Dear Editor:
My family and I moved back to Parsippany a year ago because we felt it was the better place for our children to attend school and grow up

Our township has many things to offer young families, everything from a great school system to wonderful extra-curricular activities, fabulous restaurants, and most importantly, a very supportive community.
Parsippany also has very dedicated elected officials in both political parties. However, for the last year, I have witnessed a spirited debate over the issue of Pilots.
Both Mayor Barberio and Councilman Musella have offered opposing presentations on why they think PILOTS are either right or wrong for our community respectively.
I feel Parsippany residents are more than capable of deciding whether Pilots are right or wrong for our community. In addition, the people are also capable of deciding What Pilots should be used for and what is an appropriate amount of time for them to last. As a result, the only way to resolve this issue is to have a referendum for the people of Parsippany to decide whether or not to have Pilots and resolve the issue.
Eric Densmore