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Parsippany Council to Discuss Redevelopment Plan, Police Equipment Purchases, and Budget Transfers at February 18 Meeting





PARSIPPANY — The Township Council of Parsippany-Troy Hills will meet on Tuesday, February 18, at 7:00 p.m. to discuss a range of community initiatives, infrastructure improvements, and financial matters that will shape the township’s future.

Click here for a copy of the agenda.

Click here for a copy of the 2025 calendar.

Agenda Highlights

Consent Agenda (Routine Approvals)

  1. Appointment of Special Law Enforcement Officers, Class II
  2. Interlocal Agreement with Morris County for a Nutrition Center at the Community Center
  3. Budget Appropriation Transfers
  4. Change Order No. 8 for Well No. 1 A-R Replacement Project
  5. Purchase of an Aerial Lift and Chip Body
  6. Purchase of Two Lenovo ThinkSystem Servers for Parsippany Police
  7. Purchase of In-Car Video System and Video Manager for Police
  8. Contract Extension for Sewage Sludge Disposal Services

Ordinances – First Reading

  1. Ordinance 2025:01 – Adoption of the 169 Lackawanna Avenue Redevelopment Plan.
  2. Ordinance 2025:02 – Amendments to Chapter 430 (Zoning) of the Township Code.

Non-Consent Agenda (Discussion & Separate Votes)

  • Change orders for Well 21-R Replacement Project and Well No. 1 A-R Replacement Project.

Financial Approvals

  • Payroll Payments (February 28, 2025) – $1,650,000
  • Bills List Payments (February 18, 2025) – $3,415,167.98

What’s Next?

The next council session, following the February 4 meeting, is scheduled for March 4, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. Residents are encouraged to stay informed and engaged in these discussions as the township continues to grow and develop.

The council meeting will provide an opportunity for public input, allowing residents to voice their opinions on key issues impacting the community. Those interested in attending or participating in the public session should be prepared to share their thoughts and concerns during the designated time.

Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided in accordance with the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Law by filing the notice in the Office of the Township Clerk and by posting the meeting notice on the bulletin board at the Municipal Building on December 2, 2024, where it has remained posted since that date. A legal notice appeared in the Daily Record and the Newark Star-Ledger on December 6, 2024. 

Mayor James Barberio
Council President Paul Carifi, Jr.
Council Vice President Frank Neglia
Councilman Justin Musella
Councilman Matt McGrath
Councilwoman Judy Hernandez

Frank L. Cahill
Frank L. Cahill
Publisher of Parsippany Focus since 1989 and Morris Focus since 2019, both covering a wide range of events. Mr. Cahill serves as the Executive Board Member of the Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce, Governor-Elect NJ District Kiwanis International and Chairman of Parsippany-Troy Hills Economic Development Advisory Board.
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