PARSIPPANY — Mayor James Barberio honored our military veterans with a Veteran’s Day Memorial Ceremony held on Friday, November 11 at 11:11 a.m.

Mayor Jamie Barberio and Council President Michael dePierro (a Veteran himself) presided over the ceremony. Also on hand were Council Vice President Loretta Gragnani, Councilman Justin Musella, Morris County Clerk Ann Grossi, Former Assemblywoman BettyLou DeCroce, and Morris County Commissioner Deputy Director John Krickus. Krickus served in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves.

The Presentation of Colors by the American Legion Post #249 and VFW Post 10184 included members John Flavin, Richard Kunz, Bernie McElwie, Andy Dachile, and Bob Hughs. Bruce Michels, Dermot Brennan, and Howard Hendrickson represented American Legion Post 249.

The Invocation was led by Deacon Len Deo of St. Ann’s RC Church. The National Anthem was sung by Michelle Musolino-Roberts. Council President Michael dePierro led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance and also delivered the Introductory Remarks.

Mayor James Barberio addressed the Veterans and the audience with the opening remarks. He stated, “Veteran’s Day is a time to look back, honor, and remember those who have sacrificed for our freedoms. We would not be who or where we are without the many brave and courageous men and women who have fought for us. Their patriotism and dedication to the United States of America are honorable and it is not something I don’t think about every day. We can never fully repay our debt of gratitude to the American service members who died in battle or those who were wounded. We can, however, recognize and thank the millions of veterans still living today and let them know that we appreciate them for their service and honor them for their sacrifices.”
Council President Michael dePierro then decided “The Noble and Brace: A Veteran’s Day Tribute?”

Rabbi Moshe Rudin, Adath Shalom Synagogue, offered a “Prayer of Remembrance.”
Laying of the Wreaths was performed by Mark Miller, Commander VFW Post #10184, and Bruce Michels, Commander American Legion Post #249.

Taps were performed by Dominick Caponegro, a student at Parsippany High School.

The guest speaker was Lake Parsippany resident Joseph Bulgarini, a Veteran of WWII. Joe served his country with honor during WWII in the United States Army, where he achieved the rank of Sergeant T4 and was deployed to India where his unit worked to keep the Japanese forces from gaining control.

Bulgarini celebrated his 100th Birthday on Saturday, October 1. Joe and his wife Louise moved with their two daughters, Carol and Janice, to Lake Parsippany in 1966 where they created many wonderful memories together. He also served as President of the Lake Parsippany Property Owners Association.
Joe is the beloved father to Carol Elmstrom and Janice Blinder, a devoted grandfather to Sharon, David, and Cheryl, and a loving great-grandfather to Carina and Victoria.
Then Council President recited the poem “Just a Common Soldier.”

“God Bless America” was recited by Parsippany Hills High School student Squeeze Paterno.
Rev. Donald A. Bragg, Pastor, of Parsippany Presbyterian Church gave the benediction, and Retirement of the Colors was performed by the VFW and American Legion.