Dear Editor:
As a 20-year resident of Parsippany and lifelong Republican, I was appalled to read how James Barbeiro and his bobble-head council took Justin Musella to task over his wife’s speeding ticket of years past. Barberio seems to be grasping at straws to maintain his credibility as mayor. Justin Musella is a threat to him and the jealousy is apparent. It echoes the tactics of Democrats vs. President Trump, and we all know where that crusade got the Dems.

So, if that’s the game Barberio is playing, why not bring up Barberio’s son’s drug bust in 2018 or better still, Barberio’s call for leniency of a friend of his son who was arrested for 11 pounds (!) of marijuana in 2011. Both of these incidents occurred before Marijuana was deemed legal. It appears to me that those are far bigger skeletons in the mayor’s closet than a simple speeding ticket.
In my case, I had to reach out to Barbeiro on two occasions for much-needed assistance with my senior tax freeze: once by email and once in person. On each occasion, I never heard back from the mayor—not once! I guess he was too busy with one of his coffee klatches or another opportunity to tout his “home town boy” routine. I now have zero respect for the man.
The town is changing due to Inglesino’s mass development projects, and not for the better. We need fresh blood, and we need someone like Justin Musella, who answers my every email and phone call.
By the way, “Barberio” is a Portugese word that refers to a blood sucking insect. Google it. I’m not resorting to any name calling. Just simply stating a fact.
Don Faruolo