PARSIPPANY — David Smith recently attained the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout.
The Eagle Court of Honor occurred at All Saints Academy on Sunday, April 28.

Earning the rank of Eagle Scout requires dedication and a steadfast commitment to the principles of Scouting. This esteemed rank is so challenging that only about 6% of Scouts achieve it. Since its inception in 1911, over two million Scouts have reached this significant milestone.
David started his scouting journey at Lake Hiawatha Elementary School as a first grader. He joined Parsippany Cub Scout Pack 215, where his father, Andy Smith, volunteered as a Den Leader, and his mom, Meg Smith, planned Cub Scout Pack meetings and events as the Committee Chairperson. During his time in the Pack, he enjoyed the annual Cubelos campouts and Pinewood Derby events. He enjoyed overnight overnights at Battleship New Jersey, the Philadelphia Zoo, and the Teterboro Airport Museum.
In February 2020, during the Cub Scout Pack Blue and Gold Banquet event, David bridged to Troop 72 as an Arrow of Light Scout. He could attend regular troop meetings for a few weeks until the COVID-19 lockdown when Troop 72 pivoted and held online meetings and events.

David’s first campout had a virtual campfire program, and he stayed overnight in a tent with his brother in his backyard. David used his downtime during COVID-19 to complete merit badges like coin collecting and woodworking. He also took advantage of online merit badge workshops the Patriots Path Council offered. His older brother, Andrew, worked with him on scouting skills and prepared him for upcoming in-person campout events.
In the fall of 2020, he attended his first real campout and was excited to attend his first in-person summer camp in the summer of 2021. David worked with other scouts on scout skills, earned ranks, and completed more merit badges.
Scout June 11, 2020
Tenderfoot February 24, 2021
Second Class March 15, 2022
First Class June 9, 2022
Star Scout October 11, 2022
Life Scout April 19, 2023
Eagle Scout January 31, 2024
David Achieves Notable Milestone with 26 Merit Badges Earned: Archery, Basketry, Camping, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in Society, Citizenship in the World, Collections, Coin Collecting, Communications, Cooking, Emergency Preparedness, Environmental Science, Family Life, Fingerprinting, First Aid, Mammal Study, Personal Fitness, Personal Management, Pets, Reading, Scholarship, Small Boat Sailing, Snow Sports, Swimming, and Woodwork.

David volunteered for many troop community service events and Eagle Scout projects of other scouts, including his brother’s Eagle Project, in October 2021. He attended summer camps and troop events to build his scout skills. In the summer of 2023, he attended National Youth Leadership Training. He used these skills to lead others during his Eagle Scout Project, during which volunteers constructed and installed wooden puncheons (raised wooden walkways) and dug a drainage swale at Old Troy County Park in Parsippany. This project will prevent trail erosion and provide park visitors with a dryer passage.

As a Freshman at Parsippany High School, David continues to be an active member of Troop 72. He is a Patrol Leader and works with younger scouts, teaching them scout skills. David’s family has a strong connection to scouting, as his uncle, father, and brother have all earned the rank of Eagle Scout.
Scouts hailing from various corners of Parsippany and beyond are represented. They attend schools such as Brooklawn Middle School, Central Middle School, Parsippany High School, Parsippany Hills High School, and other institutions beyond the Parsippany public school system.
Troop 72 is sponsored by Saint Peter the Apostle Church and meets in the cafeteria at All Saints Academy. They attend Scout Sunday at Saint Peter’s, and their annual food drive benefits the Saint Peter food pantry.
Troop 72 participates in community service work with multiple churches and civic organizations. They welcome any requests from the community and are always happy to help.
For more information on Scouts BSA Troop 72 Parsippany, click here.
Reprinted from Parsippany Focus Magazine, June 2024. Click here to view.