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HomeLocal NewsBoard of Education Candidate: Kendra Von Achen

Board of Education Candidate: Kendra Von Achen





PARSIPPANY — Parsippany Focus reached out to all Board of Education candidates for the upcoming election. Here’s what Kendra Von Achen had to say.

Q. What is the role of the school board of education? What is the role of the Superintendent of Schools? (Please answer both parts): 

A. By definition, the Role of the School Board is to create and enforce policies, set goals for the district, and hire, fire, and review the Superintendent. The board sets the direction for the district to head down. One other important aspect the Board needs to do is follow the laws set in the state to ensure the mandates set by the Department of Education are followed.

Q. If you have not previously served on, or run for election to the Board of Education in the past, what motivated you to run at this time?

A. I have been on the board for the past 3+ years. I am running again now to remain on the board. My initial term started 3 months before Covid hit, so I did not have a “normal” term. I want the opportunity to be able to sit for another 3 years through a “normal” term, be able to provide more ideas for improvements, and maintain positive momentum for the district.

Q. Between April 30, 2022, and April 30, 2023, how many Board of Education meetings have you attended? 

 All but a few. I was on the board for most of that time, except January-April 2023. During that time, I attended at least half of the meetings still.

Q. Attending Bi-monthly meetings is only a fraction of the commitment needed by an elected board member. If you have attended less than three meetings during this time, how will you assure voters that you have the time and dedication to serve on the Board of Education?

A. I have attended more than three meetings during this time. I have proven for the past 3+ years that I am committed to the success of this district, and my time on the board is a priority.

Q. If elected to the Board of Education, what would be your three top priorities in detail?
My priorities as a member of the Board of Education are:

  • Fair and equitable decisions are made for ALL the students of the district
  • Transparency
  • Ensuring we are providing technology and educational curriculum that is preparing our students for the jobs of the future. This includes providing Professional Development to the teachers to support this

    Q. Describe your plan to balance the needs/wants of your constituents, state and federal mandates, and your personal beliefs to ensure that school district policies are appropriate to these sometimes-competing priorities.

    A. As a board member, I am there to ensure the success and protection of all students in the district, and in turn, all staff as well. My personal beliefs play a very small role as a board member because what I personally feel is not always relevant to what is important to the education of the students. I listen to all constituents, however, I also have to ensure the voices are not coming from political motivations and short-term fads, but rather true concerns about the well-being of the students. What may bother one parent may be completely fine for the majority of the rest of them. So it is a balancing act to ensure the majority are heard while also making sure the minority voices are listened to.

    State and Federal mandates are an important part of the role of a Board member. As a board member, you take an oath to uphold the laws, just like any elected official. I am not an educator, so I put my trust in those that are, those professionals that study education, psychology, and other aspects of teaching our children. I may not understand all of the reasons why a specific mandate was put in place, but I will do my best to read about it and gain an understanding as to why I should stand behind it.

    I also know and trust that our district’s administrators and educators are going to do their best to create and provide the best curriculum that ensures the mandates are covered, but also ensures we are teaching the material in an age-appropriate manner throughout the curriculum.

    Q. Describe your comfort level with fiscal responsibility and your ability to make difficult and sometimes unpopular decisions to maintain financial stability.

    A. I am very comfortable with being fiscally responsible. As a board member who has gone through voting on three budgets and has sat through additional budget hearings before becoming a Board Member, I know what it takes, what the components of the budget are, and some of the decisions that are made behind the scenes. 

    Q. As a publicly elected Board of Education member, you are a constant representation of the Parsippany Board of Education, including on social media platforms. Describe how you would balance your personal opinions with your sworn obligations to the board while using these platforms.

    A. As a Board member, you are one of nine viewpoints and votes. On social media, you do not represent the board as a whole, and it is important to remind the public of that in certain situations where it may come off that your statement is being made as the board as a whole. I am careful what I say in group environments on social media because of this. But that doesn’t mean I can’t have my own opinions. I am, however, more cautious of what I say in public forums online because of my position as a Board member.

Q. Having a family member employed by the school district or elected as a Board of Education Member creates a potential conflict of interest. If this situation pertains to you, how can you assure voters that, if elected, your decisions will be objective and in the best interest of the school district and not seen as nepotism?

A. I do not have any conflicts of interest, as I do not have any family members employed by the district, nor do I have any family or friends who work for any vendors of the district.

Frank L. Cahill
Frank L. Cahill
Publisher of Parsippany Focus since 1989 and Morris Focus since 2019, both covering a wide range of events. Mr. Cahill serves as the Executive Board Member of the Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce, Governor-Elect NJ District Kiwanis International and Chairman of Parsippany-Troy Hills Economic Development Advisory Board.
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