PARSIPPANY — 2020 was an incredibly difficult year with so many ups and downs that nobody could have ever seen coming.
Through it all, the members of Front Line Morris saw so many people come together and do whatever they could to help make a difference to so many people that needed it many of which never thought they would ever need it.
It went from Meals to PPE to Food Drives to Lawn Signs to Clothing Drives and so much more.
Over $70,000 in monetary donations on top of probably over $50,000 in food and clothing donations not to mention the time and work given to help however possible.
Who knows what the future will hold but at the end of the day they know just how amazing they could be when all work together! With that said they are extremely proud and honored to announce that Front Line Morris has now been officially incorporated as the newest New Jersey Non-Profit Organization!

This will allow the group to continue their efforts to raise funds towards helping those in need at the times they need it the most without having to do so via GoFundMe Front Line Morris will also be able to work with other corporations to receive donations, grants, and fund matching programs among other opportunities.
“We look forward to expanding our outreach as much as possible to help in any way we can,” said President Chris Mazzarella.
Front Line Morris Officers are President: Chris Mazzarella; Vice-President: Ted Stanziale and Secretary/Treasurer: Rob Zwigard.

For more information click here.