PARSIPPANY — The Par-Troy Little League will again sponsor “Challenger Games” on Sunday, May 7, starting at 2:00 p.m. The games will be held at the Par-Troy Little League West Complex, 89 Elmwood Drive.
The first game starts at 2:00 p.m. when PTWLL “buddies” assist Challenger Players in their game.
At 4:00 p.m., PTWLL faces the Challengers in a special game with special rules for PTWLL players. So far, the Challengers are undefeated! Everyone is welcome to come and participate.
The Challenger League is a baseball league for disabled children established in 1986 by Williamsport Little League.
The Morris County Challenger Little League was established in 1999. The dedicated volunteers create a positive environment for the children who need this program. Most of the participants are from Morris County, and a few are from the neighboring counties.
The ages of participants are five years old to 21 years old. The 21-year-old must be attending a school to participate.
The Baseball schedule begins in the middle of April and ends at the end of June. The games are played in a different town every weekend.
PTWLL “buddies” can be players, siblings, parents, or guardians of nearly all ages. PTWLL participants have found the games to be very rewarding and fun. Everyone is welcome to come and participate.
For more information on Morris County Challenger Little League, click here.