PARSIPPANY — Kiwanis Greater Parsippany held its first “Annual Lunch Fundraiser” focused on benefiting the organization’s mission at the Gourmet Café on Sunday, March 5. As anticipated, the tickets sold quickly, filling the venue with members and supporters.
Kiwanis, an international service club whose motto is “Serving the Children of the World,” empowers service-minded, committed community members to pursue creative ways to serve the needs of children, fight hunger, and address and serve an array of community needs.

The fundraiser was the brainchild of Charter President, and Chairman of the Fundraiser, Nicolas Limanov, who, along with Kiwanis Division 9 Lt. Governor Frank Cahill, organized and coordinated the highly successful luncheon, which is sure to become an annual event.
The event certainly did not disappoint, as the room was filled with fun conversations, laughter, outstanding food, and live music. Gourmet Café Chef Matt created a top-notch menu for the event, consisting of a mouth-watering selection of Meatballs and Caesar Salad for the first course, followed by Penne Vodka topped with Ricotta, then a selection of entrees, including Lobster Ravioli, Linguine White Clams, Eggplant Parmigiana, and Chicken Marsala. Followed by Tartufo and Coffee.
Live music by critically acclaimed vocalist and recording artist Gian Faraone, kept the mood festive and lively, with Italian favorites and oldies throughout the event. Dancing and singing along with many songs were all part of the afternoon’s fun.

Local dignitaries included Council President Loretta Gragnani, Council Vice President Michael J. dePierro, and Councilman Justin Musella. All had a great time.