PARSIPPANY — New Jersey Kiwanis District Governor Gordon Meth presented Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany President Frank Cahill with the “Carrington Swain Fellowship Award.”
Meth explained, “Cahill was awarded this prestigious award for attracting new members to the Greater Parsippany club, but also him being instrumental in forming a new club, Kiwanis Club of Tri-Town, serving Boonton, Boonton Township and Mountain Lakes.”
Carrington Swain Fellowship Award The New Jersey Kiwanis Foundation Board of Trustees created the Carrington Swain Fellowship Award in 1998. It is named in honor of the two Kiwanis International Presidents from our great district.
Dr. William I. Carrington (1934‐1935) from the Kiwanis Club of Atlantic City, and Charles A.ʺNickʺ Swain (1963‐1964) from the Kiwanis Club of Cape May.
First-time Carrington-Swain Fellowship members receive a lapel pin, plaque, and a medallion bearing the likeness of our two presidents suspended from a green and white ribbon.
It is intended to be worn at high visibility District and Intemational functions. From supporting sponsored programs such as CircleK, KeyClub, Builder’sClub, K‐Kids and Aktion Clubs, to scholarships and club grants, your Kiwanis Foundation sponsors and supports a wide range of New Jersey Kiwanis initiatives and programs.
Indeed, it is a vehicle by which all members of the New Jersey District can reach beyond their homes, clubs, and communities to make a real difference in many people’s lives in New Jersey.