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Democratic Morris County Commissioner Candidates Strickland, Sackett, and Ravitz Statement on NJGOP Law Enforcement Mailer

MORRIS COUNTY – Democratic Morris County Commissioner candidates Justin Strickland, Jonathan Sackett, and William “Bud” Ravitz reject the outrageous lies in the mailer sent by the New Jersey Republican State Committee implying that the candidates do not back and support law enforcement.

Here’s the truth: As elected officials in their towns, all three candidates have consistently voted to fully fund the police, voted to hire additional officers, and have been out in the community showing their support of law enforcement.

Justin Strickland is a United States Army combat veteran who acutely understands the importance of public safety. As a Chatham Borough Councilman, Strickland voted this year to hire two additional police officers and purchase two additional police cars not originally in the planned budget. His dedication to public safety extends to school safety. Strickland was the leading councilperson to support Chatham Borough paying for the school police officers out of the municipal budget.

As Rockaway Township Councilman, Jonathan Sackett helped push Rockaway Township in partnership with the Board of Education to hire class three officers in the elementary schools. He voted to increase the police department every year for the six years he has been on the council. Sackett also teaches self-defense and safety as the owner of a martial arts school, and he is proud that his son interned with the Rockaway Township Police department and is now a member of the ROTC for the US Army.

As Morris Township Committeeman and former Deputy Mayor, Bud Ravitz is proud to say that their police department is recognized as one of the best in the county. He serves on the Police Standing Committee and has consistently voted to fully fund the police operating budget and purchase three new vehicles every year.

After decades of a one-party Morris County Board of Commissioners, Strickland, Sackett, and Ravitz are ready to revitalize the county with a focus on your voice: Voices that have been asking for a new strategy to combat overdevelopment and better government transparency.

This team of experienced elected officials will always show up for the community. They’ll prioritize community engagement, always seeking to save taxpayer dollars with an eye toward shared services. They know how to make improvements for more livable communities – they’ve done it in their towns and they can do it for the whole county.

Learn more about Strickland, Sackett, and Ravitz by clicking here.

Frank L. Cahill
Frank L. Cahill
Publisher of Parsippany Focus since 1989 and Morris Focus since 2019, both covering a wide range of events. Mr. Cahill serves as the Executive Board Member of the Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce, President of Kiwanis Club of Tri-Town and Chairman of Parsippany-Troy Hills Economic Development Advisory Board.
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