Dear Editor:
I am a long-time resident of Parsippany and have not been involved with local politics. Recently, I have been watching the mayoral race and am concerned about the impropriety of the move to censure Justin Musella for a claim of abuse of his authority during a traffic stop.

This appears to be a weaponizing act by our local government to control who is in this election period. I do protest this “gaming” of the rules to damage opponents. This case has not produced any evidence in the police report of abuse of authority. In addition, it does seem that Mr. Musella, the passenger in the moving violation, did not attempt to “beat the ticket.” The police officer identified Mr. Musella at the beginning of the stop and exercised his discretion to issue either the ticket or a warning, and he made his choice. Why even bring this up two years after this incident?
Do not allow dirty politics to enter our city government, and such a transparent attempt at that would only cause a lack of trust in our city and its representatives. If this censure does occur, it will impact my future voting.
Michael E Poplawski