housing, and educational programs in northern New Jersey serving nearly 8,000 adults and seniors last year alone. NewBridge treats mental illnesses and addictions; teaches skills for coping with stress, grief, and challenging relationships; helps children who have been abused and neglected — and their families — heal; builds and manages affordable housing; offers school-based programs that teach children and adolescents resiliency skills for healthy emotional development; helps young adults succeed in their education and prepare for careers; and supports seniors so they can remain independent. Throughout its 57-year history, NewBridge has remained true to its mission of bringing balance to people’s lives by tracking shifts in communities’ needs and providing innovative, effective programs to meet them.

Partial Reopening Planned for Morris County Library

MORRIS COUNTY — The Morris County Library, which has been closed to the public since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the region, announced today that a partial reopening will begin Tuesday, September 29, 2020.

Only 30 patrons will be accommodated inside the Hanover Avenue facility in Whippany at one time, and some sections and departments of the library will remain off-limits.  Additionally, state-mandated COVID-19 precautions remain in place, so facial coverings over the nose and mouth are mandatory for anyone who plans to enter the building, and provisions have been made to keep patrons and staff socially distanced.

“The library is taking a justifiably cautious approach to re-opening, but we are hopeful we will soon see a full restoration of services there. The Morris County Library is a treasured part of our great quality of life. I am not sure everyone realizes just how many people rely on that important resource or the services it provides, not only to students, academics, and voracious readers, but also to professionals, business owners, and the public in general,” said Morris County Freeholder Director Deborah Smith.

“One Way” directional signs have been posted in the library and patrons will be asked to, please, follow all directional signage.

“The Morris County Library began curbside service on June 23.  Since that time, it has been well received with an average of 75 car visits per day.  In addition, the library resumed its ‘Libraries-by-Mail’ service to homebound patrons.  Beginning September 29, we are pleased to announce that patrons will be allowed to enter the library in limited numbers for modified services.  Staff is eager to greet and serve you,” said Darren O’Neill, Director of Library Services.

Library Hours:

  • Tuesday and Wednesday: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • Thursday: 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  • Friday and Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • The library will be closed on Sunday and Monday

What Is Open:

On the first floor, main stacks of the library will be open to browsing.


  1. The Circulation Desk, in the main lobby of the library, will be the primary location for patrons to pick up materials and place materials on hold.
  2. Quick browsing is permitted in the “Readers Services Department” ONLY.
  3. Computer usage is limited to one hour, once per day per patron, via a sign-up process. No reservations can be made. Six computers will be available for patron use, including four seated stations and two standing stations.
  4. “Children’s Department” material will be checked out and collected from the “Children’s Pick-up Station.”
  5. Patrons requiring reference material must contact the library 24 hours in advance for assistance.

Important Notice: Some Areas & Services Remain Closed

The second floor of the library, its snack bar, the public meeting rooms, and the study rooms will remain closed. Additionally, there will be no general seating or work areas, aside from the computer stations. The Music & Media Department also is currently closed and the library will not be able to circulate any materials from that department.  A notice will be issued when those services resume.

Patrons should monitor the Morris County Library website for updates by clicking here.

Curbside service, offered since June 23, will remain available and is the preferred method for circulating library materials. Book Returns will only be accepted via book-drop bins located outside the front entrance, and the library will continue to quarantine material for 96 hours before release it back into circulation.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call ahead at (973) 285-6930. The Morris County Library is located at 30 East Hanover Avenue, Whippany.

A Peaceful Rally to Support Police, Small Business and Trump was held in Parsippany

PARSIPPANY — Another beautiful Sunday afternoon for Morris County Republican Club Rally to support President Trump, Police, and Small Business. The rally was held on Gibraltar Drive, Route 10, Parsippany.

The large enthusiastic crowd came out in their pro-Trump attire to mingle and discuss politics with old and new friends and to cheer on the many guest speakers.

Special Guest speaker NYPD Police Commission Ret. Bernard Kerik addressed the crowd along with Parsippany Republican Chairman Louis Valori, Morris County Republican Chairwoman Laura Ali, Senator Joseph Pennacchio, Assemblywoman BettyLou DeCroce, Freeholders Tayfun Selen and John Krickus, Morris County Clerk Ann Grossi, Morris County Surrogate Heather Darling, Morris County Young Republican Chairman Justin Musella and Parsippany Resident and Businessman Edward Mosberg. Mr. Mosberg is a 94-year-old Holocaust survivor, who is a very strong supporter of President Trump and our police officers.


Morris Hills Magnet and Academy Students Run a Laptop Drive

MORRIS COUNTY — In light of the ongoing pandemic and the shift to a virtual culture, Juniors from the Morris Hills Magnet program and MCST Academies created a Laptop Drive in association with the American Tamil Medical Association (ATMA), a national nonprofit organization of Doctors, to help those in need.

The team members had collaborated via Zoom during July and Aug 2020. They had brainstormed a strategy to reach out to people and created a website, campaign email account, and canvassed about the project with their community, friends, families, local businesses, and eWaste companies. The team of juniors worked tirelessly through the summer, reaching out to local companies and communities. In a span of three weeks, the team collected and refurbished more than 20 laptops costing over 8000 dollars in original value to be donated to help socio-economically challenged students in need to continue their education virtually.

The laptops were refurbished by our magnet students, by backing up data, formatting, creating bootable windows disks, installing newer versions of Windows, checking network connectivity. Team also ordered new parts such as chargers, batteries, and web cameras as required for the laptops. The team then cataloged and arranged laptops donating them to High school and college students in the Tri-State area.

Magnet Junior Akash Puzhakkal said “I truly enjoyed this experience. During this pandemic, kids should be able to have access to computers to continue their education, and those of us who have spare laptops should provide help to those who unfortunately cannot afford laptops. Thankfully, I was able to provide help to other kids. The Tamil Task Team helped provide more than 20 laptops to those in need, thus giving a future to 20+ kids. Without a doubt, I am glad to be a part of this group, as helping people during these pandemic times should be a priority.”

Magnet Junior Mihir Vemuri said “As someone who really likes technology, it was an intriguing possibility to be able to fix laptops and donate them for a better cause. I was able to install windows 8 onto a Windows XP laptop, which was quite a challenging task. It is a great feeling that kids will be able to use these laptops for their virtual education, seeing as the current COVID 19 situations have made it hard for some families to purchase workable machines. I am so glad to be a part of something that will truly help. I enjoyed reaching out to various local companies for laptops and planning along with our peers”

“I joined the COVID-19 Tamil Task Team’s laptop drive to put my passion for tinkering with PCs and Smartphones to a cause that would greatly benefit the community. After working over the span of a few weeks, I could not be more satisfied with the result and impact we will have on those in need of educational resources. I feel ecstatic that, along with my peers in the COVID-19 Tamil Task Team, I was able to utilize my passion for the benefit of my community,” said Magnet Junior Rahul Mehta.

Magnet Junior Mukilan Karthikeyan said, “My motivation for this project came to from the knowledge that in our current situation the schools would rely on virtual learning, but many of the students may not have the resources to do so. With the beginning of school quickly approaching us we set up a virtual Laptop Drive in association with the COVID-19 Tamil Task Team. We created a website and flyers reaching out to hundreds of people in our community. I reached out to many eWaste companies and corporations such as Chase and Bank of America. Although we were not able to get a corporate donation, we received a great response from our community. During this project, I learned a lot about computers from isolating hardware issues to booting up new Operating systems. Creating the drive was a great experience. I am grateful for the opportunity to help students continue learning during this time need.”

“My childhood idol, astronomer Carl Sagan once said, “If we crave some cosmic purpose, then let us find ourselves a worthy goal.” Such delectable words especially resonated with me as we gave a helping hand in creating a laptop drive. After being able to help organize a drive for the COVID-19 Tamil Task Team that will assist impoverished students in getting an education that they deserve, has truly brought a sense of delight to my heart. After all, to contribute to something bigger than ourselves is one step in a fulfilled life,” stated Magnet Junior Siddhant Kapoor.

Magnet Junior Rithvik Mani said, ”This laptop drive was an amazing and rewarding experience and I am very grateful to be a part of it. Learning about computers, helping people, and getting hands-on experience were all reasons that helped motivate me to do this drive. Some of the difficulties I faced included parts not arriving and issues fixing my laptop. Solving these problems allowed me to learn from my experience and let me more efficiently fix other laptops. From this drive, I learned a lot about the inner workings of laptops, and it was great to have the opportunity to help other kids like me in need. Thank you!”

“I volunteered with the COVID-19 Tamil Task Force to donate laptops to kids in need. The way it worked was that you would donate your old working laptops and we would refurbish them and send them to kids in need. So I enjoyed it a lot because it allowed me to work with computers, which I love, and spend that time working on an honorable cause. I enjoyed the challenges that came along with working on the laptops and the issues that might arise. I would do this again if I had the chance,” said Academy of Comp Science Sophmore Rohan Parikh.

Academy Junior Ananya Rath said, “In these challenging times, many students are struggling and I wanted to do something to help out.  I volunteered in this Laptop drive as a part of the High School volunteering team for the COVID19 Tamil Task Team, to collect 20 Laptops for students in need during this pandemic  As education is becoming more reliant upon computers and technology, this drive helped aid those who are less fortunate. I was also able to learn more about computers with this experience as I had to learn to change their batteries, update their operating systems, and fix driver issues. Reaching out to our community and finding help in this time of need is really important and I am glad that I was able to find a way to make a difference.“

Senior student Akhil Kalapatapu from Cherokee High School supported the team and commented. “My motivation for doing this drive was the cause. I have volunteered for charitable organizations in the past and I feel that donating to those in need is a really good thing. I want to be as involved as possible when it comes to things like this. As for my experience, it was a bit difficult trying to find laptops to collect, but after finally collecting and donating them, I felt that it was a good experience.”

Parsippany Community Update September 21, 2020

PARSIPPANY — Mayor Michael Soriano Declares September 2020 Childhood Cancer Awareness Month in Parsippany-Troy Hills Childhood cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children.

Too many children are affected by this deadly disease, and more must be done to raise awareness and find a cure. “I encourage all residents of the Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills to observe Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and support this cause that so deeply impacts families in every community across the country,” said Mayor Soriano.

For more information on Childhood Cancer Awareness, or to get involved, please visit the American Childhood Cancer Organization by clicking here.

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